Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

"You get out!" he pointed at Danielle. She gave me an apologetic smile then ran out the room making sure that she gave the Alpha a wide berth.

"What is the matter with you!" he shouted. "You just had to pry. To interfere and drag up the past where it is not relevant."

I stood back to the side suddenly afraid of him. I have never see him this angry before.

"I told you to stay away from the subject of Xander's mother. Yet I find you in here conspiring with her sister."

My eyes went wide. "That was Xander's aunty?"

Alexander paused for a moment. "You didn't know?"

"She just showed me a picture of her sister." I confessed. "Now your telling me you killed her. You killed Xander's mother. Your own mate. Why!"

"I was too controlling, possessive. I couldn't share her." he said simply.

I covered my hand with my mouth as I gasped at his confession.

"I promise you Lisa. I learned from my ways. It won't happen again." He began walking towards me. "I have changed for you. I have become a better man. A better mate and father."

Started to walk backwards across the room bumping into things to escape him.

"I love you. I want you and I will have you!" he declared.

"Who are you!" I shouted out of fear. "You've gone mad." I took this as my chance to run to the door.

He caught me in a matter of seconds to spin me around pinning my arms and back to the door. My chest began heaving in panic.

Is this how I meant to meet my ends. I should of listened to Sebastian in the first place Alpha Alexander was a bad person.

"Listen to me!" he demanded.

I closed my eyes shut not wanting to look at him. I felt disgusted that I let him touch my body. That I let him felt these babies kick.

"I am not going to hurt you. When you have calmed down and cleared your mind. I will speak to you about Michelle." Alexander told me.

Michelle. So her name is Michelle. Funny after all this time I didn't even wonder much about her name. He released my arms to step back to grant me a moment of freedom so I was able to flee the room.

I didn't bother on going back to the twins room where my parents were instead I barricaded myself I my room. I pushed the wardrobe over by the door and then the chair. The bed was too heavy for me to move so I sat on it.

All night I sat facing the door in the darkness waiting for the Alpha to come back in my room and finish me off.

I started to think about the people I could trust here and only came up with my family be Tammy. I instantly dismissed Tammy her mate is here and I don't want them to be torn with loyalty that could affect their mating. Tabby could be just as stubborn as any alpha females. I felt my eyes drift closed as the sun rays started to make their appearance in my room. I felt relief that I made it through the night alive.

It has been five days since Alexander told me his deadly secret. I have been avoiding him wherever I was out the room. My parents kept traveling between this pack and my old pack. I wanted to tell my mother to take me with her. Pack up my things and go.

However I couldn't do that. I felt isolated. Alone. Afraid of who I could trust. Apart of me wanted to tell Tammy. When we was out for a walk yesterday in the sunshine I was about to tell her the Alpha hideous secret but then she would go and confront her mate and start a whole lot of trouble.

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