Chapter 36

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Chapter 36

It was the day of the birth celebrations. My parents were back at my old pack for the day. I made sure that they went so they won't be blamed for my escape.

It was mid afternoon and the pack was a hide of activity. They put up a big tent in the garden for the party. Many of the pack members were already there.

I finished packing my suitcase I found it hard to zip up but managed it. I took my purple suitcase to hide it underneath the bed.

I stood back to look around the room. For a couple of months this pack had become my life. I found love within this pack. I found laughter. The life that I thought I could of had disappeared from me in an instant.

I smoothed my dress down and walked out the room to try and find Tammy. This might be the last time that I see her in a while so I need to say goodbye.

I found her setting up a table in the marquee.

"Tammy!" I called across the room. She put down the tableware to approach me.

"Hey!" she gave me a hug. "I felt like I haven't seen you for ages. you been avoiding me?"

"No." I smiled. "No definitely not you."

"I hope your not thinking of coming to this party it be like a slap in the face for you." She advised.

"I need to come to show my face but I won't be staying long." I gave her another hug. "promise me that you look after yourself."

"Of course I am." She looked at me puzzled. "you're not going to do anything stupid are you?"

I shook my head. "Nope. I am just going to be with my mate."

Tammy must of thought I was talking about Alexander as she didn't question what I said.

"Tammy come help me with this!" A lady called from the other side of the tent.

"I got to go Lisa," She looked me square in the eye. "We talk later yeah?"

I gave her a nod and pushed her away in the direction of the woman.

It was now time for me to find Xander to tell him goodbye. My heart felt heavy like I was doing him a disservice. I wonder if he would hate me. I was like a mother to him. His first mother died and he would think that I had left him. If I could take him I would. I do not want him to turn out like a killer his father was.

I found Xander in the games room with a bunch of boys and girls playing mario on the Xbox.

"Xander, come with me." I said sharply

He turned round to look at me.

"Oh your in trouble." A dark hair kid said from beside him.

"Shut up." Xander replied grumpily, putting down the games console to walk to me. "Yes mummy." he said looking down at his feet.

I reached out a hand to push his black silly hair behind his ear.

"I just wanted a hug from my baby."

This was met with kissing sounds from the rest of the boys.

Xander face went red with embarrassment. He turned around to face the boys again. "Shut up!"

Xander spun round to give me a quick hug. His hands unable to go completely around my waist due to the twins.

I ruffled his hair. "Go back to your game."

He ran back to his friends turning around at the last moment to give me a wave.

I couldn't help but let a tear escape. I kept telling myself that I was doing the right thing. What other choice do I have. I walked back to my room feeling tired.

Seb was waiting for me outside my door. I looked around the corridor to make sure we was truely alone.

"What are you doing here?" I hissed at him once I got closer.

"I came just to make sure that you were ok and haven't gone back on our deal." he tried to pull me into his arms but I resisted. I didn't want anyone seeing us and risking our escape.

"Yes I haven't I am ready and set to go." I reminded him.

"Midnight at the edge of the property." he placed a kiss on my lips then walked away down the otherwise of the corridor.

I checked my surrounding again before I entered the room to make sure that we was not over heard.

I quickly shut my room door behind me. Resting my forehead on the door, taking a moment of time to wrap my head around the whole situation.

"So your planning on running away?" Nana Luna said sharply from behind me.

I slowly pivoted round to face an angry look Nana. My suitcase was open and clothes scattered on the bed.

"Just what do you think you are doing?" she demanded.

"I am well within my rights to leave. Your son is a murderer. He murdered his mate. Who's to know he won't do the same to me." I spread my arms out in a confused gesture.

Nana Luna took a step towards me. "Now you listen here missy my son is no murderer."

I snorted. Just like a mother to protect her son. "He told me so himself." I mimicked his voice. "I was too protective to possessive. I couldn't share her."

"And what else did he say?" she look taken back.

"That's all he said. That all I needed to know." I walked to the bed trying to fold away the clothes back in my suitcase.

"It was true. He was all those things because Michelle had a relationship with Sebastian first. He kept thinking that he was always second best especially as they were all living under one roof. That why he told Seb to have a relationship with Jessica cause he was pining for his mate."

"So he decided to kill her because he couldn't trust her?" I spun round to look at her.

"He didn't kill her she killed herself!" Nana Luna shouted at me. "I should know because many of us was there." she sat down sadly on my bed. "It was after Xander was born. She got post natal depression."

"That's ridiculous! Wolves don't get that we are too over protective that is a human."

"Disease?" Nana Luna finished off for me. "We all thought that. Her and Jessica became good friends. Jessica kept telling us that something was wrong till one night she went mad. Xander kept having falls at night. Then she decided to drink acid in front of us. We couldn't stop her. Ever since the. Alexander. My son has blamed himself. He kept saying if he would of acted differently, been a better mate she would of still been alive."

Nana Luna stood up from my bed. "If you want to leave then fine. We will not stand in your way but do never again call my son a murderer." With that lasting remark she left the room.

My mouth was still open in shock. So Alex didn't kill his mate. He just felt an overwhelming sense of guilt. I felt shame over come me by the way I have treated me. If only he would of told me the truth.

But he tried to but you didn't listen. A voice inside me said.

I realized now that I don't want to run away with Seb. I am in love with Alex. He treats me like a princess. Offered to look after these two little ones. I love Xander as if I gave birth to him. No I am not going to leave this pack. I got dressed and ready to attend the party, hopefully have a quiet word with Seb to tell him I am not going to leave.

The party was in full swing around seven pm I saw Xander in the corner with some children from the pack in a black tuxedo. He looked so cute. I called him over to take a picture on my phone.

"Can I join in the picture or do you have eyes for only my son?" Alexander came to step behind Xander. The both of the identical to each in matching suit and looks.

"I look just like you daddy." Xander pointed out.

"You sure do." Alexander said as he picked him for me to take their picture. I took a couple of snaps. Remembering to savor this moment forever.

"Do you want to join in Luna I can take the picture." A Middle aged woman called Doris that works as pack secretary asked.

Before I had a chance to reply Alexander pulled me close so we had a family picture.

"You look beautiful." He commented on my evening dark blue ball gown dress.

"Thank you." I smiled back.

Alexander looked back at me in surprise that I been so warm towards him.

"Do I take it that you are willing to listen to me." He asked slowly.

It was then that I noticed the bags under his eyes and the desperation in his eyes that I listen to him. That he gets his point across.

"Yes I am willing to listen." I gave his hand a squeeze.

We couldn't talk anymore as Nana Luna made an announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlewolves. We are here to welcome a new edition into our pack. Let me introduce Sebastian Jacob Junior."

There were loud cheers and hooting as Jessica came in with a blood red dress she was linking arms with Seb whole was smiling widely at all the attention. In his arms he was carrying a newborn baby dressed in white.

"Thank you for helping us celebrate the birth of my son." Seb said on the mike from the stage. "I hope he grows to be as strong as me!"

"Or stronger!" Jessica chimed in to other people laughter.

"I have to go and give my greetings you stay here!" Alex said from next to me. He walked over to the happy couple to offer them his blessings. He kissed Jessica and the baby.

The party was full and packed out within the hour. Many people were drinking and dancing having a fun time. I kept trying to get Sebs attention but as soon as I was close he was off talking with someone else. I felt exasperated.

I felt Alexander's arms come around my waist. He placed a kiss on my neck. "Soon you be having my mark there." I shivered at that statement. He always know what to say to me.

I started to hear my people gasp and talk in hushed tones. The music was cut off abruptly. By the entrance were five men that I didn't recognise. By the tense atmosphere it seemed like they were not wanted at the celebrations.

"Daddy!" Jessica shouted and ran as fast as she could in high heels and a long dress to her father. She gave him a hug but he didn't bother to hug her back but to look around the room.

"I heard you had a son." he stated. I saw Seb then approach with the baby in his arms.

The Alpha pulled back the blanket to get a good look at the baby.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Alex.

"My bait." He replied with a sly smile. "Jessica's father and Alpha of the Darkmoon pack. He never had a son."

I thought over on this information.

"Is there a place we could talk?" Alpha of the Darkmoon pack said to his daughter.

Alexander stepped forward. "Alpha if you follow me you can use my office."

Seb, Jessica and the other men walked back to the pack house to have their talk. The music resumed again as well as the conversation. Many people were stipulating on why the Alpha was here. He never cared for Jessica.

"Mummy." Xander pulled on my dress while rubbing his eyes. "I'm tired."

"It's okay baby." I lifted him up so his bottom rested on my bump. Soon I won't be able to carry him no more. His little arms went round my neck for support.

"I take it your staying." Nana Luna commented from in front of me.

I didn't bother to reply but kept on walking to the pack house. Stepping around the already drunken wolves. They are going to have a headache in the morning.

I put Xander to sleep in his bed then decided to watch him for a while. He was absolutely adorable. Just like him dad. I felt the twins kick as if they were agreeing with me. Alexander may not be their biological father but he their dad in all other ways.

I felt bad that I doubt him. That I could believe this about him. All those things Seb told me must of taken root in my head so I believed the worst about him.

I gave Xander a finally kiss on the head then left.
I walked slowly back to my room thinking of how I was all set to leave at the beginning of the day now I'm ready to stay.

I saw Seb waiting for me at the end of the corridor pacing up and down next to my room.

"Seb!" I began about to tell him that I was not going to leave.

"Lisa," Seb placed a finger on my lips. "I cannot go with you tonight. I had a thought your having his babies and Jessica had mine. Best that we just leave things as it is we both made our decisions. Best to stay with it."

I looked at him perplexed. Only a couple of hours ago he couldn't wait to be with me. He was fighting his own Alpha for me what the hell has changed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I said confused. Upset again that he was choosing that bitch over me again. When will I learn.

"The Alpha has given my son opportunity to take over the Darkmoon pack. He was born with Alpha blood." He smiled at me. "This is a chance for my bloodline to be strong once again."

I looked at him. "I wanted to tell you that I was not going to run away with you as I love Alexander." I said with pride. Feeling that I have won a small victory.

"You're just saying that because I told you-" he began but I but him off.

"No I am not lying. Alexander will always be ten times the man you never be!" I shouted at him.

Seb's face went red with anger raised his arm as of he was about to hit me. I stood my ground, his arm frozen in mid air. He gave me a furious look then walked away.

I turned to go back into my room when I saw Alex looking at me stricken from the other end of the corridor.

"So you're going to run away with him?" he said flatly.

I gulped unsure of what to say. It was true I wanted to run away now how could I make him believe that it is him that I want to be with not Seb. I can live without Seb but not without Alex.

I gave a sad nod and he walked away from me. Leaving me all alone in the darkness.

A/n as you may of guessed the story is about to come to an end. But don't worry there are still some secrets to come out.

How does Seb know where the Redmoon pack is?
How come Jessica was BFF with Michelle.
Why is Seb becoming an Alpha.
What is Tina going to do?
When are the babies coming?
Will Seb ever find out he is the dad?
Why does Xander know Danielle is his aunt?
Who ripped up the pictures?
Has Stephanie had her baby yet?

I thought to leave you guys with those thoughts I always wanted to comment on my stories but I fear I give away the plot xx Kayla. Thanks for your votes

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