Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

"What is wrong in showing Xander the album?" I questioned looking him straight in the eye.

He spun round to face the window. "It was not your place to do so."

"Your son asked and I saw the album and I showed it to him. Can you tell me what the problem is. If we are going to choose each other a mates. Then I have a right to know what is going on." I was proud at how firm my voice was.

"If Xander has any questions regarding her." He sneered the word as if it was contaminated. "Send him to me and I will sort it out." He turned from the window not even looking in my direction to walk out the room.

"Hey!" I shouted at his back. "I am not finished yet."

He stopped in mid motion. His hand on the door handle. His muscle on his back tensed.

"Answer me this Alexander." I saw him lower his he'd but his ears perked up listening. "What happened to your mate?"

He turned the handle of the door then left without a sound. I stood there in shock. The day had started out so well.

I found my family in the pack kitchen as usual sitting at the table with left overs breakfast. I walked past my mum to take a seat. She looked at me with a sigh then shook her head.

Great. Just what have I done now. It didn't take me long to find out. As I was buttering my toast my mother decide to speak up.

"Lisa, you need to take better care of yourself." She began. "You hair is a mess. Your dress is wrinkled. You too a Long time to get down stairs to have some food."

I felt like telling her it was because I was too busy having sex with that damn Alpha that why I look a hot mess.

I self consciously finger combed my hair and tied it into a side bun then straighten out my dress. I gave her a one side smile. "Better?"

She grumped and then looked away. I felt the need to escape my mums overbearing motherly love pressure after breakfast when she decided on decorating the twins room.

Turns out Alpha Alexander gave her his black card to spend in human shops. However the cribs will be made by the pack members. My mum was very excited at the prospect of free shopping and getting me some maternity gear.

"Mum how about you go shopping. Right now I cannot take the stench from humans." I gave a false lie.

"I make sure she stays safe." Tammy chimed in after taking Xander back to his studies.

Thinking over Tammy's words she nodded her head. "Make sure you keep her away from you know who." my mum stood up to call one of the enforcers to take her to town. Better him than me.

Tammy picked up a fresh apple from the table then took a big bite out of it. "So, what do you want to do today since you are now a woman of leisure."

"Ha, please." I said dismissively. "I would soon have to take over the running of the pack. I surprised Nana Luna haven't given me duties yet."

"Cause it was not her running it." Came Tammy's quick reply. She threw the apple in the bin. "I don't know about you but I am fed up at being kept inside so let's go out for a walk."

We walked hand in hand out into the garden. We followed the path along the pack house greeting people as we went along. The scenery was great. Flowers blossomed in the fields tress were thick in the forest as far as the eye can see. I felt myself itching to change. I haven't been for a run in a long time. As soon as the twins were out I promised myself that is the first thing that I would do.

"Luna, Tammy." Emily greeted me.

I pulled her in for a tight hug. I haven't seen her in ages. "How is your mating going?" I asked. She was paired up with Clayton at the same ball Tammy found her mate.

"It's going well." She said as she touched the side of her neck in pleasure. I couldn't help but be a bit envious of her mate mark. She placed her hand on my bump. "If the goddess is willing I hope to carry a pup soon."

"I hope so as well." I decided to give her blessings on the future. "Blessed be." I took her hands in mine and gave her a kiss on her cheeks.

"You honor me Luna." Emily said with a blush.

"How are you fitting in here. I hope they are treating you well." Emily seemed like a quiet person I would not want anyone taking advantage of her.

"No. It's all Good. Clayton comes from a good family. He is a warrior trainer at the academy. Training young pups." Emily proudly said.

"That's a good job." Tammy agreed.

A warrior trainer is like a humans Physical education teacher as well as a martial art expert. They teach children how to defend themselves and fight in their human forms. It's a class that all children have to take from seven years old. If they are not picked to be pack warriors then they don't have to train everyday just once a week at selected classes. It's very effective at making a pack strong.

"May I speak plainly." Emily said then looked around to make sure we were truly alone. I gave her a nod to continue. "When I first came everyone was pleasant they still are. However Jessica been asking me questions about you. Making me uncomfortable."

Me and Tammy glanced at each other. "What did you tell her?"

"That our pack is large and your a nurse and beside that I don't know much about you. What was weird was that Tina stuck up for you." Emily confided.

"This confirms it." Tammy said spinning round to me. "She is after something."

"Or biding her time." I said "let's go back to the house where we can talk in private. We are too out in the open."

As we rounded the corner of we came across a group of people. I saw a couple of men stand off the the side clearly watching the interaction.

As we walked closer I noticed about five females surrounding Jessica and a pram.

"Oh isn't he just wonderful."
"He looks just like his dad." A brunette observed
"Look at all that hair." Another crooned
"He is going to be a strong one."

They stopped talking as soon as they spotted me. The women nodded at me then scattered off as if they thought they were doing something wrong.

One of the women stayed and I noticed that it was Tina.

She peered down at the baby then said. "It is true. He does look just like his dad."

Jessica didn't reply to that comment instead gave me a dirty look and walked away pushing her pram. The men behind her gave her followed her at a safe distance.

Tina approached once she was gone. "I heard that there may be a new opening. I want you to suggest my mate Matt as the Beta position to the Alpha."

"Or what?" Tammy took a menacing step towards Tina I placed my hand on her arm to stop her.

Tammy was pregnant she can't be getting into fights at this time.

"Or your house will come crashing down. Once I tell the pack about your sordid dark little secrets. I bet Nana Luna was looking forward to her new grandchild. I wonder if she be heart broken if I tell her the truth." She put her finger to her lips and tilted her head to the side as if she was in thought. "I better go and find out shouldn't I?"

She walked slowly down the path back to the pack house as if waiting for me to stop her. I smirked at Emily and Tammy.

"Let her do it!" I said loudly so she could hear. "Let the Alpha deal with her later. I wonder if Stephanie would accept her back into the pack after I tell her what she been up to."

Tina's step faltered then stopped. If she thought I got more to lose than her then she was wrong. I didn't wait for her to turn around I walked back into the house with the girls.

We went back to my private room that I was staying I whilst mine gets fixed. We came up with a plan of our own of getting Tina out if this pack once and for all. She has finally over stepped her mark.

Later on that evening I decided to help my mother paint the nursery. I haven't seen or heard from Alexander all day. He didn't even turn up for supper. All I got was strange like from Nana Luna I had a feeling she knows what the hell is going on. Her first loyalty is too her son and Alpha so I doubt she would tell me.

I was concentrating on painting the section of the room yellow. I wasn't too find of the colour however my mother was so I decided to let her have her way. These are her first grand children. My mother was on the other side of the room on the ladder painting the top bits. My father was tasked with putting together the cabinet, at which he was loosing.

"These human manuals are no good." He stated throwing the booklet on the floor in exasperation.

I put down my paintbrush to go over to him. I looked at the manual. "Dad. You have the wrong size screwdriver and nail. Didn't you use the ones out of the packet?"

"Those human tools break too easily." he moved to open a pack of nails.

I shook my head at him. Wolf men always blame the humans when things go wrong.

If someone got food poisoning. It was that human recipes.
If someone got into a car crash it was that human car or driver.
If someone slipped over, it was those human shoes.

"Ow." My dad yelled he hurt his thumb with the hammer. He put it in his mouth to stop the bleeding.

My mum came down the ladder to have a look at it. "Donald. Don't be such a baby it's barely a scratch." She turned to me. "Lisa, be a doll and go downstairs to get a plaster please."

I almost wined and said why me. I didn't bother to go downstairs but walked around to where the medical wing is. The door was unlocked so I went in. I switched on the light. After a minute of looking around I found a small draw where a set of plasters should be.

"Can I help you Luna." A voice said from behind me.

I knocked over the draw in surprise knocking it and its contents on the floor.

I saw Danielle standing off to the side. She came rushing to me to make sure that I was ok.

"Are you harmed." she wrung her hands clearly upset. "I didn't mean to startle you." She bent down picking up the things that were on the floor.

"It's my fault." I soothed. "I didn't hear you come in. I was looking for a plaster."

She picked a packet up and gave it to me. Then resumed picking up the rest of the stuff in the tray.

"So what was you doing in here?" I asked. Danielle works in the kitchen not the medical wing.

"Erm." she stuttered "I was just picking up some vitamins."

"When the doctor isn't here?" I asked suspiciously.

She quickly put the rest of the items in the draw when a picture caught my eye. It was on the edge of her pocket crudely folded.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Nothing." She turned to leave.

I caught her by the edge of her sleeve then pulled the picture out of her pocket. I saw her with a brunette and a baby. The picture looked like it as taken a long time ago.

"Who's this? She is beautiful." I asked. The woman in the picture looked familiar.

"Me and my sister that's her baby. She is dead now."

"Dead?" I handed her back the picture feeling sorry for her. "How did she die?"

"Because I killed her." Alexander deep voice sounded from the door as he looked to me then to a sad stricken Danielle.

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