Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I stood there with the phone in my hand shaking.

How could I plan a revenge when I have to fight off an horny alpha.

Do I want to sleep with Alexander? I was unsure. He always confuses me. Me makes me feel angry. Then hot and bothered.

Thinking of it now. He does treat me with more kindness that my mate.

I think I am more afraid of getting hurt. My heart is still broken. I saved myself for my mate only to find out it meant nothing to him. That I meant nothing to him.

I pulled my self out of despair to go and get ready to go to my parents for dinner.

I arrived there on time. I opened the door to find it a hustle of activity. My sister was running down the stairs with packages and my mother was looking tired. I walked into the dining room to find my dad, brother and his mate already seated at the table. My sister Beth came and sat down.

"Lisa take a seat hunny." Mum said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

I sat down and noticed a place set next to me. I thought she got my text. "Mum I told you not to set another place-" I shouted from the living room.

Trying to be heard over the noise of everyone else's conversation.

"It's ok dear. We have company." Mom said as she poked her head out the kitchen.

A second later Seb came out carrying a pot roast.

I glared at him as he approached the table. Each step he took closer I wished for him to fall and it hit him over the head.

Instead he was smiling freely around my family. Like he is apart of this family. He placed the roast in the centre then sat down next to me.

He leaned in to try and kiss me but I turned my head so his lips touched my cheek.

I shivered in disgust in which he must of taken as pleasure.

Just what the hell is he doing here? I thought. Fair enough we didn't end our chat earlier but he had no right to enter my family life.

"Isn't it nice for your mate to come over?" My mum asked as she sat down at the table.

"Nice isn't the word." I grimaced.

Everyone took it as there cue to be quiet once my mother sat.

"It is nice to finally meet you!" My dad acknowledge Seb from the far corner of the table.

"And you too sir." he replied without hesitation.

"So when are you planning on completing the mating?" This question came from Laura. I could already see her hair up in a ponytail showing off her recent mate mark to everyone.

Part of me was jealous. Seems like everyone is getting mated but me. The green eyes monster inside me was about to reply never because he is already Mated but he beat me to the punch.

"After I finish my service with the Archangels" He said.

I turned to look at him in shock. He is still telling that lie.

"Your Alpha told me that you done your service years ago." I questioned him.

"I got drafted back in." Not a blink of an eye did he hesitate to respond to me.

"You-" I pointed my finger at him. "ly-" Lying bitch. But I was interrupted my mother.

"Lets bless the table." she said quickly. Obviously noticing the tension between us.

She took Sebs hand and we all followed her lead. Linking hands around the table so we was all in a hand linked circle.

We bowed our heads and closed our eyes as my mother started the blessings.

"Goddess thank you for bringing my children's mates together. Thank you for our prosperity and love. Thank you for the next generation." I gulped at those words. Hoping Seb doesn't catch on. "Blessed be. Let it be blessed."

"Let it be blessed." We all chanted as one.

I quickly let go of Sebs hand not wanting to hold it for any longer than necessary.

Conversation resumed around us. I was imperious to it all as Seb talked and laughed along with my family members. This was a dream that I had all along. Pregnant with my mate and family.

I clenched the fork in my hand. Food was piled onto my plate from Seb. But I couldn't stomach to eat it. I felt at a lost. Like a fraud in my parents home. I looked to my mate to see him smiling. He gave me a mischievous wink and put his hand to cover mine on the table.

I gripped the fork even tighter. As I wrestled to contain the beast inside me.

"What is the matter hunny?" I heard the concerned voice of my mother. "You haven't touched your plate."

- morning sickness.- I added on a private link to my family. - I haven't told my mate yet. I want it to be a surprise so let's keep quiet-

"Just got a tummy bug." I replied out loud. They all laughed getting the joke. It was only Seb and Laura that was looking confused. I saw my brother Tommy leaned down to whisper in her ear the reason so she don't feel left out.

All too soon but not quick enough for me. Dinner was over. My mother wanted to feed us desert.

"Warm chocolate fudge cake!" Beth announced as mum dished us up our individual plates with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

"This is why I married you woman." dad declared. He swept mum up into a one sides hug so she tumbled into his lap. He planted a smacker of a kiss on her lips.

In all with good nature we made sounds of eww and get a room.

"It caused we got a room that is why you guys are here." My mother admitted without shame.

My cheeks went red with embarrassment. Just like my mom to go into too much detail.

I digged into my desert forgetting about Sebastian for a moment. I was in bliss. I been craving this for a week now. I closed my eyes and savor the flavour by letting my tongue roll around all the delicious texture.

I almost chocked on the fudge as Seb squeezed my knee from underneath the table. He leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"I only seen pleasure on your face once. Give me another chance and I will do so again." He gave me a peck on the cheek.

I felt a flutter in my tummy, from the baby or I was seriously getting turned on from my mate.

I swallowed nervously what I had in my mouth under the keen scrutiny of my mate. His nose flared at my arousal and his hand moved further up my leg. I was grateful that I was wearing trousers.

"Thanks for the cake mum." Tommy said as he stood up. "I need to be getting Laura back home."

He pulled out Laura's chair and helped her into her coat like the perfect gentleman that he is.

"Oh darling." My mum said from my fathers lap. "It's still early."

"I think I need to get going too." I added as I stood up. Seb scraped his chair backwards as well too.

"It's been nice meeting you all." he took his hand out to shake people hands. With a meaningful look at me he said. "I KNOW this is the start of many."

My mum came up and gave him a big hug. "Welcome to the family."

I gave him a pointed look full of hate and walked out the house to my car.

It was dark outside as I revved up my engine and switch on the headlights. Seb stepped out the house into my line of sight. His Silhouette in front of me.

I released the handbrake and my feet was on the accelerator.

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