Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

 I heard growls and the sound of things breaking from behind the door. Nana Luna had Xander in her arms. He was clearly afraid of what was happening as he didn't understand the whole situation. 

 "Open the door Nana Luna!" I shouted at her. "I need to stop this before someone gets hurt."

 I winced as the floor vibrated as another bang could be heard. Nana Luna shook her head at me and began walking down the corridor. Three big men which I remember them being the enforcers came barrelling down towards us. One of them guided Nana Luna and Xander to a safe area. Another one came behind my chair trying to push me in their direction.

"No." I grabbed the wheels. "Open the door. We need to stop them."

 "Luna." The man said from behind me. "We need to get you to a safe place."

 "I am safe!" I managed to swing my chair round to see two men trying to open my door but something was against it. "I am in the bloody pack house for goddess sake."

 The two men simultaneously kicked open the door. Shattering the thick oak wood.

I saw two big wolves circling each other. My bed was torn to Pieces. Chairs were turned over. The nice wooden floor had claw marks all over it.

 The tall black wolf which I gather was Alex was panting. I saw some redness of blood on his right shoulder.

 The dark brown wolf had a three line slash on his left leg. It was bleeding but he gave no indication that he felt it.

 Seb then pounced on the Alpha I gave a scream which distracted Alex as he looked over at me. Alex did not move faster enough so Seb was able to bite onto his flank.

 Alpha Alex gave a loud howl of pain and bucked Seb off. Seb landed on the floor by the window. Alex didn't give Seb it himself a chance to recover as he charged at Seb. Their paws were entangled as they both went flying out a third floor window. Shards of glass went flying everywhere from the impact of the two wolves.

 The enforcers ran towards the window peering down on the window ledge to the scene below. I used the handles on the wheels to push myself through the mess of the room to where the men were. I managed to peer between their bodies to see the alpha and Seb rolling around on the grass. Both of them trying to tear out the others throat.

 The enforcer with the dark blonde hair jumped off the window ledge to land in a one kneed crouch facing the two snarling wolves.

 The other two decide to join him then started running towards their Alpha standing back with uncertainty on their face. It was their job to protect their Alpha however he was fighting with their beta. Should they join and attack or not? If the Alpha was being challenged it is the right of the Alpha to finish the challenge without any interruptions. One of the first laws of the pack.

 Another Enforcer came up behind me about to jump down. I grabbed him from the bottom of his dark blue shirt.

 "Oh no you don't" I said as he turned back to look at me in my wheelchair. "If you’re going down your taking me with you."

 He looked me over wheelchair and all. I used the seat handles to lift myself up onto shaky legs. He picked me up bridal style.

 "Are you ready Luna?" He asked. He took a couple of steps backwards to do a running jump and before I could blink I was sailing through the window.

 I felt the wind blow through my hair, for a couple of seconds I thought I was flying with the birds. We hit the floor with a thud. By bottom a centimetre away from the ground. The enforcer grimacing from the force of the impact.

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