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3rd Person POV:
The next morning, Taehyung was itching to get to school. He was itching to see Jungkook.

It hadn't even been half a day but he missed him so much.

He rode the bus in anticipation. He didn't even observe the others, he was only thinking of the bunny boy.

When the bus stopped by the school, Taehyung almost sprinted off. He was ready to speed walk to the building but stopped when he saw the very person he hasn't stopped thinking about, sitting at the bus stop bench.

His hands were shoved in his hoodie pocket, his knees bouncing as he waited.

He smiled as Jungkook shot up from the seat when their eyes met.

His bunny smile was full on display. It was shocking to the other students around who watched as they had never seen him so happy.

Jungkook walked up to Taehyung and pulled him in a tight hug. Taehyung hugged him back just as tight. Both not understanding how badly they missed eachother until they were together again.

Taehyung felt like he could breath again as he inhaled Jungkook's musky scent. Jungkook felt like he could relax knowing his world was in his arms and safe.

Their hug was a little longer than "friends" should hug and definitely more intimate, so naturally, students started to point and stare at the couple. Some squealing at the cute scene, some burning in jealousy over not being able to do the same with Jungkook, and all equally shocked.

The pair had been seen together lately but never like this. Taehyung was always just being followed by Jungkook.

He had never showed that he wanted his presence which is why people weren't threatened by him.

But this...this changes everything.

When the couple pulled apart, Taehyung kept Jungkook close. He cupped his cheeks and took a deep breath.

"Damn, I really missed you." Jungkook whispered as they rested their foreheads together.

Taehyung nodded a little.

"Me too. So much." He added.

Jungkook smiled and leaned up to kiss his forehead making Taehyung close his eyes and sigh in relief.

"Let's go, we'll be late." Taehyung mumbled, dropping his hands to Jungkook's shoulders from his cheeks.

"Okay." He said as they both turned to walk.

Jungkook was quick to grab Taehyung's hand and intertwine their fingers. Taehyung held his hand tightly.

As they walked, he noticed all the stares the pair was getting. He gulped as he saw so many girls glaring at him. He walked a little closer to Jungkook and turned his eyes to their connected hands.

Jungkook walked proudly as he held his boyfriends hand. His head was high, his shoulders were slack, and he wore a confident smirk. Both were in complete different states.

He noticed how Taehyung leaned more on his side and looked down at him.

"You okay?" He asked.

Taehyung nodded a little before answering.

"There is just a lot of people staring at us." He mumbled, but Jungkook was able to catch it and he finally looked up and around at everyone who did, in fact, have their eyes on them.

Jungkook's eyes turned hard as he glared at the people staring at them.

"Ignore them. I got you." He whispered into Taehyung's ear as he realized he was feeling nervous.

Rings of Fate * TaeKookOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz