Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

The car shot forward in an instant. The noise of he engine could be heard over the shouts and screams of the people nearby.

I pressed the brake immediately unsure if I hit anyone. The Adrenaline was running through my system on a high.

My passenger door was cranked open. Pulled almost off its handles.

I turned to see a unfazed Seb looking a bit worn. His hair was hanging down in his face and he was panting.

"You almost hit me." he accused.

"I'm s..sorry." I stammered. Only sorry that I missed him.

He leaned in the car to offer me a hug of comfort obviously thinking that I didn't know what I was doing.

"I knew you should of had something to eat." he stated.

My mom popped her head up from behind him. "Take her home Seb. She might be feeling light headed with that tummy bug."

He nodded then pick me up to put me in the passengers seat. He put the car into gear and honked at my parents then left.

He put on the radio station and bummed to a tune on the way to my flat. He was totally at ease. As if he never told me he was involved with another woman.

As soon as he Parked up I got up and walked fast into the foyer to grab the lifts. I was hoping i could get to my flat and lock him out.

I was in the elevator by myself going up to my floor. I walked quickly to my door. Opened it and locked it. Using the bolts in the corner as well.

"No need to lock all of them." I jumped at the voice behind me. "I will keep you safe." Seb came out the kitchen carrying two flutes filled with champagne.

I ignored his offer of a drink. "How did you get in here?" I demanded. My hands on my hips as I looked up at him.

"I took the stairs. While you was waiting for that slow lift." He turned his back on me to walk to my living room. He sat on the couch and switched on the Tv to watch the Game's Highlights. He placed his feet on my coffee table and rested his hands behind his head.

I stood there like an idiot and watched him cheer a team on to victor as they scored goals. I stood mesmerized by his laugh. By him. My mate.

The bond that I thought was gone and broken flared back to life inside me like a bonfire. The hate that was here started to dissipate.

I know I was being silly changing my mind back and forth. But this is my dream. If he is willingly to be with me. Should I be willing to forgive him.

My hand cradled my soft baby bump. I walked up to him. Stood beside him ready to drop the B-bomb.

"Seb. There is something I want to say-" I was cut off as his cell phone started to ring.

He sat up quickly and used the remote to switch off the tv. He looked at the caller ID.

"One second Lisa." He put his forefinger up. "I just need to take this call."

He disappeared into the bathroom and locked the door. I followed close behind to find the door locked. So I pressed my ear to the door. All I heard was the shower running and his low voice. I couldn't make out what he was saying.

I returned back to the living room pacing. Thinking of wether to forgive or not to forgive. My phone rang from the charger I went over to answer the call straight away.

"Lisa" Tammy said from the other line. "It's me."

"Yeah. What's up?" I answered. She sounded a bit weird like she was whispering.

"Sebastian told Adam to spy on you. That's why he took him out the flat." She told me.

"Omg. Does he know I was at his pack house." My heart started beating rapidly. I kept looking back to the bathroom door just incase Seb finished his call before me.

"No. Adam didn't know much about you. But he is confused. He thought you were the Alphas second mate and his Beta was checking up on you. Now he sort of piecing it all together." she said hurriedly.

"Make up some shit to tell your mate to relay to Seb. It all won't matter soon cause I be going to live at the pack." By saying that sentence made me more sure of what I was doing was right. I can't keep having these doubts. Cause every time I do. Seb keeps doing something that fucks him up

"Will do, can't believe the bastard had the guts to order my mate to look at another woman." She sounded hurt by Sebs order on Adam.

I heard the shower switch off.

"Look I got to go but we speak soon yeah." I didn't wait for her reply but cut the call.

I put my phone back on charge as Seb came back in the room.

"Sorry about that." He apologized. "It was some pack business" he explained as he sat back down on the couch. "So what was it you was telling me earlier?"

"Who was on the phone?" I demanded I crossed my arms and gave him a pointed look. I already knew who was on the phone.

"My Alpha" he replied.

"Funny how your Alpha sound so much like a woman." I looked him in the eye. "So when was you going to tell me that you knocked up Jessica and you are going to mate her?"

"It was one night" he pleaded as be stood up to try and pull me into his arms. "And when I got back from meeting you. She told me she was pregnant. I couldn't loose my pup."

I stared down at the ground. The words dripping from his lips were drowning my heart.

"I was going to wait till the baby is born and tell her about you. And when she got use to the idea. Bring you into the pack. That way she won't leave. Taking away my child."

His torment broke my heart. Hearing a man try and stay for his child was commendable. Too many people grow up in single parent families.

"If it comes down to her or me. Who would you choose?" I asked.

"I would choose you!" He said passionately. I could feel the desperation pouring off him. He really wanted me to believe him. And I did.

Then a thought popped in my head.

"When did you last sleep with her." I remember her saying they had sex the night of the ball.

"I only slept with her once and that was when she got pregnant." his tone of voice or the passion in his eyes did not change.

"Liar!" I shouted and pushed myself away from him. "Get out!" I started to hit him with fists on his chest. "Get out!" I tried to push him out my door.

My wolf was angry and coming to the surface. We had to deal with so much emotion in such a small space of time.

Just when I could of forgave him. He still lies.

"Get out!" I screamed again. I scratched my nails down his face. He pushed my arms behind my back. I growled at him. Wanting to damage him as much as possible.

My front door came bursting off the handles. Alpha Alexander came entering like a hurricane.

"Take your hands off her." He said softly. His hands clenching and unclenching at his side. His nose flaring and breathing hard. I saw his muscles of his arm tense up. Preparing for a fight.

"Or I will kill you." He said deadly.

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