Chapter 29

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This is the orginal copy that Wattpad deleted and they send it back to me but i already wrote one in the previous chapter. I still put it up! thanks for your guys help. There are two chapter 29 basically.

Chapter 29

"What are you doing?" I asked bewildered.

I was searching for he Alpha and I thought he came this way instead I ran into Seb.

"I need to talk to you." he stood in front of the door with a crazed look in his eye.

I took a step back from him. My hand instinctively going to my bump.

"It ok. I wanted to talk to you to." I admitted. It was the I wanted to talk p him about what I over heard yesterday. "Why are you with Jessica?" I plainly asked. No more beating about the bush.

"It wasn't my choice to be with her." He gestured his hands in a peaceful way. "I just got caught up in things beyond my control. I want to be with--"
He screamed and clutch his head as if he was in pain. I was about to go to him but he held his hand up.

"I." he said slowly as if testing his words. "Want. To. Be. With. Y.. yo.." he kept stammering unable to get the last word out then started to point to me.

"Me?" I said dumbly. "You want to be with me?"

Seb nodded yes eagerly then clutch his head in pain. "Nnoo!" he shouted.

It then made me realise that he had an Alpha command on him. I saw him struggle to fight off the command to tell me how he really feels. What he really wants.

I didn't want to hear that he wanted to be with me right now. I gave him that option back at my pack house to come clean.

"What is going on with you, Jessica and the Alpha?" I crossed my arms over my chest to let him know that I meant business.

"Jessica." Seb began as he got his breath back. "I known her from childhood. When her mate died she asked to come here. I didn't know how she felt about me till on the night of the full moon when the blood lust is high in a male she." he stopped to pick his words carefully. "she came on to me. i accepted and since then I couldn't shake her off. I haven't found you so I thought no point in breaking her heart just yet. Then came the baby. And I just wanted to make sure that before I present you that she would be ok. As she gets into a fit of a temper sometimes."

"Jessica?" I scoffed. Almost laughed at that idea. "She is so docile. I doubt she would harm a fly."

"Looks can be deceiving. Noone innocent can grow in a pack like hers." He stated. "She is dangerous. Till I can fix this. Don't say anything to her!"

I nodded. "Did you take the Alphas mate?"

He looked at me shocked. "Where did you hear this?"

"Just answer the question." This was going on for far too long, I was getting frustrated.

"I didn't take her. We had a relationship she was from another pack. When I took her here the Alpha recongnise her as his mate. I never, never stood in the way. He just resented me that his mate never came to him pure." He smiled at me. "Like you did." he smiled changed as he looked down onto my protruding belly.

"If you have a son it will need to stay with the Alpha. A girl I will help raise." Seb offered.

My mouth was wide open with an O. The Alpha offered to look after Seb children regardless of the sex and here Seb demanding that I give up my child.

I raised my hand to slap him on his face. The force of the slap caused my palm to tingle.

His face did not move. His cheek did not wobble. All that was seen was a red imprint on his left side of his face.

His eyes darken. His lips came up as if in a snarl.

"You're mine." He grabbed me by the shoulders pulling me towards him.

I tried to twist away but he held me in a steady grip.

He leaned in close trying to kiss me. I turned my head away. He didn't like it. I felt his nails dig into me. Almost breaking my skin.

I cried out in pain. Seb moved one of his hands to tilt my neck to the side. He opened his mouth wide. His teeth shifted to that if a wolf

All I could do was watch in horror as he lowered his head. I stood frozen in his arms unsure of what I should do. Should I take his mark or Alexander's.

His teeth grazed my skin but before they could puncture it he screamed and shoved me away.

My back hit the table and I slipped to the floor. Seb was on his knees rocking backwards and forwards cradling his head. Trying to get rid of the pain.

I looked around the room to see if I could find an exit. Seb had officially gone mad. Now he want to claim me. After all the shit that's gone on.

Seeing that he was still in pain I crawled to the door and quickly turned the key in the lock. Wanting to be as far away from him as possible. He could of hurt my babies.

I opened the door to come face to face with Jessica. Her baby bump much bigger than mine.

"Have you see my mate?" she asked.

I was tempted to say 'don't you mean mine?' but I let it slide. He was not my mate any longer. He made his decision months ago.

Hearing a sound behind me Jessica looked over my shoulder to see Seb standing up.

She narrowed her eyes at me but called to Seb.

"Seb!" she shouted as he turned around. "The wolf test is ready and I want you to take it now."

I moved to the side so they could face each other. The Wolf test consisted of a serum to suppress our wolves. Then your hooked up to monitors to answers a set f questions. Almost like a human lie detector test.

"I thought the Alpha is the only one allowed to conduct those test." I told her.

"Well," She was still looking at Seb when she said this. "I pulled a few strings of my own."

I looked at her perplexed unsure of what she meant.

"I will sit the test!" He smirked at me.

Then it hit me. This is his way around of getting out the Alpha commands. He would have to tell the truth to what ever questions Jessica has set him. Thanks to me she would think he was cheating.

"You don't need to take the test!" I said in a panic. "I will speak to Alex a beta should not sit a test because of mate problems."

Jessica turned on me. Her Lips going back in a snarl. Her arms out to attack.

"Stay out of this she-wolf. You do not dictate to me." A deep voice from within her said.

I shrank back out of fear and knew instantly that was the wrong thing to do. I felt her wolf overpower me in dominance.

I tried to put my back up straighter and keep we contact. I am soon to be Luna. I don't fear anything. Well shouldn't.

She smiled at me. At my pretend show of power. Seb came to stand beside her and together they walked past me down the hall to where ever they were going to take the test.

As soon as they were out of sight I sagged as the energy left me on the bannister.

I felt weighed down by everything that has happened over the past weeks, days and today.

I felt my wolf cower inside to Jessica.
I felt weak that I couldn't fend of Seb.
I felt that my life was not my own.

I felt darkness over came me as I dropped to the floor in a faint near a flight of stairs.

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