Chapter 40 Alex POV

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Alpha Alexander Point Of View (POV)

Chapter 40

It's been a month now since the attack on my pack and the death of my daughter. She may not of been mine biologically but she was mine. My heart burnt with vengeance but I knew I had to be smart about the way I do it. The dark moon pack was a vicious one. Bass may have only been running the pack for a short time but they seem loyal to him. Why else would they attack my pack and work with the infamous Redwood Pack

I been working with the council the entire month coming up with plans and infrastructure of the packs grounds. Many packs upon hearing my plight sent more of their men to the Archangels army to help put this pack on their place once and for all.

For years me and Bass has been close as brothers. We grew up together. When my father died he was there for me. When we joined service of Archangels we became blood brothers.

Then came Michelle. Michelle my mate. I loved her instantly. I remembered the first time I saw her. Bass told me he was in love. She was not his mate. I think he gave up searching for his mate. But he went to this pack when he was in service with the Archangels and he met her.

I had to leave early due to the death of my father so I couldn't of gone to that pack. If my father did not die I would of met her before him. And none of this would of happened. I would never reject my time with Lisa but all of our paths would of been different.

He was in a relationship with Michelle for a couple of years before they decided to be chosen mates. They wanted my blessing as on that night they were going to mate.

I saw her coming out the car. Her log dark brown hair swinging in the breeze. Laughter and happiness on her face. She spun round for Bass to catch her in his arms.

The two of them clung to each other kissing. Linking their fingers together like teenagers in love.

I my hand crumpled the desk beside me in anger. I was unsure of what i was feeling at the time. But it was the mate bond.

I walked slowly down the steps when they entered the pack house. I was instantly enthralled with her smell. She sniffed the air looking lost at first then she saw me.

Our eyes met and I knew she was the one. She let go of Sebastian hand to run towards me.

I lifted her up to wrap her legs around my waist. I kissed her growling that she was mine no one else's.

I almost wanted to rip the dress off her there and then as she smelt like Bass.

Bass did not take our mating too well. He did not come to the celebrations. Times at the pack was a bit strained. I thought Sebastian would go rouge.

That's why I called Jessica to the pack. Me and Sebastian met her when we went to her fathers pack. She was young then and always had a crush on Bass Her mate died within the pack. It was the strong rule over the weak in that pack. And he did not survive. I should of known since then that she had an obsession with Sebastian.

She came within a day of me calling. Coming with three loads of suitcases. I thought that she was just eager to get away from that terrible pack. I should of known that living in that environment she would of been a product of it.

She and Michelle became fast friends. At first I thought she was just using it as an in to gather all the information she can to get Bass eye. Everytime I walk into the room they was talking about Sebastian. Everytime they went shopping it was wether he would like this dress or that. Over time it made me get more possessive of Michelle. I was jealous that she was still thinking about him. I use to see him hanging around her. Sharing laughs. Talking about the good old times.

So I restricted her movements. She was not allowed out on her own. She did not complain just smiled at me and told me I needed time to adjust and that she loved me.

Then she told me she was pregnant. I was so happy. This pushed Sebastian into a depression and he got drunk at my mates shower party.

I should of kicked him out the pack then but our ties to each other ran deep. Michelle begged me to give him another chance. It was around that time that he got together with Jessica. I started to change. I felt better. I felt that he was not envying my mate.

For a period of time we had happiness. Then Xander was born. A miniature me. I thought she had bonded with the baby she was happy. But then she started sprouting nonsense about someone pushing him at night that's why he was falling. But there was no one in the room but her.

Jessica convinced us with human psychology that she was suffering from post natal depression. At first I dismissed it as a human disease. No strong wolf especially a Luna can get that. Why wouldn't she love my son. He was special.

I struggled to wrap my head around the mental condition. But with Jessica carefully placed mind games and Xander bruises we piled too much pressure on Michelle so she took her life. I blamed myself for many years for her death. I couldn't look at a picture without thinking it was my fault. Causing the Alpha wolf in me to break out.

Turns out that it was not my fault after all. It was hers. Jessica caused her death. They need to pay.

Tonight there would be a raid on their pack property. I would be there to ensure that at least they would feel some sort of pain.

Pain that I have felt because of them. Because of them I had to lie to my mate.

Our baby Angel died and we left her. Left her alone. I came back to find her gone. That sort of sorrow will never leave me. How could someone dispose of a dead baby. But I could never burden Lisa with that information. That is something I would take to my grave.

Alpha Dixen in control of tonight's attack on the dark moon. Gave his signal for attack. There were two hundreds wolves in attendance tonight. One hundred of them would stay on wolf form. Another hundred like me would stay in man form.

I had war paint over my face to incite fear into this dark pack.

There was a lot of howling as some of the men go into fights. I jogged ahead from the rest of the group. Eager to get inside to find Sebastian.

I came into contact with a large male. I didn't give him time to put up his defensives.
I ran up to him to elbow him in the stomach he fell to the ground. I ran behind to twist his neck to the side. Killing him in an instant.

He body dropped to the floor his last breath expelled from his body. I made my way to the pack house. It was indeed smaller than what I am use to. Many of our men already made their way inside.

"Sebastian!" I cried. "Come meet me you coward!" I screamed as I ran from room to room in the damn pack house.

I heard a sound from down a corridor. I opened the door to find Seb in there with four new borns.

"You!" I pointed at him. "Are mine." I growled.

He had a three line parallel line down his right cheek to his neck.

I gave him a sinister smile. "I see you have a gift from me."

"You bastard you stole my mate!" He came at me but I was pulled away by the Archangels.

Alpha Dixen came into the room. "Alpha Sebastian. We will have unity within the packs. There have been no pack wars for twenty years. You will not undo all our hard work. Give me the location of the Redwood pack and we will let you live under supervision that this pack is getting on the right path."

"You have no right!" I shouted at him. "I have right to revenge my family! I want him dead!"

"Location Seb. I can not keep him at bay any longer!" Alpha Dixon said simply.

Jessica was dragged through the door. Her body thinner than it use to be. There was a thick ugly red pluckers scar down her left eye. Her eye was now white looking more like a pirate that a woman of leisure.

"There location is on a map in the draw in the war room." she said.

"I have inflicted conditions on your pack. You will not be able to run your pack. I have put in guardians to run this pack till your son has come of age. There has been too much death in this were community. Our numbers are on the decline due to too much in fighting. I agree the Alpha needs his revenge for this un provoked attack. He shall take some of your land. Property money. And pack members."

"You shall leave us with nothing!" Jessica hissed.

Alpha Dixon moved so fast I could hardly see. He is an elder wolf on the council. He hand his hand wrapped around her neck. "I leave you with your life. She-wolf. If that is not enough I will be willing to kill you. Just say the word!"

"That is fine Alpha. We will do as you are stipulated." Seb sneered.

"No. I do not accept. She killed my mate!" I ordered

"Alpha!" Dixen shouted at me. "You had gained well for your pack. Trust me this is not the time."

"No!" I tried to break free of my guard to attack a smiling Seb. The bastard thinks he won again.

"If you act against my order you go against the council!" Dixon said

I spat on the floor aiming for Seb. "You said I could come and-"

"And Nothing. We need more Alphas. Think of the bigger picture. We are a dying breed. Jessica is an Alpha female."
He tried to reason with me.

"No." I punched my way through but darkness over came me as one of them hit me on the back of my head rendering me unconscious.

I woke up back at my pack house with Lisa standing over me.

"Alex. You okay baby." She leaned over to give me a kiss on my forehead.

I nodded sitting up in bed. "What happened?" I asked. Thinking back to the last thing that I remembered.

"Alpha Dixon ordered you and your men back. Turns out they need Sebastard and Jess-ass-ica alive."

I laughed at her sense of humor. She fingered her hands through my hair. "You did a good job!" she told me.

"No I didn't." I told her with regret. " I didn't make them suffer. They are still alive."

"Oh they are going to suffer with all the sanctions that the council put on them. They won't have a pot to piss in." She smiled at me. Forgiving me.

If she ever knew the truth about Angel she would never forgive me. A Burden I would carry forever.

"I love you!" I told her. She holds my heart. She is my love.

"I know." She kissed me further. "I love you too!"

We heard a cry from across the room. "Hurry up and get out of bed there is a dirty diaper with your name on it."

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