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Taehyung's POV:

"Eomma, Appa, are you guys fighting?" Aerum asked in a small, quiet voice.

Me and Jungkook stopped and looked at each other for a second.

I turned to Aerum and shook my head.

"No baby, what makes you think that?" I asked as I walked over to kneel beside her bed. Jungkook did the same as me.

"You guys didn't say hi or hug and kiss when Eomma got back. You barely looked at each other." Aerum said waving her arms in the air.

"Yeah! You haven't given a ppoppo to each other all day!" Miso exclaimed.

I was surprised because didn't kids hate it when they had to witness their parents kiss?

"Yeah! And you been saying "Tae" instead of baby, Daddy!" Aerum said pointing her little finger at Jungkook.

"I don't call him baby everyday!" Jungkook defended.

"Yes you do!" Aerum said.

"Because he is your baby!" Miso giggled out.

I blushed at their statements and didn't know what to say or do.

"And you haven't said Kookie all day!" Aerum said.

"Are you guys really fighting?" Miso said with a sad voice.

I started to panic seeing them start to get upset.

"No! We are fine! Right, Kookie?" I asked Jungkook who seemed just as panicked.

"Yes baby!" He answered as he slung his arm around my waist.

"Good, now go to sleep babies." I said about to leave but when I saw Aerum's face she still looked confused and unconvinced.

I sighed thinking of someway we could prove to them that we aren't fighting.

An idea popped into my head and it made me blush but it was the quickest and easiest way to prove.

"Aerum, look." I said.

Once she looked up at me I grabbed Jungkook's chin and smashed our lips together in a fast, messy peck.

When I pulled away from him I tried to ignore how my lips tingled and my heart was pounding and looked back at Aerum who had a wide smile written on her face.

"Goodnight Baby." I said as I pulled a still shocked Jungkook out of the room.

I shut the door behind us and felt Jungkook wrap his arms around my waist. I looked over my shoulder at him and he smiled sheepishly at me.

"Sorry, habit." He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes before walking us into the bedroom where everything started.

"So... how was your date?" Jungkook asked.

"I have a lot to tell you." I said as I grabbed his hands and sat him on the bed in front of me.

"Go on." He said in a deep voice that made my heart flutter.

I cleared my throat and began to talk.

"We are going to Jeju Island in three days. All of us. The girls, the hyungs, everyone. We leave at 7:00 in the morning and fly to meet everyone at our beach house on the island. Isn't that awesome?" I asked, already feeling excited for this trip.

"Yeah! How long will we be there?" He asked.

"A week." I smiled.

"Oh Yeah!" He yelled pumping his fists in the air.

"Shhhhhhh! The girls are trying to sleep!" I whisper shouted as I flung a pillow over his head.

"Oops! Sorry girls!" He whisper shouted towards the closed bedroom door.

"Everything should be easy for the next few days so we will have plenty of time to figure out why we are here and how we can get home." I said.

"Perfect." He said with a smile.

"I really want to sleep right now though. Can we rest?" I asked.

"Yes baby, while you were out I found our pajamas, I'll go pick some out for you while you brush your teeth." Jungkook said, getting up.

I blushed because of the nickname and also because of the gesture. He was acting like we were really married. It was messing with my heart and mind.

I got up and brushed my teeth. Jungkook brought me clothes and I changed in the bathroom while he changed in the bedroom.

Once we were both ready, we got in the bed and Jungkook slipped his arms around my waist again. All I could think about was how good his lips felt on mine.

"Don't get used to this, Jeon." I warned as he squeezed my body against his.

He only laughed as a response making me smile a little.

What am I gonna do with him?

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