Chapter 7 - I'm home

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Chapter 7

The Alpha roar was deafening. I squatted on the floor with my hands covering my ears. I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt hundreds of paws pounding the earth then disappearing into the forest. After a couple of moments. I released the pressure on my ears and stood up. I opened my eyes to see a naked Luna standing in front of me.

“What you did today. I will never forget!” She said as she enveloped me in a deep thick hug. You have saved many lives today. Not just the life of my mate. But many.”

I gave a big grin. I must have done something good. Even though my body confidence is not at a real high.

The Luna released me after a moment, with what is I think looks suspiciously like tears in her eyes.  She held me by the shoulders looking deep within my eyes.

“Come follow me.” She said as she took me by the hand to walk naked towards the community building. It was then that I noticed the guards were holding out two dark dresses for us.

Nudity is nothing in a were culture people prance about in next to nothing. Being able to shift we have to get over our nudity. It just a person confidence to do so. I never had to do that but as a Luna she would need to get over her nudity issue as she is always shifting in front of the pack.

I pulled the dress over me. I stopped near my ankles. The Luna being taller it stopped just beneath her knees.

She turned and took my hand again as we proceed to enter the building. I thought she was going to take me to the common area or the basement where all the other regular wolves would be. However she started to climb the stairs dragging me with the one hand behind her.  Within a minute I was at the alpha suite. She opened the doors for me to see all the other women of high status there.

Looks like I was going up in the world like Tammy said. Being mated to a beta obviously held more opportunities than I thought.

She guided me to an empty chair in a circle of about seven women. Women of high rank within the pack. I hardly talked to these women before. I didn’t think my self worthy enough. They are so beautiful and smart and most important. Mated to men of high rank.

The Luna sat down in the seat next to me. “Ladies let me introduce my new friend Lisa.”

I looked at her in shock. Now were friends? hhmmm


Just a taster of what to come next x I felt bad for neglecting this story hoppe all these updates made up for it. And comment it does help me to write. And inspire me

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