Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"I would like to go too." Tammy declared in support for me. "It would be so cool to find both of our mates in the same pack!" she said with glee.

"How cool would it be for us to end up in the same pack." I joined in excitedly.

"We be going back to my pack land tomorrow night." Alpha Alexander added. I could tell he seem pleased for some reason.

"Enough talk!" a Drunken Sophia got up. "More dancing and drinking!" she reached for a bottle on the table. Due to the quick reflexes of her mate she as unable to get it.

Tammy grabbed my hand to pull me out of the chair and on to the dance floor. Not wanting a repeat of last time. I consciously made sure I kept my self close to her. But no matter how I tried to forget I could still feel the Alpha's eyes on me.

It was almost six in the morning when I got myself home. Sophia's mate Damian gave me a lift to my apartment complex.

As I made my way into the bedroom I had to ensure that the curtains were closed as the light rays of the sunrise were making their way known. I jumped onto my bed with make up still on. Dress still on and shoes hanging over the edge. In no time I was asleep.

Loud banging on my door gradually woke me up from my uncomfortable position in sleep.

"I'm coming" I shouted when the persistent knocking didn't stop but kept resuming in an intolerable fashion.

With one heel on I manage to stumble through my flat to the door. Bracing one hand onto the ball for support I yanked the door open. Tammy fell through in shock and landed on the floor.

"Ow..." she turned on her side to rub her palm. " why did you have to do that for." She sat up then removed black sunglasses from her face. It was only then that I noticed she was wearing an all in one black jumpsuit.

"What are you doing here so early." I closed the front door then walked over into the kitchen to make myself a cup of tea. "I just got to the bed." I proceed to fill and switch on the kettle.

"It's five pm in the afternoon Lisa." Tammy stated as she sat on one of the stools at the breakfast bar. "I just wanted to catch up on last night." She placed her black bag on the counter and took out her phone.

I decided to take off my other shoe after realizing what was causing me to limp. I place a cup of steaming tea in front of Tammy then made one for myself. I took a sip and enjoyed the hot sensation running through my veins.

After noticing Tammy was on her phone I wondered where mine was. I made a quick search through my apartment. flipping back the cushions on the sofa to find them.

" What are you doing?" Tammy asked from the door.

"Looking for my phone." I absent minded said. I was more concentrating at the matter at hand.

"It's in your boobs!" Tammy laughed.

Oh. I looked down and rumbled in my breast till I found it. I pulled out my iPhone to find the front all sticky and wet from sweat. "Eeeww, Tammy pass me a wipe." I asked. Not even I want to touch my phone.

I fetched my tea from the kitchen to put it near me in the living room.

"So what happened between you and the Alpha last night." The burning question was out of her mouth in a rush. I was waiting on her to ask. No wonder she came over the minute she woke up.

I laid down on my plush red sofa then open one eye to look at Tammy. " Nothing happened"

Tammy moved to sit in the armchair balancing tea in one hand and phone in the other. "Then why was you dancing with him like that." she sneered the last word as if I done something wrong.

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