Chapter 17

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The next day at Sid's house, Sylvia was hiding underneath the bed as she saw Sid holding Woody pretending to be an interrogator yelling " Oh, a survivor. Where is the rebel base?! Talk!!"

From underneath the bed, Sylvia flinched as she saw Sid slap Woody to the ground before he walked over to the window and said " I can see your will is strong." He opened the blind, blocked the sun, took out a magnifying glass and said " Well, we have ways of making you talk."

To Sylvia's horror, Sid used the magnifying glass to aim the sunlight on Woody's forehead, making him molder.

" Where are your rebel friends now?!" Sid exclaimed as an interrogator before he let out a sinister chuckle. He then heard his mother call out " Sid, your poptarts are ready!" Sylvia breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that.

" Alright!" Sid exclaimed with excitement before he dropped the magnifying glass and ran out of the room giving Sylvia to come out from underneath the bed. Woody unfroze himself to let out a scream as he felt his head burning on his forehead. He then ran over to a bowl of half eaten cereal with milk on the floor to dunk his head in. Sylvia ran over to Woody and patted him on the back as a way of telling him everything will be okay.

Buzz ran over to Woody and Sylvia before he paused to remove two suction cup darts from his helmet and his butt before he pulled Woody out of the bowl.

" Are you two alright?" Buzz asked as two colorful fruit-loops stuck to each of Woody's eyes like glasses.

" Yeah, we're fine." Sylvia told Buzz.

" I'm proud of you both. A lesser man would have talked under such torture." Buzz told them before Woody picked up a spoon and looked at the smolder in his reflection.

" I sure hope this isn't permanent." Woody said with worry.

" Don't worry, Woody. It isn't." Sylvia assured the sheriff ragdoll. Buzz then checked his wrist communicator and said " Still no word from Star Command. We're not that far from the spaceport..." Suddenly, Woody saw that  the door in the reflection of the spoon and saw that it was open.

" The door! It's open! We're free!" Woody exclaimed with excitement but Buzz and Sylvia were reluctant to leave.

" Woody, we don't know what's out there." Buzz tried to warn Woody.

" He's right, Woody. Sid's dog Scud could be out there, ready to tear us apart for all we know." Sylvia tried to warn Woody as well.

" I'll tell you wha..." Woody got cut off and let out a scream as he saw the mutant toys from before block the way and Woody ducked behind Buzz.

" These guys again?" Sylvia questioned in a weirded out tone of voice.

" They're gonna eat us, Buzz! Do something! Quick!!" Woody yelled.

" Shield your eyes!" Buzz ordered the sheriff and princess before he fired his laser at the babyfaced spider but it just flickered which made the mutant toys look at each other weirded out.

Buzz was shocked & surprised that the laser just flickered and said " It's not working! I recharged it before I left. It should be good for hours..." He then got cut off by Woody snapping " Oh, you idiot! You're a toy! Use your karate chop action!" The cowboy doll pressed a button on Buzz's back which made his arm move up & down and Buzz yelled " Hey!! Hey! How are you doing that?! Stop it!" Woody still kept going and yelled " Back! Back, you savages!"

" Woody, stop that!" Buzz yelled in anger and annoyance as he, Woody & Sylvia advanced around the mutant toys towards the door.

" Sorry guys, but dinner's cancelled!" Woody told the mutant toys before he dropped Buzz and ran out which made Sylvia facepalm and thought to herself " Ugh, toys can't eat toys!" She then picked up Buzz before they both walked out the room but took cover behind the wall not wanting to be spotted by Scud.

Suddenly, the both of them heard Woody's footsteps creep up back upstairs as slowly as he could before Buzz grabbed him by the mouth with his hand and pulled him back behind the wall that he & Sylvia were at right now which caused Woody to let out a muffled gasp.

" Another stunt like that, cowboy - - you're gonna get us killed!" Buzz quietly snarled at Woody.

" Don't tell me what to do!" Woody rudely said while removing Buzz's hand from his mouth before the space toy and princess shushed him. Buzz then checked to see that Scud was still asleep before he darted across the stairwell opening to the other end of the hallway. He motioned for Woody and Sylvia to follow him. Sylvia hurriedly tiptoed across the stairwell to the other end of the hallway to Buzz and Woody cowardly crawled across open area behind him towards Buzz and Sylvia. As Woody stood up, his pull string got caught on the curls of the iron railing. The toys started to creep down the hallway, unaware that Woody's pull string was caught on the railing. Then the pull string came loose and his voicebox started " Yeeeehaaaw!! Giddy-up partner! We got to get this wagon train a movin'!"

The noise from the voice box woke up Scud and he followed it up the stairs much to Woody, Sylvia and Buzz's horror and Buzz said " Split up!"

Buzz and Sylvia dove into a room while Woody jumped into a closet just as Scud reached the top of the stairs. The dog heard the door slam so he went over to to sniff anything suspicious. Both Sylvia and Buzz skidded to hide behind the door. Sensing their movement, Scud walked towards the door as Sylvia and Buzz stood back with the princess doll squinting her eyes and mouth shut while her whole heart skipped a beat in fear of what was gonna come up next. Then as Scud moved curiously closer to Buzz and Sylvia, he stopped as they heard snoring and looked up to see Sid's dad fast asleep on a La-Z-Boy recliner in front of the TV.

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