Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I braced myself for impact that never came. I saw a dark wolf jump on the table knocking over the plates and dishes. My dad and brother shifted instantly standing in front of their mates. Ready to fight to the death. He came towards me and the Alpha at a quick pace. The Alpha pushed me out the way as Seb lunged towards him going for his throat.

Alexander didn't shift he caught Seb in mid air. Wrestling with his jaw as Seb tried to snap at him.

Three enforcers came barreling in after hearing my screams. I looked down to the floor in horror to see Seb the dark wolf his body so much bigger than Alexander trying to bite him at his neck.

"Help him!" I screamed at the enforcers pointing at their Alpha. They stood back tense but waiting. Their muscles of their arms bulged as they fought the urge to shift.

Seb opened his jaw wide to try and bite the Alpha exposed arm but Alexander used that maneuver to flip Seb over onto his back and lock his arms around his neck in a wrestling style movement.

"Submit, beta" Alexander commanded. Holding Seb snout to the floor.

Seb growled and nipped at Alex.

"Submit or die." Alexander commanded a second time.

Seb wolf looked at me and let lose a sad howl. A howl of a lost mate. I felt my wolf stir in response. I jerked in my chair ready to go to his aid.

His soul called out to mine. For the first time.

"Submit" The Alpha said again tightening his hold ready to snap his neck.

"Damn it Seb." I shouted at him. His wolf still looking at me with torn eyes.
"Just fucking submit."
Seb looked forlorn at me as he submitted to the Alpha. I gripped the edge of my seat. My heart bursting to come out of my chest. I knew now that something monumental has just happened.

I had broken Sebs wolf and that was a horrible feeling worst than death.

The Alpha gently relaxed his hold on Seb as he rolled over to show his belly then shifted to human.

My mate laid naked on the wooden floor curled up in a ball. Silence ensued as the enforcers walked up to pick him up to carry him from the room.

Alexander stood up and dusted himself off. He done a quick glimpse around the room.

My father and brother were still in their wolf forms guarding their mate. As Alexander was not their Alpha and these not their lands they still felt that there was a threat.

I saw Tammy in the corner with her mate. Everyone scattered across the room. Still shaken in regards to what has happened.

"Lisa," Alexander called to me. "Go to your rooms. I am going to get someone to bring your family some clothes."

I could barely get myself up from the chair. I stood up. I could feel the adrenaline leaving my body. Making my legs feel like jelly.

My mind couldn't process what the hell was going on just yet. Apart of me felt broken. Alexander reached out for me to steady me. I felt as if I been drugged.

"You ok?" he asked.

I nodded but held onto the wall as I made my way out the room.

I kept walking till I saw the steps that lead up to the west wing. My mind kept replaying over and over what happened. Sebs behaviour just makes me even more confused than ever.

I have chosen the Alpha. And he Jessica. He needs to deal with it and move on. All this anger is over nothing.

He only decides to fight for now that the Alpha has me.

The corridor was dark and I was unsure of my surroundings. I opened a door to a room with a desk and a bookshelf.

This was the Alpha's study. Where he conducts his business. Alexander showed me around this office including the secret passage behind the bookcase.

I walked further in the room needing to sit down and rest. I felt ever so tired. I rubbed my bump noticing that it seemed a bit bigger than normal. I sat in the room in darkness just letting my mind wonder on the possibilities on how my life became so complicated.

After feeling sorry for myself I walked to the bookcase ready to get a book to read for the night. Nana Luna has many romance Novels that she left in this room instead of using the Library.

I was reading a blurb of a popular novel when I heard noise from outside the door. For some reason I felt the need to hide. I didn't want to be caught, I pulled the lever revealing the secret entrance. I managed to get inside and closed the door when the Alpha came in.

I was about to leave and go to my room through the tunnel when I heard him say something that made me stop and turn around.

"Bring Bass in now." he commanded.

I leaned up and looked through the secret peep hole that could allow me to see abit into the room.

The room was still dark Alexander must not of wanted the lights on. I take it that he wasn't going to be in here for long.

Alexander leaned on his desk facing the door with his arms folded waiting for his beta.

After a couple of minutes Seb was dragged wearing a long black shirt and he was bind in sliver. I had to hold my palm over my mouth to stop the gasp that was going to come out.

His wrist were in cuffs which were attached to his ankles. This sort of method was outlawed by the council decades ago. A form of torture to our wolves.

Seb held his head high looking at his Alpha all form of the previous submission gone. Just a face with hate on him.

After a terse silence Alexander pushed himself up from the desk and walked to where Seb was. He walked around him in a circle as if inspecting him.

He then stopped in front of him.

"What was you trying to achieve, beta." Alexander used his title instead of his name to show him what rank he was. "I didn't even have to shift to defeat you."

"You." Seb coughed. "Have no right. She is my mate!"

"Your mate?" Alexander Growled. "Your mate is now Jessica."

"Only because of you!" Seb looked like he was about to lift his hand. "I do not want Jessica." He admitted. "I want my true mate."

Alexander went back to the desk and leaned on it in a calm posture. "You had plenty of time to claim her. Instead you didn't"

"You know why I couldn't" Seb spat on the floor near the Alphas feet. "You are only taking my mate is because I had taken yours."

I squinted my eyes as I saw Alexander's fingers change to claw at the desk.

"Don't you mention her name." I could see the vein pulsing at his neck.

"I want my mate. I will tell Jessica that the claiming will not happen and that I will provide for my child." Sebastian said honestly.

"And pray beta. What do you think Jessica will do." Alexander gave a dry laugh. "You endanger Lisa. You endanger us all."

"It's your fault. You told me to stand by Jessica." Seb admitted

"I didn't know you had your mate. You kept that to yourself. I done the right thing as an Alpha. You shouldn't of been sleeping around. I didn't force you to reject your mate. I didn't force you to lay claim on Jessica. I didn't force you to do any thing!" Alexander shouted.

However Seb said quietly. "Your forcing me to give up my mate."

There was quiet from then on. Both of them thinking over each other words.

Alexander started the conversation again. "Who said she wanted you?"

"She will want me." Seb declared. "I am her mate. We shared a connection. I know she can feel my weakness. The bond was renewed tonight. You don't stand a chance Alpha."

I heard Alex growl. Started as a deep rumble in his chest the steadily progress louder.

"You will not try and win your mate. She is mine. You will continue with your claim on Jessica." I felt the force of his words echo in the room.

Seb shuddered and his hands flexed against his binds. Seb had just been commanded.

I felt his eyes flare darkly if he could of killed his Alpha he would have.

"I will go to the council." Seb announced "This is illegal. Against all laws."

"Thanks for letting me know. Let me add onto your command." Alex voice sounded deeper more as a animal. "You are not to inform people of who your true mate is. This command can be broken once both claiming are effective."

Once they are effective all previous feelings that I would of bad for Seb would be diminished and new fresh ones will start for my new mate. The Alpha.

"Why are you doing this." Seb demanded still unbroken.

"You should of had her when you had the chance. She chosen me. She called me. And I don't let go what I have. Once my pup is born. She will be mine." Alexander went and untied Seb from his binds.

I could tell this was a great relief on his body. As he almost sagged to the floor.

"You will resume your duties. I have already told people you were sick." Alexander turned his back on Seb clearly thinking he was too weak to attack him.

I saw Seb look menacingly more wolf than man. I know he wanted to attack. He thought that this was his chance. Knowing he lost once already tonight I saw his eyes clear and his fangs retract.

This wasn't over yet. Far from it.

I didn't want to hear anymore and made my way quietly through the tunnels to the Alphas room which was the room in which I first stayed in. I closed the panel behind me with a click and put the book on the night stand.

I was unsure what to do with what I heard. There are sure more than one secrets going on inside this pack.

I got changed and went to bed early. The day had started out so well ended so horribly.

I couldn't sleep as I closed my eyes. Too many thoughts and emotions swirling around in my mind.

After a while I felt the bed dip as Alex got into bed. He turned to spoon me and his hand rested on my tummy.

"Are you awake vixen?" he asked as he pressed a kiss to my neck.

I kept my breathing remaining the same and didn't say anything feigning sleep.

After awhile I drifted off to Alex soft snoring.

That's for all u votes and comments. You helped me a lot and do comment people. You should read the discussion. It's good to get invovled and you do help influence me in the way I think this story is heading.

Oh yeah please do vote and spread my story. Each time u vote you recommend another person cause they are able to see what your reading x

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