Stomach Ache

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Taehyung's POV:

The next day, I woke up early to make breakfast. I was half way through cooking when I heard Miso start fussing from her bedroom.

I put down the spoon I had in my hand and took off the little apron I was wearing, and like the good mother I am, went straight to their room.

I found Miso whining in her cribbed bed. She was too little to be in a regular bed.

"Aigoooo, my baby. Mama's here." I whispered as I walked to her bed.

She made grabby hands at me until I lifted her to my hip.

"You're up early today." I whispered to her as she put her face in my neck.

I walked out of the bedroom and started to walk downstairs again but stopped when I felt Miso start to lightly suck on the skin where my neck and shoulder met.

I walked back upstairs and into her bedroom again and going into their small shared bathroom. I grabbed a pacifier I had found while exploring yesterday and washed it off. She started to suck harder making me wince.

I gently pried her off my neck and stuck the pacifier between her lips. She almost instantly began to suck on it.

I went back out and downstairs. I set her in her highchair and gave her my phone to watch cartoons on while I finished cooking.

She seemed entertained for a while before she started to fuss again.

I walked towards her and she was making grabby hands at me again.

"What is it, baby?" I asked.

I picked her up and looked at her as she rested on my hip. Her face was contorted in discomfort and her face was red.

"Do you feel bad?" I asked.

She slightly nodded.

I gently pulled the pacifier from her mouth.

This made her more upset but I shushed her gently.

"I'll give it back, just tell me what's wrong, love." I said as I patted her bum encouragingly.

She whined again.

"Words, baby" I said softly.

"M-tummy, mummy." She mumbled before whining. Her eyes became glassy.

"Your tummy hurts?" I asked.

She nodded again as her lips quivered in a frown.

"Oh no baby, I'm sorry. Do you want to lie down?" I asked as she pulled her pacifier back into her mouth.

She nodded.

"Okay." I said as I walked her into the living room and lied her down on the couch.

She curled up as soon as she was let go. I sat next to her and brushed some hair from her face. I turned on the TV and put her cartoons back on.

"I'm going to go finish breakfast, okay? I'll come get you when I'm done." I said as I stood.

She nodded and I bent down to kiss her head. She sighed a little before I walked back to the kitchen.

I was almost done with breakfast when a sleepy Aerum slumped down the steps and into the kitchen. She hugged the back of my legs.

"Good morning, baby." I said as I bent down to lift her up. I hugged her tightly and gave her face multiple kisses before I put her down.

She walked into the living room and sat next to Miso to watch cartoons with her.

When I finished breakfast and set the table I went to check on Miso.

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