Chapter 4 -Kidnapped

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Chapter 4

i felt tears roll down my cheek. I can't believe this is how my life will be from now on. I looked up as he walked down the steps. I braced my hands on his waist to lift myself up. I looked towards the building noticing that it was getting smaller in the distance. Tammy was on her knees closing the door ever so slowly least she attract any attention and get kidnapped too. I couldn't help but feel betrayed by her. The Bitch.

The least she could of done is call for help. There should be guards stationed by the basement. Many men that was not trained in the warriors way could of helped me. My grip was starting to come loose around this strangers waist. The pace that he was walking at was quick. I looked around to see if I could recognise anything familar.

I need to get word back to my pack that i was taken. The pack main link was down so that put me at a dissadvantage. Goddess please give me a sign. My mate. My beautiful mate. The future that we could of had together. My one chance of love is now gone. Tears poured down my face as I seriously thought about the situation that i am in. This man is going to rape me! I want my life back. A hollow ache started to bubble in my chest. My wolf howled inside for her màte to come and save her. "Seb!" I cried out in anguish. From the deep within me I lèt out a mate call.

"Lisa" I heard his wonderful voice within my mind.  

"Seb??" I questioned quietly unsure that it was him that i heard over my wailling. 

"Lisa, tell me where you are." He said hurriedly. 

Ï was taken from the community building. From the light of the moon the man is heading west. Please hurry."

My kidnapper started too slow down as we appoached a clearing. I twisted my head as a branch smacked me in the face. I felt the blood dribble down my cheek. Instead of a hiss of pain. I gave a gasp of surprise. I know this place. Its the Alpha's place. He sometimes goes here to think. We all know it to bypass it so we dont disterb the alpha.

"Im by the Alphas secret place." I quickly linked to Seb. I needed this man to slow down. "let me go!" i screamed at my kidnapper. My hands were abòve his waist so i managed to reached down to pinch his ass. This only cause him to stumble and give a grunt in surprise. "Let me go!" I kicked him in the stomach while my fists started to beat his back. Time for me to fight back. Time for me to grow some balls. This she wolf is not going down without a fight. I got a mate to live for now.

I felt the blood rush back to my face as he roughly pulled me from his shòulder to throw me on the grass by the lake. I felt dazed as i hit my head on a rock. I put a hand to my head to stop the world from spinning.

"Do not make me hurt you wolf." The man leaned over me. His face blurry from my knocked out vision. " Your skin is too lovely to be marked. You will fetch me a few pennies at the pack. Yeh you will." His sweaty palm rested on my abdomen before roughly tugging on my breast. I could hear him start to pant hard as he grobed my other breast. The beast! I need to get away from him.

I started to struggle underneath this giant. " No! Let me go please i begged." 

"Stay Still" he said with a growl as yanked my by the hair. He exposed my neck at a crooked angle where a mates mark should be.  

Stay still. As if im stupid enough to stay still while I let this man try and rape me.

Help. Help. I need to shift. I felt my wolf come to the forefront. If i shifted quickly and run east where the pack was i would be free. The tingle of the change was coming over me till he viciously grabbed my neck.

" No she-wolf. You are not going to run now. You are MINE! If you run in your wolf i will catch you and the feeling that i am in now i will mate you. Tell me wold. do you know what will happen if we mate in our wolf forms? I am sure as hell ready to find out."

A shiver came down my spine as he made that statement. If we mate in wolf form our wolfs would become mates. But our human side won't so we will always be in conflick with each other. I don't want to live separate from my wolf. My would be rapist stood up and away from me. He held out his hand in the direction of the forest. A clear order for me to run in wolf form. In order for that beast to catch me and mate with me.

I looked at him with hate in my eyes. " Your a monster!" I yelled at him " I will never mate with you." I spat at him. One of the bravest thing i ever done in my life. 

With his right hand he wiped the spit away from his eyes then took a menancing step towards me.

" I warned you! Now I have to teach you a thing about respect." He grinned at me. He lifted his palm to slap me when a large brown blur of a wolf came jumping out the forest to maul him at the throat.

My eyes could not leave this wolf as he was shaking his prey by the neck. My kidnappers screams were terrifying. All to soon they quietened to nothing but gurgles. The brown wolf then shifted and was replaced my a very naked Seb. I could see nothing but his tight buttocks and sculpted shoulders, with his long brown hair curling around his neck.

" Respect is earned! Not taken." Seb stated as stomped on this guy's neck to severe his head from his body. After a few short breaths he turned towards me. 

His hazel eyes were no more. They were totally black a clear sign that i was dealing with more of an animal that a man.

I took a hesistant step towards him, as we acknowledge each other às mates i wàs unsure if his wolf would recognise me if he is suffering from bloodlust. Before i could take another step he rushed right to me to take me into his arms. Trails of kisses followed from my head to my cheek to my neck.

" I am so glad you are now safe. You should of stayed with the other mate. " Seb said between kisses. He then pushed me a step back by the shoulders to see if i had any injuries. His left hand came out to caress my cheek thàt was smacked with the branch.

Suddenly Seb stàrted sniffing the air and a loud piercing howl was heard not to far in the distance. "We need to get going Lisa. Shift and follow me back to the pack grounds."

I shifted quickly with my clothes shredding to pieces. I felt the essence of my wolf come into my mind and for the first time with my wolf eyes i saw my mate and his wolf.

Seb didn't waste anytime once i shifted. He ran at a quick pace back into woods. I gave him a little whine to let him know we was heading in a different direction from hence I came. He ignored me and still set off at a pace deeper into the woods. Just where was my mate going? I am sure this is the direction of the enemy pack is located.

Something was telling me not to follow. A bad feeling was coming from in that direction. I came to a sudden stop. It took Seb a couple of moments to realise i wasnt behind him no longer and he came back and shifted. 

"Lisa what is the matter."

I shifted back behind a tree not wanting him to see me naked just yet. " We are heading in the wrong direction. The Enemy wolves are there. Why would you take me to that location?"

" You don't need to know anything that could put you in danger. Just trust me that i would keep you safe." He said impatiently

To be honest i don't know much about my mate. What i do know is that the Alpha doesn't trust him or his pack as we was going to do a peace treaty and now he is running in the direction of my enemy?

Just who is my mate?

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