Chapter 28

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If you are reading this as a new update check the last chapter as I updated the end of that one.

Chapter 28.

I woke up to the first time in days without feeling sick. I sat up alone in the bed to the baby kicking me. I glance down at my bump seeing that it almost doubled in size over night.

Guess this is what they mean about you popping. I looked over at the night stand to see it being almost mid day.

I quickly got washed and dressed to make my way downstairs to the kitchen.

As I was walking to the kitchen I saw Seb from one of the windows in the courtyard. The flood of memories from the night before came back to me in a rush. I held onto the bannister for support.

I kept staring at him from out the window willing him to look at me. To gaze in my direction.

What I needed to know was last night real and did he feel anything for me.

The Alpha was right I did choose him however that was before I knew how Seb felt about me. How he would feel about our baby.

We could always go back to my old pack and start a fresh. Leave Jeasica behind where she can't hurt us. I need to talk with Seb. We never talked properly about this love triangle that we are in.

I made my way to the kitchen with the intention of going out into the courtyard.
My hand made it to the back door handle when I got called from behind.

"Lisa." Nana Luna called.

I turned around to see her taking off her apron then washing her hands in the sink.

"Good morning." I answered.

"Morning." she said as she approached me. "Your parents and family are in the west wing family room waiting."

I nodded my head. "I was just heading out for a walk. I can stop by there afterwards." I turned towards the door cutting off the conversation.

"My. You popped last night." Nana Luna reached out to touch my tummy. "Look at you. So soon. I would of have you another two weeks."

I smiled at her. I was wearing a dress that flowed to my knees. I more like look like a small tent.

"I know!" I gushed. "it was the first thing that I noticed as well this morning."

"Well you be pleased to know." She began. "I heard about last night. And Xander wanted to see the baby anyway. So the Alpha set up a surprise in the west wing with your family. He got the men to set up a scanner."

"A baby scanner?" I asked excited. Like what other scanner could it be.

Nana Luna was laughing and nodding along with me like a lunatic. I mentally put my thoughts with Seb on the back burner as I linked arms with Nana Luna to go back to the west Wing to see my baby on tv for the first time.

As we walked into the room. I saw my Alpha sitting down talking with my family. Tammy and her mate wasn't here so it was just family. Mine and theirs. Like Alexander was the true father to my baby.

Xander noticed me first and came rushing to me. "Mummy"

He pulled on my hand bringing me and Nana Luna further into the room. It was then that a noticed a female doctor sanding to the side where a large machine was with a monitor. The monitor was further attached to the smart tv on the wall. Which I guess is for everyone's viewing.

"We get to see the baby today." Xander told me. "You need to lay down on the table. That's what they lady said."

I could tell he was eager. I waved at my parents and said hello. Tommy and his mate were also present. I didn't have time to greet them individually as Alexander came and guided me to the leather reclining chair.

I felt overwhelmed. Xander on one side and Alex on the other. Such domineering males. Xander does take after his father.

I was laid down on the chair. Where the doctor placed a sheet over my lap then exposed my belly.

A lot of people gasped in the room. My stomach was well pronounced. The baby has cotton bigger.

"Wow!" Xander stroked around the bump fascinated.

My mother came over with tears in her eyes to offer a kiss on my bump. The baby gave a soft kick on my mothers cheek.

"Donald." she called her mate "did you see that. Baby recognized me."

"Yes." Donald my dad agreed.

"Lets get started" the doctor approached me as everyone sat down. Alex sat next to me holding my hand in his. Looking intensely at my bump. Xander was at the other side holding my hand. His attention fixed on the screen.

The doctor squirted a cold liquid on my stomach and moved a small device over it. It took about a minute for the image to become clear upon the smart tv screen.

"Oh my goddess. Bless me." I prayed for my baby as I started to cry. Seeing the first image of my baby. It was fully formed and in a fetal position.

"So beautiful." Nana Luna said from across the room. "I wish we had all this technology when you were a pup."

"Daddy was never a pup." Xander said from beside me. I sort of agreed with him. I could never picture Alexander as a baby. He always seemed to male. To masculine for that.

The baby moved to the side and I saw another head pop up. I almost jumped out my seat to get a better view. There was two?

Two babies. I'm having twins. I looked up to the doctor for confirmation.

She moved the dongle around a little to get a better view. On the screen side my side were two babies. One was sucking their thumb.

"Would you like to know the sex?" The doctor asked.

"Hell yeah!" she don't need to ask me twice. I need to know what to buy. What things I need to get prepared for.

"I can tell you they are both of the same sex." She teased.

"I think it's a boy mummy." Xander said. I know he wanted a brother to play with as he was being picked on by the other kids.

"Yeah" my dad inputted. "got to be a boy!"

My mum nudged him with her elbow. "What we need is more girls. Isn't that right Luna." she turned her head to include Nana Luna.

"I am happy as long as they are healthy." she wasn't a Luna for nothing. She knows how to stay neutral.

The doctor moved the scanner around to check on the babies once more.

"Looks like you and the Alpha are having twin girls!" she announced. "Congratulations. I think you're due in eight weeks time."

"Eight weeks?" I mumbled I thought I had more time than that.

"Twin rate develop quicker than single birth. So they will be here a couple of weeks early." she took the scanner off my tummy but the twins were still on the screen. "I done a recording and it's playing now. DVD is in the player."

I wiped myself clean. Xander was Being very quiet. Starring at the screen in awe. He really wanted a family. More siblings to play with. I ruffled his hair to get his attention.

"You happy with two sisters" I asked I wanted him to be happy after all.

"Yeah!" he got up to give me a hug and a kiss. "I can show them how to play and how to hunt!" he ran over to Nana Luna to tell her about his new siblings.

"Two girls." The Alpha said in wonder. "I always dreamed of a girl. But two daughters! a miracle."

He leaned in to place a kiss on my cheek. My mother came over with my brother to give me a hug. I sat up and pulled down my dress.

The excitement was rife in the room. People was discussing about baby names. My mother insisting that I have to name the baby after her.

Alexander remained in the room. Silent, watching. He stood up and walked towards us.

"I have to leave. Something has come up downstairs." He bent down to kiss my brow and then the same to Xander.

"I got something to say to Alexander." I told my family.
They wanted me to stay for a little while longer but I couldn't. I needed to get away.

I ran out the room and down the hall. Following in the wake of Alexander. I came to a small room. I opened the door to come face to face with Seb.

He dragged me further into the room and locked the door.

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