Let him rest

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Taehyung POV:

We were sitting on the couch in the living room watching "The Notebook." Everything had calmed down since the incident and everyone was okay, or at least that was what I thought before I looked back at Jungkook. 

I was sitting in his lap, and he had his arm wrapped around me. I thought he had cooled off from the fight, but when I saw his clenched, shaking fist and his dark, angered expression, it was enough to let me know he was still upset. 

I knew he didn't want to talk so I reached over with my free hand and stroked my finger over his bandaged knuckles. I smiled lightly when his hand unclenched underneath mine. My other hand was occupied with Jin's as he would always hold my hand when I was stressed. I heard him let out a sigh and I hoped he was at least calmer than before. 

Nothing happened for a few minutes, and I thought he was fine, but then he moved behind me. 

"I-I'm going to the bathroom." He whispered in my ear, his voice strained and cracked. 

I looked back at him in worry only to see him pushing me off his lap and keeping his eyes trained to the floor. He looked more upset than angry. 

He rushed out of the room, my worried eyes stuck on him until he was in the bathroom we were in earlier. He slammed the door behind him, startling all of us. When I looked back around, I saw all our hyungs looking at me in question. 

"Is he okay?" Namjoon asked. 

I shrugged a little. 

"I think he is still upset about earlier." I said as I looked back towards the bathroom. 

"Why? I mean I know that sucked, but it's over now. You're okay, right?" Hoseok asked. 

"Yeah, but he blamed himself." I said with a bad feeling stirring in my stomach. 

"He'll be okay, don't worry." Jin smiled. I smiled back weekly, but something still didn't feel right. 

We all turned back to the movie, my mind still swarming with thoughts about Jungkook. It was calm and quiet until we all heard a door slam shut. We all exchanged worried glances before Jimin paused the movie. 

I scooted off the couch, looking around at my hyungs. 

"Go check on him." Jin whispered; his expression as worried as mine. 

I nodded before rushing over to the bathroom. I slowly looked in the bathroom, no sign of my boyfriend. I stepped out of the bathroom doorway and looked around. 

Where did he go? 

I walked closer to the front door and heard a faint, "T-Taehyung!" 

My heart dropped. I rushed to the door and pulled it open. I looked outside and saw Jungkook huddled in a ball on the bottom step, his face buried in his knees. 

He was holding onto his legs so tightly. I broke out of my shocked state and rushed towards him. 

"Jungkook!" I yelled as I dropped to my knees in front of him on the ground. 

"Hey, baby. Are you okay?" I asked in a panic as I tried to pull his head from his knees. His head was heavy, his eyes closed, and his cheeks were stained with tears. 

My heart broke at the sight. I held his face in my hands and wiped his tears as I realized what had happened. It was clear he passed out from the stress of the incident earlier. 

"Koo, wake up. Please." I tried as I shook his face a little. He didn't budge. I let out a small sigh as I realized I was going to need some help. 

"Namjoonie hyung!" I called as I rubbed his arms, trying to keep him warm as the night breeze was chilly. 

I looked up to see Namjoon rushing towards us with all the other hyungs close behind him. 

"What happened?" He asked, everyone crowding around my poor bunny. 

"He must have had an anxiety attack and passed out from the nerves." I explained, my heart clenching at the thought. 

"Help get him up and inside, Joonie." Jin said quietly as everyone backed away so we could get him up. I held his upper arms as Namjoon pulled his upper body off the bottom step.

Once we had both his arms over our shoulders, we brought the boy inside, Hoseok shutting the door behind everyone.

"You can take him to the guest room." Hoseok said as we hoisted him up the stairs.

My chest felt heavy as I looked at my exhausted, sad baby. He must have been scared.

Why didn't he come to me?

We got him into the guest room and laid him on the bed. I sat beside him and wiped the rest of the tear stains from his flushed cheeks.

I frowned as I looked at his sleeping face. Pressing a kiss to his forehead I stood up and turned to the others.

"Does he always pass out when he gets stressed?" Jimin asked.

I nodded.

"Yeah, he has since he was little." Namjoon said, still looking at the sleeping boy.

"Do we need to do anything?" Hoseok asked.

"No, just let him rest." I sighed.

We all slowly walked out of the room to give him some space.

We all went back into the living room, everyone silent and looking a little shocked except for me and Namjoon.

"I knew he had anxiety issues, but I didn't know he passed out?" Yoongi said.

I only nodded, looking down.

"Hey, if you knew this happens then when he wakes up just reassure him that everything's fine. It'll be okay." Jin reassured me.

I sadly smiled at him.

Jimin resumed the movie, and we all went back to watching, my heart still heavy.

After a while, the movie ended and all of us were eating snacks and talking. Jimin was telling everyone about some drama he overheard in his PE class. We were all listening and laughing at his overexaggerated story when he suddenly stopped talking and looked over our heads, up at the stairs.


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