Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

A light brown wolf with streaks of grey intercepted Jessica mid leap. They were tangled on the grass floor. Both Of them fighting each other for dominance.

"Mummy!" Xander came rushing to me.

I hugged him tight. "Watch over your sisters. You're a big boy now." I moved him over to where the two precious bundles laid. Wrapped up in towels and a t-shirt on the ground.

Xander nodded understanding the gravity of the situation. I looked back to see Nana Luna still in combat with Jessica. Two Alpha wolves were a match for each other however Jessica had age on her side so in effect Nana Luna was much slower than her and taking many hits.

I felt the change tingle over me. It's been nearly six months from my last shift. The feeling was familiar yet strange. My body has adapted to mother hood. My wolf has recognized that I am a mother now. I have lost one child but I will not loose another.

I came onto the earth on all fours. I took a quick glanced back to check that Xander was ok with the twins before jumping into the foray to help out Nana Luna.

Being around her for months out wolves instantly recognized each other by scent. We knew each other as friends. Pack mates. Mates in-laws and Jessica as the enemy.

I walked to the back of Jessica her red wolf spun round to lash out a paw at me. I dodged it easily. Nana Luna took that opportunity to swipe at her hide bringing an howl out of Jessica.

Me and Nana Luna worked as a unit stalking Jessica in a circle like a prey. Waiting for her to attack one of us for the other to attack her.

Wolf defense training 101. Jessica knew how to do this attack it was ingrained in all wolves from birth. It is very hard to get out of it as you have to be a powerful in order to take down two wolves at once.

Jessica wolf sat down on the open field. Looking fed up with the situation. I could tell this was a ploy. She was waiting for an opening. If one of us broke circle she is able to run free.

I shook my head at Nana Luna telling her not to approach. As I knew that this is what Jessica wanted.

After a minute she realised that she was not going to get anywhere. She stood up quickly to make a run for Xander and the children. Nana Luna made the first mistake of the night. Putting herself in front of the mad She-wolf without time to put up a defense.

Jessica managed to miss her throat and latch on to the top of her shoulder.

I heard a loud wail from Nana Luna. Xander was crying about to get up to save his Nana.

I ran as fast as I could to get to Jessica. She released Nana Luna to face me. My claws were out was I slashed my paws down the side of her face. Blood pouring from out of her left eye.

Jessica reeled back in fright. I went to finish her off when I was tackled by a dark brown wolf. Seb!

He was in front of me defending a wounded Jessica. She was the mother of his child his wolf would defend her till the death. I saw on his right side of his face three deep claw marks. I could tell they would leave a scar on his near to perfect human skin.

Me and Nana Luna stood in line next to one another. Ready to fight again. The familiar howl of wolves from my pack could be heard. They were on their way to this location.

Seb ears picked up the sound. He took a step back still guarding Jessica. Then the pair of them turned and ran in to the dense forest of the hills.

I felt a woosh of air as about ten wolves galloped around us to follow them. Seconds later Alpha Alex came growling with the rest of the enforcers. He stood for a second to look me over before chasing the intruders off the property.

I shifted back to pick up the twins from the cold hard ground. They managed to cry themselves to sleep. Not even an hours old yet and I already am a bad mother.

"Mummy? Are they okay?" Xander stood on his toes to peek at his sisters.

"Yes. Baby you did a fine job protecting them." I pulled him to my side.

Nana Luna limped towards us not shifting as she still thinks there might be a threat.

I leaned down to show her the twins. She gave them a sniff clearly accepting them as one of her own. She gave each of the girls a long lick on there head. Bonding them with her scent.

The process back to the pack house was a slow one. We both were on high alert.

Ourselves were prepped for attack. Anticipating it in every step that we take. Under the cover of darkness Nana Luna lead me to the secret entrance in which to enter. It hasn't been discovered by the enemy pack. Nana Luna took this time to shift back to human.

We walked back to the Alphas private bedroom. Alex rarely used it since I been here as he was always in the north room with me. We walked in to find the room barely touched. It was clear they were only here to get me.

Nana Luna went over to the wardrobe to slip on one of Alex's shirts. It covered her to her knees.

I went over to lay the twins on the bed covering them with the blanket. They snuggled in to each other. Seeking each other warmth that they had in the womb. My heart wept for the third baby. My Angel. I need to and get her.

She was laying cold on the ground without a proper burial. For this moment alone I hated Seb. If he never attacked with his pack I could of had the best medical care that could of foreseen this. My Angel could of still been alive. Still be wriggling in my arms. Her eyes would of opened and I would of seen them glimpse at me and she would of seen into my soul.

My legs buckled by the bed. I covered my face with my hands. I cried from the depths of my heart.

" Lisa wants the matter?" Nana Luna came down to my level. I saw Xander by the corner crying unsure what to do.

"There were three babies!" I cried. "But. But. She was not breathing. She was not crying." I wrung my hands in shame. "I had to leave her. My baby. My angel. All alone. Cold. Frighten. What sort of mother does that. With no burial."

Two sets of arms wrapped around me. Nana Luna and Xander. All of us weeping in unison.

That was how Alex found us as he came into the room.

"What's going on?" He asked as he sped over to the bed to check on the twins vitals. "They are okay."

"My baby!" I stammered as I rocked back and forth.

Nana Luna got up to wipe her eyes. "She told us about the baby. We need to go and get her."

Alex gave me a quick sad look with torment in his eyes. "It's already sorted. I buried her."

"Without a funeral!" I jumped up. "what about a coffin. You just put her into that cold ground alone!" I battered his chest in mourning. "How could you."

"It's okay. Shh." He waited till my energy was spent he pulled me into his arms for a hug. "She is with my dad. The Angel is fine." he soothed. "My dad would look after her. She is in the goddess arms."

After a while I drifted off to sleep of exhaustion in Alex's arms. He lifted me to place me on the bed next to a sleeping Xander. Earlier on Nana Luna came in with the twins basket to put them in.

I woke up occasional to noise within the room. Alex refused to leave me so he was conducting his affairs after the attack from the bedroom.

"Alpha!" I groggily heard Adam enter the room.

"Sh." Alpha warned. "She is asleep. Speak quietly."

"From the wolves that we captured." Adam spoke a but more quieter as he approached Alex who sat on a chair beside the bed. "Seb managed to get to through our defenses because he knew the layout and the times of patrol. He knew today would be our weakest as some of the men went on a pack exchange. One of the wolves we caught is not from the dark moon pack Alpha." Adam gulped. "But from the Redmoon Pack."

"How can he be in league with that rogue pack. No one knows their where abouts. Contact the council with this information. I think this is cause for the Archangels to declare war on the Dark moon pack. Where is the Alpha?"

"Jessica father has been dead for two months now." Adam said simply.

"That is very convenient. Not in the pack for a month an the Alpha dies and they take over till his son come of age." Alex said in thought.

"Would you like me to get a team together to strike back at the pack?" Adam said fiercely.

"No." Alex fiddled with my hand from the side of the bed. "There have been enough death and bloodshed in one night. I decided when I took over as Alpha to be different from my father and other packs. I will not exact revenge unless needed. I will use the Archangels. That is what they are there for. To bring justice to packs. As an Alpha I need to strengthen my pack. Bring them back to a unity and strong."

"Yes Alpha. You have done well. We did not have any casualties or deaths tonight." Adam said proudly.

My breath hitched as Alex whispered. "We had one. One Angel that will be avenged."

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