Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

"I just wanted to know if Jessica was alright." I saw relief pass through Nana Luna. "I feel partly to blame for what happened."

Alexander took my hands in his. "You have nothing to feel sorry for. I heard what happened and she is lucky that I was not there."

His words sort of cheered me up but I still felt guilty for what I had done. Who picks a fights with a pregnant woman? someone offs calibre that's who.

"The whole pack must hate me." I stated. Feeling sorry for myself. I am still considered an outsider from another pack. It can take time for a pack to fully trust you. Your status doesn't automatically give you trust.

Alexander gave a snort. "More like happy that you freed them from that tyrannical she-devil bitches rule." he announced.

I laughed as Nana Luna turned round to face him with a gasp.

"Alpha Alexander! I brought you up better than that. You know the proper way of speaking to women."Nana Luna tried to sound outraged but the makings of a small smile appeared on her face. "A bitch would suffice."

After the laughter died down Alexander told us that Jessica has just given birth to an health boy.

"That is good news." Nana Luna Smiled. "I will arrange the celebrations for tomorrow to welcome him into the pack."

"I am unsure about the celebrations." Alex said quietly. For a baby not to be celebrated something must be seriously wrong.

"The baby has a scent of becoming an Alpha. His scent is strong." Alex began looking intently at Xander as he finished his meal and began playing with his toys. "If That baby has a will strong enough that he wouldn't be content with an Beta position."

"So what you're saying then?" I asked him.

Nana Luna replied. "Jessica comes from Alpha blood. Sebs Great grandfather was an Alpha. Now this baby has potential to become Alpha and that means able to challenge any Alpha once he comes of age."

"But if he was raised as beta and was content within the pack surely he wouldn't issue a challenge?" I asked unsurely.

Alexander raised an eyebrow at me. "You said it then yourself. 'If he's content'. I can not live within a pack knowing in the future I may be challenged, or Xander."

"You can get challenged by any wolf within your pack. What makes him so special?" I counteracted. I don't know why I was sticking up for Jessica and Sebastian's kid but he was an innocent baby, that was innocent to the ways of the Alphas politics.

"What makes him so special" Alex growled as his eyes turned darker. "Is that he is an Alpha."

I felt myself backing down from the dominant power he was radiating. An alpha wolf does not like any threat to the pack or his leadership. Unless it was an Alpha born with his blood he wouldn't have been so defensive over his title to a little pup bearly four hours old.

"What would you do in regards to the birth celebrations?" Nana Luna asked taking the attention away from me.

Alexander gave a sly look. "Lets hold it in a week time from now. Give the fish enough time to take the bait." He strode out the room with a purposeful look on his face.

"Fish?" Nana Luna echoed with confusion. "Bait? I think my son has officially gone mad."

His talk got me back to thinking of his plan regarding getting rid of Seb.

A memory flashed through me of him telling me to wait till the baby is born. Well now the baby is born. What should I be waiting for?

I shook those thoughts out of my head. Thinking too much about this strange predicament that I am in will give me a terrible headache.

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