Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I reached forward for Seb hand when suddenly he moved it out my reach to scratch something behind his ear. I looked at him confused. " Seb, can I have a word with you please."

I turned and walked away to find a private room next door where we could talk. I didn't bother to glance back to see if he follwed but by the hooting and hollering he was getting from his fellow pack members I assume he was.

I opened the door to find that I was in a small room with a desk, bookshelf and a sofa. I didn't want this to feel to comfortable as this wasn't a liason more as an intergation.

I didn't look at him when he closed the door or when he made his way over to me. As soon as he sat down I peirced him with a fierce stare. Unblinking and unmoving. I stared directly into him eyes. Trying to see into his soul.

"Lisa is there a problem? " Asked Seb after a tersed several moments.

I blinked then nodded. " Yes, there is. Why didn't you mark me?" I questioned sharply. " And don't give me that bullshit about pack politics my Luna spoke with me and that has got nothing to do with us."

I saw Seb take a deep breath as if he was reigning his emotions. He closed his eyes for a moment as if he was deep in thought. I watched various of emotions that came across his face. He looked like a man torn.

" Lisa, you're my mate." Stated firmly like it was a matter of fact rather than opinion. " I have a lot of trouble with this pack at the moment. Things are going on that you're Alpha is unaware of. Reason why I didn't mark you is that my name has been called to serve my duty with the archangels."

My mouth when wide with shock and horror. I reached out to touch his hands that were rested on the table. " Oh no Seb. This cannot be. We just found each other."

I cannot lose my mate when I just found him. The Archangels were like a universal pack army created to find the pack of rogues however they also go when there are war between two packs to put an end to it. Or go to packs that are treating their members inhumane. The council selects who enters the Archangels. The best army of the werewolf world.

" Lisa, I need for you to remain strong for me. I will only be gone a year two at the most. Once I have everything sorted. I will come back for you." Seb broke one of his hands free to wipe away a stray tear that fallen from my eye. " I WILL COME BACK FOR YOU!" He reterated his dark brown eyes boring into mine to stress the importance of his statement.

I gave a sad smile towards him. I didn't want my mate to see me break down. " Oh kay." I smiled as a bright idea just occured to me. " I can vulenteer as a medic. That way we could remain together."

Seb striaght his body to its full height. Almost in a panic he said. " No.. No you can't do that you might put me off. How must I concentrate if your nearby and could get hurt."

I smiled. " No need to panic about me getting hurt. I be fine. As long as where together. Many matepairs join the Archangel. It be an adventure to tell our pups one day.."

" Lisa, I would be happy for you to come. However I would not like to have our first year in danger." He covered my two hands with one of his. " Trust me when I tell you it would be better to wait."

I did not really want to agree but for the sake of starting an argument I cannot win I thought to let the matter slide. " Oh kay."

"Good girl." He smiled widely at me. " I have to go with my Alpha back home. We're taking one of the prisoners.'" He looked on the desk till he found a pad and paper. " Here is my Skype ID add me on it. So we be able to keep in contact everyday till I am able to come back to you." He rolled to paper up too tuck it into the palm of my hand, as if i was gifted with a secret.

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