Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Trey came rushing in to pick up Jessica. "Don't worry Jessica I am going to take you to the medical wing."

"I want my mate!" She screamed as her belly contracted with a contraction.

Trey gave me a dark look. Probably blaming me for starting a fight with a pregnant female. Thinking I am some vigalanty. A she-wolf gone rogue.

Trey turned and said to Danielle. "Go and notify the Alpha" He then walked out the room with Jessica.

I felt the silence of the room surround me. That they all were looking at me. Blaming me for triggering her early labour.

I staggered back to my chair to sit back down. I looked at my hands in my lap. When did I become so violent?

"It not your fault Lisa," Tammy kneeled down to tell me. "That woman had it coming if you asked me."

Xander came to sit back on my lap offering me a hug that I badly needed.

"You're not a bad person mummy. she is." He sniffed. Still upset about what happened.

"I know baby." I hugged him back. Showing him with my affection that he was mine regardless of what people might say or think.

Tammy started to push me on the chair out the room going towards the communal areas.

I heard the front doors burst open. Tammy spun me around to have a look at the commotion. Seb was in handcuff surrounded by three men and the Alpha.

I looked at Seb face. It was a mixed of emotions. I could see a combination of fear and happiness. He was so taken up in the moment of becoming a parent he didn't notice me off to the side.

He started to take steps up the stairs it was then that I noticed he was shackled. His progress to the second floor was quick and they disappeared from my view.

"I hope Jessica is okay." A female voice said coming through the front door. A man came beside her tugging a small suitcase. "Babies should come on time. Not early."

"It's okay," He reassured her. "we're here now. Lets just get to the birthing room before we miss it."

They saw me and Tammy with Xander on my lap staring at them from the corner. They both gave me a quick nod of recognition.

"Luna." They said in unison.

"Nice to meet you." I smiled genuine at them.

"We're just here for the birth!" The woman gushed. "I am so happy to be having my first grandchild!" I could feel her joy radiating to me.

The man placed his arm around her waist. "Time to go dear! nice meeting you again Luna."

They began to go up the steps. It was then that I remember them being Sebs parents. I instantly put a hand over my bump as if shielding the girls from their view. So they wouldn't know that Sebastian as another two children on the way.

Even though Seb would have nothing to do with these babies a part of me was jealous of the attention Jessica was getting from his family. I would always thought the first time I have a baby it would of been my mates first time. That we both feel the first kick in my tummy together. That we both first see a baby scan together. That we both share in the experience of birth as well as parenthood. I wanted it all to of been special.

Alex has been wonderful but he experience this all before with his first mate. He already attended a birth. He already know how to be a father. How to change a diaper.

"Mummy, why you looking so sad." Xander placed his palm on my cheek to get me to look at him.

I mentally wiped the bad thoughts away from my mind. This is my life now. And I will make the best of it. I plastered a smile on my face to give him a cute Eskimo kiss.

"C'Mon" Tammy turned my chair around to proceed to go to the communal area. We entered the pack living room. There was a big seventy inch flat screen television mounted on the wall.

I could hear the sound of the program playing across the room. Thanks to the Alpha and his passion for surround sound. As if we as wolves did not have delicate hearing as it is.

I felt the room became instantly silence at my entrance. I looked around to find people stopping in mid conversation to look at me as if I was an enigma.

"Do I have something on my face?" I whispered up to Tammy.

Tammy just looked around the room glaring at each individual.

"Yes everyone!" She said loudly. "The Luna is ALIVE and Yes she did kick Jessica's butt."

Nearly a lot of people turned back around mostly to talk about what Tammy just announced.

Across the room where a group of females were sitting I noticed Tina get up followed by the other three girls. Just when I thought my day couldn't get any better they started to approach me.

Not wanting Xander to see me in another bout of an argument I shuffled him off my lap.

"Go and play with those boys over there baby." I pointed to a group of boys his age playing with a set of games in the corner of the room. I noticed it was safe for him to do so as they were being observed by an adult. "And no fighting!" I ruffled his hair to take the sting out of my comment. He didn't need any further encouragement from me as he was off in a second. Almost knocking over Tina on the way.

"Good, to see that you are better Lisa." Tina said as she approached.

Before I had a chance to reply Tammy said from behind me. "It's Luna, don't forget her title."

Tina gave a loud crackle. Almost caused me to have a heart attack the sound was so bad.

"Oh I would NEVER forget her title. It's BETA than Mine and I BETA not forget that." She stressed the word Beta more than once making the other girls confused.

Me and Tammy was not confused by what she was saying or implying.

"What do you want Tina?" I said exasperated. I should of known she kept out of my way these last couple of weeks for a reason.

She moved in close to me to whisper in my ear. "Seems like your MATE, is not the only one leading a secret life. BETA remember that."

She stood up towering above me like she has achieved a great achievement. Her smile went wider however it didn't reach those cold blue eyes of hers.

"We be having words later beta Lisa." She finalized by walking past me.

I heard another girl next to Tina say. "Did she just say beta? It Luna."

I saw Tammy reach out and grab her by the arm.

"I told you once before she-wolf." Tammy growled pushing her face within Tina's personal space. "It's Luna."

"Sorry." Tina violently pulled her arm out of Tammy's grip. She gave me a dirty look. "Luna." Then walked out the room with her two wolf posse.

"We got to talk." Tammy leaned down to whisper to me.

"I was thinking the same thing." I replied back. "Xander come here." I waited for him to jump back on my lap then advised Tammy to take me back to my bedroom then I realized it was in disarray and I be staying in one of the spare rooms nearby.

We dropped Xander off to his own room to play whilst me and Tammy went to the private Alpha sitting room. Feeling the need to abandon the chair as it was making feel like someone I'm not I decided to lay on the couch to give myself room for the girls to move about.

Tammy decided to sit on the floor so she could reach my bump. Her touch was soothing, giving me a little massage.

"Lisa," Tammy began. "I found out some stuff since you been asleep." I could tell she was hesitant in passing along this information to me.

"Hmm..." I rested my head on the arm of the couch gazing down at her.

"Cut a long story short seems like Jessica has been running this pack since the last Luna." She said in a rush.

"I thought that was Nana Luna's Job." I was confused. Jessica is not even Beta female yet as she hasn't fully mated to Seb so by pack Law she can not take charge of running the pack. Especially as she is an outsider.

"I know. I was confused as well. Turns out that Nana Luna actually kept her retirement. Jessica is an Alpha female and knows the running of the place and the pack so it was easy for her to assume the role here. And from what I gathered from the others they didn't think their Alpha would mate again and..." Tammy stopped at this point.

"Go on!" I encourage her. She can't stop mid way just when it was getting interesting.

"Her and Sebastian has been together for years!" Tammy looked away from me when she said this.

"Years?" I echoed.

Tammy nodded. "He first met her when he was in the Archangels for service and had to go to her fathers land over pack members being mistreated. He was already with someone at the time but I don't know what happened noone would talk about the woman before Jessica but they said he loved someone deeply before Jessica they all thought she was his mate. However they wouldn't expand on that. Not even my mate. It's very hush hush. After that he drowned his sorrows in Jessica and they been together ever since."

"Okay." I sort of got the picture now. But I still don't I understand how he could not of waited for me. I waited for him.

This emotional circle is doing my head in. What I need to do is forget about Seb and his mentally challenged mate.

I felt one of the twins give a hard kick inside me.

"Wow!" Tammy got up on her knees to peer down at my stomach. "Did you feel that?"

I rolled my eyes and said sarcastically "No."

She turned to look at me wide eyed. "How couldn't you. That foot was massive. Are you sure it's a girl!"

I giggled at her wonder.

Tammy sat back down to place a hand over her stomach. "I can't wait to feel mine."

I sat up immediately "Are you pregnant?"

"Yes!" She turned round to shout at me.

"Oh my goddess!" I pulled her in for a deep hug. Crushing the life out of her. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Lisa, I can't breathe" Tammy's said so I released her. "I just did tell you silly."

I ignored her last comment I was more interested in the fun bits. "How far gone. When the baby due date. What does Adam think. Who else knows?"

"Woah... hold on a sec." Tammy crowed her legs on the lot to talk to me. "Just four weeks. Must of happened at the mating first night."

"Oh my goddess!" I gushed. "Just like me!"

"Noone knows yet Lisa. We keeping under wraps till we get past the six week mark." Tammy crossed her fingers and so did I. "I hope it twins like yours!"

We talked for a couple of hours more about girls stuff when Xander came running into the room carrying many items of toys.

"I better leave you too it with this little man then." Tammy leaned over to offer me a hug. "I got a big man of my own to find."

She waved over at Xander before she left.

"What you playing with?" I asked Xander as he seemed to be fighting with his toys.

"This is me as a wolf and I am going to kill this wolf." He said darkly.

"Why would you do that for?" I got up off the sofa to sit next to him and his toys.

"So they don't hurt you like they hurt my first mummy." He turned to me. Giving me a most sincere smile. "I'm going to be bigger and stronger than my daddy so you will stay with me forever and ever and ever."

I couldn't help but cry at that statement. Doesn't take someone with a child are psychology to understand that this child is still hurt and grieving for his mother.

I pulled Xander into my arms. One thing I am grateful for in this whom Sebastian situation is Xander. I wouldn't change him for the world. I may not of birth him but I love him.

"Do you think my first mummy looks like you?" Xander asked.

"I don't know baby." I replied. It is not something I tend to think about. "Do you not have a picture?"

He shook his head.

"Okay. There's load of pictures around this house. There must be some of her and you just didn't realized." I pointed over to the table that housed a couple of pictures in the frame. "Do you know all of them in the picture."

"Yep. They are all in the pack." He answered.

I pointed over to another set of picture and he recognized them also. A thought occurred to me then. I remember liking a cabinet in this room and I saw a photo album inside it.

"Xander baby look inside that dark brown cabinet and pass me the blue photo album inside please." I ordered.

His fast little legs ran to go and get me the album. I could tell he was excited at the prospect of seeing his mum.

He came back to sit on my lap with the Album. The title read my baby first year.

"So what was your mum name?" I asked him as I opened it up. There was a picture there with the Alpha and four women. The all had their name on the side.

"Her name is mummy!" he said proudly.

I smiled at him realizing it was my own mistake of course he would think that's her name.

I turned the page to find pictures of Xander as a baby surrounds by members of the pack.

"That's me mummy." Xander pointing the the pictures. "that's me as a baby."

I gave him a kiss on the cheek. "You're still my baby."

I turned the page again interested to see Xander's mother but what I saw caused me to gasp. There was a picture of a baby around someone arms but someone cut off the head.

"What Happened?" Xander asked upset.

"Nothing. Just a mistake." I turned the page again to see the same out come. Another picture of Xander and the woman's head is cut off. Another turn of the page the same thing. I saw Alex smiling cutting the cord in the birthing room and the woman's face was blacked out.

"Where's my mummy?" Xander asked clearly upset.

I went back to the first page with the Alpha and the three women.

"She is one of these women Xander. I don't know which one yet" I said honestly.

"They are all beautiful." he said staring at the picture.

"What is going on here?" Nana Luna stood at the entrance of the room. In her hands was a tray with items of food.

"Just showing Xander his first Album." I said without interest.

Nana Luna placed the food on the table. "Come get something to eat Xander." she called but Xander stayed rooted in my lap staring at the picture.

Nana Luna came over to snatch the book out of the little boy hands to close it. "I said eat your dinner Xander. You can have a look at this later." She moved back over to the desk where the food was located.

Xander looked up at me. Still upset but his spirit remained unbroken.

"I said come here." Nana Luna said sternly. Xander walked over to the desk to have something to eat.

While he was busy Nana Luna came over to talk to me.

"Lisa, you may be unfamiliar with our ways but I would advise you to let the Alpha deal with anything I regards to Xander and his mother." Nana Luna said looking evenly at Xander not even glancing in my direction.

"I just wanted to help." I turned towards her. "What was her name."

"We don't speak her name." Nana Luna said blankly.

"But she was your Luna. Xander's mother. Why is her pictures gone from the pack house." I asked more furiously. Something was going on here.

"We do not speak of that woman. And if you have any sense neither would you. You should be happy my son has take. You I'm especially pregnant with another man pups." She rudely said to me.

I gasp and took a step back. Nana Luna turned to me with a hand over her mouth in shock.

"Lisa, I... I.... I didn't mean it." Her face went red and her eyes started to tear up. "Just leave the subject of Xander's mother alone. Never tell the Alpha that we have spoken about her please." she begged.

"But I need to know." I said quietly.

"Need to know what?" Alexander demanded striding into the room towards me. He leaned down to give me a peck on the lips with his back toward Nana Luna.

I saw Nana Luna over his shoulder throw the baby Album under the cabinet and out of Alexander's sight by the time he turned around.

"Just what is it that you needed to know?" He asked me again.

I glanced back at Nana Luna to she her virtually afraid and shaking her head.

Just what is this secret that Alexander and his pack his hiding?

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