Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

It has been two weeks now that The Luna told me about my Pregnancy. At first I was in shock. I didn't know what I was going to do. Samantha made me go with her to see Dr. Anderson a female pack doctor that deals with pregnancy. Only females Dr's was allowed to see to pregnant females as too many cases of mates hurting the doctors when they have to do a physical examination.

It was good of Sam to go with me as people kept thinking it was her appointment that we were attending. Lindsey kept making snide remarks each time we went. I think she was jealous of my closeness with the Luna. Sophia told me before I was admitted into their little circle Lindsey was always next to the Luna. She was the Luna BFF now it seems she said I am and Sophia also said that she felt closer to Sam as well.

I sat staring at a baby magazine in the doctor waiting room with Sam holding her little baby bump beside me. I am only six weeks pregnant and I got another twenty to go till my baby is born. I looked in a full length mirror this morning. Admiring my body from all angles. Trying to see if I changed. I placed my hand around my abdomen from a light hardness and a tiny swell there was nothing to indicate that I have changed.

I know I have changed. I felt it with every step that I take. I thought as soon as I walked out of that room when the Luna told me that I was pregnant everyone would see it on my face. But they didn't

Even when I went to my parents for dinner I thought that my mother would of guess from the glow of happiness I was radiating. But no she didn't all she asked me to do was pass the potatoes.

I was brought out of my reminiscing by The Luna's name being called but we know secretly they were asking for me.

We made our way into the sound proof doctor's room. The door slightly heavy to push as it was inclined with lead to ensure that there are no eavesdroppers. The pack takes confidentiality seriously and loose tongues caused a lot of fighting that resulted in death.

Dr. Anderson was sitting behind her large wooden desk stock piled with patient notes. Her dark blonde hair tied in a bun onto of her head while her glasses rested on her nose. She gave us a sweet smile as we sat on the chairs opposite.

"So Lisa," She began. "Would you like to sit on the exam table?"

I looked over at the dark black long bed like table. I laid on their last time. It was very comfortable. I lay down and rolled my top up exposing my abdomen.

Dr. Anderson came over with her stethoscope and a cone like substance in her hand. "First thing first. Would you like to hear the baby's heartbeat?"

I thought my face would split into two as I was grinning so widely. This was the moment I was waiting for. "Yes, Please."

She listened first to find the heartbeat then put me on a monitor that had a speaker. "Are you ready?" she asked as she smiled.

I nodded as Sam said. "Get on with it. I'm Tired of the suspense." We all laughed as she pressed a play button.

I heard a beat. Then another. And Another. Music to my ears. The sound brought tears to my eyes. Inside me something beautiful was growing. Inside me the love of my mate and myself is growing.

"I made a recording. When you have your next appointment in a next couple of weeks you should be showing a lot more and then we can have a scan to see how this baby is being developed." She took of the belt monitor across my stomach as she did so the sound was gone. Erased as if it was never there.

I moved to sit on the chair next to the Luna as the Dr. resumed her place behind the desk.

"Is there anything that you would like to ask me?" Dr Anderson then passed me a leaflet called. 'What to expect at six weeks' and a memory stick recording of my baby heartbeat.

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