Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

It's been two and a half months since me and Alexander cleared the air and things haven't been better. Sebs been gone since then and we haven't heard a thing from him or Jessica.

Nana Luna thought this was strange as she thought that Jessica would at least called to boast about how the pack was treating her and about how much she gained.

I was just grateful that both of them were out my life. Out of the twins lives as well. I know I should feel bad that the girls would grow up not knowing who their proper dad will be. But Alex would be their all and everything. Just like he is too me.

I was sitting down in the pack lounge surrounding by many people fussing over me. My tummy was so far extended I found it hard to walk. I was rubbing my stomach trying to calm these girls down. They are due any time soon. I can't wait for them to come out.

One thing is there was no more sex between me and Alex. As he crudely put it. I can not handle three people inside me.

"Are you alright dear?" my mother Asked from beside me. "I brought you a cup of tea. I think your in slow labour."

"I think your right about that mum." I leaned forward for Xander to rub my back. His tiny hands could find all the niches in my body. "I been getting shooting pains along my tummy all day."

"Why didn't you tell me." My mum shouted across the room. "Someone call a doctor!"

People started rushing about talking each other that I was in labour.

"Mummy are you going to be okay?" Xander said behind me. I reached behind me to drag him to stand in front of me.

"Baby I am going to be fine." I rubbed my tummy again in pain. "Your sisters are finally coming."

"Babies!" Alexander came bursting into the room with a bunch of men. "Your going into labour?" he kneeled down in front of me to put his ears to my stomach. An act so special within itself.

"I can hear their heartbeat. They are going to be just fine." He gently picked my up. Swinging my legs over his arms bridal style.

"The surgery room is ready for you Alpha." The doctor said from behind us.

No sooner than he set me down in the labour room, we then heard a loud commotion.

The beta Adam, Tammy's mate came running into the room.

"Alpha. We are under attack. They managed to get through onto the property before they were spotted. They seemed to know all our defenses. I ordered everyone to the safety house in the woods. The pack house has been infiltrated."

I looked on in shock and in labour. A foreign howl was heard within the confides of the house.

I shivered in fear. I was about to give birth and the pack is under attack.

"Where's Xander and my family?" I asked him.

"They are with a bunch of men heading into the forest. What we need to concentrate on now is getting you out of here." Adam stressed. There was a commotion out the doors. Sound like fighting. Alexander picked me up again running with me into the next room.

He pressed a hidden button on a shelf which opened a hidden door. He sprayed the room with a liquid spray that was on the medical table to get rid of put scents. Then walked into the dark corridor clicking the door closed behind us.

"The doctor." I whispered to him.

"Shh." He whispered to me. "We need a diversion. Right now your safety is the number one concern."

Alexander navigated his way around the corridors. Seeming very familiar with it. It was dark and filled with cobwebs. I kept having to wipe them out of my face.

I clung on hard to Alexander's arm as I felt a powerful contraction come through me.

"Hush Lisa. We are almost there." Alex whispered as he opened the door that we had reached. I thought we was still in the corridor as it was still so dark but the cool breeze on my face told me something else.

Alexander took a moment to observe his surrounding before moving steadily into the forest. From my position we were on the west wing of the property. The surrounding bush blocked the hidden entrance from the view. We hit the tree line with no trouble and without coming across no enemy Wolves.

"Alex. I can't hold on any longer." I panted. I felt the need to push. The urge was coming stronger.

I saw a cottage up ahead it was still within pack grounds. I pointed over to it.

"We are not far enough yet vixen." Alexander said torn. I was red and sweating. I couldn't go on for much longer.

"Alex. Just call the other wolves to meet us here. I know most of them are protecting their families." I said frustrated. This seemed to of women him up.

"Yes, yes I do that." he placed a kiss on my forehead and walked to the cottage. The door was locked. Which was not usually the Norms for a pack.

Alex jingled me in his arms to kick open the door. The lock splintered at the kick. Alexander shouldered his way in. He sat me down on the floor to do his best to barricade the door.

"Alex!" I called to him as he was picking up the sofa to place at the door. My contractions were nearly every two minutes now. "I need you." I held my breath as my body shook from the pain. "To find some towels and water. The babies are coming now."

Alexander didn't panic as much as I thought he would of done. He went into the bathroom to find three big towels and a bowl of hot water. I had my back against the wall for support. My dress pulled up to my waist.

This was not how I imagined having my baby. A baby in the middle of a war. I ask Alex to give me a wooden plank to bite on. I felt another contraction come and spread my legs to push. I gave a loud piercing scream. My vagina felt as if it was on fire. There was a burning sensation. I stopped to pant as the contraction was gone again.

"Keep going baby." Alexander advised. "I can see the head."

I felt the need to push again. I squeeze my eyes shut through the pain as I squeeze for all my life worth.

In another second I heard a scream. A small but strong scream. Alexander used a knife to cut the cord. Then wrapped her in the blanket.

"She beautiful." He announced. He put her on my chest for me to have a look. She was all bloody and had a thick dark brown hair. Her eyes were mine. She looked up to me and in that instant I felt the love that could never be broken.

"Alex put her on the rug! I need to push." I put the wooden plank back into my mouth as I bitten down hard on it almost broke a tooth.

"Just another push Lisa and she be out." Alexander mopped my forehead that was beading with sweat.

"I am so tired." I rolled my head back on the wall.

"Just one more push!" I squeezed and pushed again. I felt proud that I delivered my two girls. Alexander wrapped her up and placed her on my chest. She looked identical to her sister.

"They are beautiful." Alex said with a tear in his eye looking down at his children.

"They are beaut-" I stopped again as I felt the tell tale sensation of another contraction.

"Lisa. You okay?" Alexander took my daughter out my arms to place next to her sister. His face was a mixture of anxiety and concern for me.

"Alex. I think I need to push again." I closed my eyes and screamed pushing with all my might.

The baby came out in one push. She was small and tiny and not crying. Alex held her in his arms. Towel wrapped around her. Rubbing her to bring back some warmth and life in her.

"Alex. She is not crying." I started to weep. "Why isn't she crying."

"I am sorry Lisa." He handed me the baby. "She is not breathing." I checked her pulse it was non existent. I have her CPR nothing working. I wrapped her up in another warm blanket hoping that the baby I did not expect would wake up and open her eyes.

"Lisa," Alex nudged me to put down the baby. "Darling she is gone. These two are wailing to be fed."

I hopeless put her I the floor. She remained unmoving still. Blue around the lips.

"Alex, Lisa!" Sebs Voice rang from outside the cottage. "I know your in there. I come for my children and mate. You were wrong to mess with me Alex."

Alex walked to peer out the window.

"Seb is there with two other males!" he stated. "You can't shift in your condition. I want you to run for the east. You find a hidden pack house there. It's my family house the others would be else where."

He came down to kneel beside me. Kissed both girls on the head. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me."

"Alex don't talk like that!" I cried.

"If I don't make it. You need to run this pack till Xander comes of age. Don't make him seek revenge as I don't want an early death for him." He gave me a sweet bitter kiss. "You would need to leave this Angel here. Come get her when its quiet. You can not run with three newborns."

I looked down at the baby that died sadly. "Angel is a good name for her." I gave her a kiss and stood up by the door.

Alex moved all the furniture out the way then made slings for me to hold the babies to my chest out of his shirt.

With a lasting look at me he opened the front door to shift and barrel into the three men.

I took that opportunity to run and not to look back because I knew if I did I would of done something stupid.

I ran blindly into the forest. Twigs snapping and hitting me in the face. I must of been running for twenty minutes when I came across a clearing.

I looked around unsure of wether I should step into the open.

"Come out Lisa." Jessica called. "I can smell you and your sprog there." She was naked walking about looking in my general direction it was clear she just shifted. I noticed that her neck still have no mate mark.

I stepped out from the trees. "What do you want Jessica. Why attack this pack?"

"You!" She sneered at me. "Tina was right. It all adds up now. You are Sebastian Mate. No matter. I take care of you the same way I took care of Michelle."

"You killed Michelle!" I said loudly but confused. "Didn't she kill herself?"

"Noone wondered why Xander was getting all those falls?" she gave a crazed laugh. "They all thought she was depressed down to me. That a human disease. No wolf gets depressed. They get territorial over there babies. And she was. Noone was listening to her when she said that Xander was in danger they thought she was the mad one. I told her I would leave him alone of she killed herself. And like a weak wolf she did."

"That was terrible you killed her for what! No reason!"
I shouted back at her causing the twins to cry.

"I had a reason. The same reason I am going to kill you. Seb loved her and he always would. She needed to be gone for him to be completely mine." She gave me a sinister smile. "After you are gone there would be nothing in my way stopping me from getting his mate mark."

I gently laid my twin girls on the ground as Jessica shifted and ran towards me. I braced myself for an attack.

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