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I watched as Rick and Carl ran to Judith, "I need to talk to you." Ford pulled me aside far enough away that they couldn't hear us but that my family was still in my eyesight. "We're going to DC, Eugene knows how to stop this" I just stared at him, the whole point of our unit was to find a stop to this or at least the cause of it. And there was none.

"you can not tell me you actually believe that. We had the top scientists in the world helping us out and you're going to believe some random ass man you met on the road" All I got back was a blank stare "do whatever you think is right for you and Espinosa but I will not send my family on a fool's errand" I tried my best to put on a smile as I returned to my family. "We should go" Carol started walking and we all just followed, Rick had Judith on his hip, and I had my arm slung over Carl's shoulder. Daryl's hand in mine we all walked through the woods. It was at this moment I knew everything was going to be alright now that we found each other, we could get through anything as a family, even if part of my family wants to leave.

We set up camp in the living room of a run-down house we found. Daryl and Carl went out hunting while Rick and Glenn were working on a fire. Beth didn't have a soulmate but Glenn still treated her like she was his. Maggie didn't mind, in fact, it looked like it made her love Glenn more. "Got squirrels'' Carl healed up a string of 10 of the little things, "perfect, let's eat" i grabbed them and the thereof us started skinning them

It's been a week on the road, and nowhere has been safe. We all stood staring at the church "think it's safe?" Beth's been by my side since I found her, I did the best I could to teach her while we were on the road "we've been watching for two days, and only one man has come out" Ford impatient as ever.

"I'll go in, with Carl and Judith, the rest of you surround the place, they might go easier on women and kids" we all agreed and set the plan into action. I had Judith on my hip while Carl had his hand on the gun "do we knock" he looked adorable in his father's hat "think we're past that"

Carl kicked open the door and scanned the place with his gun drawn "hello?" the man we'd been watching timidly stepped out from the back room "is it just you?" Carl went straight to business, the door was still open we barely stepped inside the others were looking for my signal "I'm father Gabriel, and it's just me"

Carl checked the back room keeping an eye on the both of us "is it just you and the kids? You're more than welcome to stay" something seemed off about him, who would offer to let strangers stay in your home? Father or not. Carl gave me the nod and I signalled to the others to come in.

"You have others" Gabriel made an off-handed comment "why not all come in why just send her?" he was quick "people tend to lower their guard around women and children" rick told him and the others set up in the pues. Carl took Judith while me, Rick and Daryl took one of the back rooms.

Daryl hugged me from behind and Rick hugged me from the front, we just stood there in silence enjoying having each other back again. Daryl left a trail of kisses on my shoulder, "want to join, Rick?" his gruff voice filled the small room "I'm just going to watch this time"

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