Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

The Luna smiled at me, while I looked back at her confused. To say we were friends was under rated. I looked around the room taking in the wealth of the room. I saw a door opened in the left far corner. I assume that might take you to the bedroom. This is not where the Alpha and Luna lived. They live in the pack house. However for visiting high rank pack members. They normally stay in these quarters and the rest of their entourage stay a floor below.

"Nice to meet you Lisa," I was driven out of my thoughts by the brunette sitting next to the Luna. "I am Sophia. I think we met before. I am mate to the Beta Andrew."

Her sweet melody of a voice resonantated throughout me. I looked up into her shocking big blue eyes. Then gulped. I think I have a girl crush. I gave her a megawatt smile. Showing off nearly all the teeth in my mouth.

"Good to meet you to beta Sophia" I always remembered her as being kind to the people in the pack. Sophia role in the pack is what other can consider as agony aunt people goes to see her to talk about anything and everything. I think i heard Tammy say once that she has a degree in Psychology.

"Nice to meet you. I think I saw you when you came to monitor a patient that lost his mate to stop him from going rouge." I explained to her.

Sophia came to the hospital three months ago when a pack member lost his mate while she was visiting family in another state to a rogue attack. He was about to shift to go after this wild werewolfs and in the process lose his soul. When a wolf loses their mate in a terrible way they are susiceptable to the WBL also known as wolf blood lust. Where they see nothing but revenge. Able to kill anything in their path. tiltering on the brink of madness.

Sophia gave a sigh of recogniton. "Yes I remember him. Such a terrible event to of happened. He did right to seek the mate death. I hope he is with her in peace now."

The mood became silent after this statement as the other reflected the death. I can't believe that he sort the death. I guess he had no choice but to choose that death. He had no family keeping him here. Better he joins her with the moon goddess than become the animal that he detess.

" Enough of this sad talk. He died with honor befitting of a wolf of our pack. " The Luna clapped her hands to signal the end to the conversation. " It has been a long evening and a longer night. I know we all want to wait up for our men to come back, better we be rested to be able to tend to their needs. Ladies I bid you goodnight." She stood up and looked around the room at the others. I took this as qeue to stand up as well then the other ladies followed. " Lisa you can stay here and sleep with me."

My mouth dropped open for the second time that night in shock. As small gasps erupted around the room. The Luna was offering me great privilage. To sleep in an alpha bed was un heard of.

"No one sleeps in the Alpha's room." My head turned to the dark blonde that spoken. " Just cause she walked naked infront of two men does not mean she has reached the top of the ladder." She turned to lace me with her dark penetrating eyes. " The Alpha will not like this."

A deep growl came from the Luna within a moment she was in front of the woman. " You she-wolf will not tell me what MY Alpha likes. You she-wolf will obey Lindsey."

Lindsey was supid enough to try and hold the Luna stare. In no time she broke contact and wimpering of her wolf could be heard.

" Is there anyone else have a problem with sleeping arrangements?" With her arms wide open she slowly turned round in a circle looking at each woman individually.

" No qualms by me Luna." Sophia broke the tense silence as she smiled. I gathered she does not like Lindsey and happy that she is put in her place.

Luna gestued with her hand to the door.

Sophia was the last through the door. She turned and said goodnight before leaving.

"Lisa this couch pulls out into the bed. Help me make it up."

I approached the couch and helped her straighten it out into a double bed. " I heard you found your mate today." She turned to smile at me as she placed the bedding on the mattress.

I felt a blush appear on my cheeks as I thought about my mate. " Yes his name is Sebastian. His pack came to help out with the rogue problem."

We started to cover the douvet cover with a nice deep purple blankèt. " You know Luna I was unsure if I was to ever find my mate. As being my age people normally find their mate at a younger age. I just can't wait to be with him." I turned round to face her to see her looking at me with a love written on her face as well. " Do you know what I mean. I want the true love that my parents have. That you and the Alpha has. Love that knows no bounds. Love that knows no fear."

Two arms wrapped around me and wet tears touch my cheek from the hug of the luna. " Oh Lisa I wish you all the blessing of the goddess that you find love and happeniness in your mating with Sebestian. If you don't then he would have me to deal with. " With a small laugh we both embraced again.

The luna turned to leave to go into the bedroom when I stopped her. "Luna, Thank you for tonight."

" It was not a problem sister. " She closed the door that connected me to the bedroom.

The sofa was surprisingly comfortable. The bedding seemed the same my own. hhmm memory foam.

Within no time I was asleep. Wrapped up in the warmth of the alpha's personal suite.

I woke to loud repeat banging next door. I slowly wiped the sleep from my eyes as I adjusted to the darkness of the room. Thud. Thud. Thud.

The banging was getting louder. I jumped to my feet as I realised it was coming from the Luna's room. She could be in danger.

I raced to the door and was about to turn the handle when I heard a loud long scream followed by a deep guttèral moan.

I quickly snached my hand from the handle. Blood rushing to my face as I realised what I almost walked in on. Thud. Thud. Thud. This time the sound was coming louder and faster. Rhymically. Then a scream and a moan.

Oh sweet goddess I need to get out of her. I peered down in to the key hole. Half of my sight was taken up by the the bed the other sight just saw a perfectly toned white ass rise into the air the drop back onto the bed with a thud. So that is where the sound comes from.

Oh no what am i doing. I felt my abdoment clench as sweat beaded from my fore head. I looked around the room for and exit. There are some sights a pack member must not see. I saw light coming from under the doors that the other ladies left from. I stealthy made my way to the door.

I slowly turned the door knob of the handle. Not wanting to make any sounds that could interupt the Alpha couple.

I opened the door to be met with a strong hard chest. I looked down to noticed that all of him was naked. His callous hand touch my chin to raise my eyes to his face.

" Mine " He growled. Picking me up bridal style and kicking the door shut with his feet as he strode back to the bed when I just woke up from.

Goddess have mercy. I don't think its just the Luna that will be mated tonight.


thanks for staying. i don't have a computer at the moment and what i do is on my samsung so bare with me and all the spelling mistakes.

thats why i havent uploaded but i think im just going to do continue on my samsung that way you are able to share the stories in my head, xoxo


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