First day

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So it was the morning of the day when I had to move to Birmingham. I'm gonna miss it here in London but me and my mum both need a fresh start. We are moving because we don't really want to be in the same area as my mums ex boyfriend because he was very toxic and I never liked him anyways so I'm glad he's gone but after their breakup my mum never wanted to do anything and then I ended up staying off school just to be with her as i didn't want to leave her alone especially with her ex running around London. He threatened my mum and said that if she leaves him then he will hurt her and she didn't want that neither did I but she broke up with him anyways and he disappeared. But he kept trying to contact us but we had to ignore it that's when we decided to move.

"Good morning mum" i say giving her a hug
"Morning sweetheart" she said after kissing my forehead
"Are you looking forward to going Birmingham today" she asked me with a slight smile on her face
"Yes i am" i say smiling at her. I eat breakfast and then go to my room and carry on packing as i didn't finish it last night. We are going at around 11 as we want to be there as early as possible to get used to the place.

It's around 10 when I finish packing so I then go and have a quick shower and get dressed and do my makeup. I'm only doing a light makeup band putting on a tracksuit as it's quite cold outside. I start my new school tomorrow as my mum wanted me to get used to the place a little first.

We have arrived to the new house. It's not big but it also isn't small. When we got to the house we looked around a bit and i whose my bedroom as there were 4 rooms so I got to choose a room.

Me and my mum both unpacked all of our things into our wardrobes and drawers and then we decided we would go out shopping to buy some stuff for the house and our rooms as it was looking a bit plain and boring right now.

We went into a bunch of different shops around our area and bought what we needed and then headed back to the house and by the time we got back home it was already 6 so we put all of the stuff up and decorated and put the food away in the cupboards and fridge and freezer then my mum cooked dinner for us at about 7:30.

We didn't really do much after dinner we just chilled out and watched tv and talking about my new school then I went to bed as i had to get up for school tomorrow morning and I don't want to be late as it's my first day.


I woke up at 6 as i had to be in school at 7:50 as classes start at 8. I got up and had a shower. Then I got dressed into my clothes and did some light makeup mainly lashes and a light foundation. It was about 7:20 so I went and had some breakfast quickly then I left as it takes about 25 mins to get there and I have to go by bus because my mum is going to her new work place.

I had now arrived at the school and it was about 7:50 now so I went in and went to find the headteachers office as that's where I'm supposed to go as soon as I get there. When I finally got to the office I knocked on the door.
"Come in" the headteacher says
"Hi what's your name" she said going onto her computer
"Alissa Harlow" I say nervously
"Oh your new here that's fine take a seat and I will get you stuff ready" she said pointing at the seat in front of her desk.
"So here is your timetable of the lessons you in today and the rest of the week" she said handing me a sheet of paper
"Ok thank you"
"No problem now go to class and get settled in"
I got up and went to find my class.
The first lesson I had was history.
I was nervous at first but then I realised I don't need to be nervous so I knocked on the door and the teacher said to come in so I walked in.
"Hi your the new student. Alissa right?" He said checking his computer
"Yes" I said standing awkwardly at the door
"Ok well go take a seat in the back next to jobe" he said pointing to the back of the class
I went to the seat he told me to sit in and sat down and just looked at the floor as I was nervous
"Hi new girl" I hear coming from next to me
"Hi" I say not looking at him
He doesn't say anything else and just looks at his book. I don't have a book so the teacher comes and brings me one and explains the work to me.

The history lesson went quite quickly although it was a double so it was already break. As I'm about to leave the classroom I hear someone say my name behind me. It was jobe the boy who sat next to me
"Hey do you know anyone here?"
"No why" I say turning around to look at him
"Ok well do you want to come and sit with me and my friends" he said looking at me
"Um I don't know" I say as I really don't know if I want too as I don't know this jobe guy.
"Well your coming to sit with us I can't have you sitting alone because people in this school are horrible" he said to me as he started walking out the room
"Ok fine" I say following him as I'm looking around at the people
"Hey guys so this is Alissa she's new in the school" he said as he sits down outside
"Hey Alissa" one of them said another one said
"Hey" and so on and so on. I just sat down in the spare seat next to jobe and just listened to what the others were talking about. I did get their names eventually. There was this one guy named Tyrone and another was Leon and the last one was another girl who I think is Leon's gf and her name is kiara.
"So Alissa are you single or nah" Tyrone asked me
"I'm single" I said back
"Cool cool" he said winking at jobe thinking I didn't see it. I'm not here to get in relationships so I know I will never like any of the boys here.
"Hey Alissa your very pretty" the girl said to me
"Thank you so are you" I said to her with a smile
"Thank you" she smiles back at me
The bell rings and it's now time for next lesson
"Yo Alissa what lesson you got next" jobe asked me
"I got biology" I said to him as I stood up
"Same here what teacher is it" he asked me as we started walking
" umm it's mr Brian's " I said as I looked at my timetable
"Cool we are in the same class come"
"Your sitting next to me Alissa yeah"
"Ok cool"

It's now the end of school and tbh I kind of like jobe and his friends they are very nice. I have all of them my number and my Instagram I didn't get Leon's coz he has a gf and his gf didn't want him to have my number which is acctually understandable coz that would be me. But I have them my details and now it's time to go home finally.
"Hey Alissa how are you getting home"
"By bus"
"Not anymore my dad will drop you off at your house" he said smiling at me
"He doesn't have to I'm fine getting bus"
"Nope your one of my friends now so you will be getting dropped off at home and anyways it's dangerous around here"
"Ok fine but only this once" tbh me and Jobe have got quite close in one day. We have most of our lessons together and his friends are quite funny and that kiara girl is quite nice.
"Alissa my dads here come on" he said to me as he started walking to his dads car.
"Hey dad is it alright if you drop my friend at home"
"Yeah sure that's no problem"
"Come on Alissa get in"
"Alissa what's your address" jobe asked me handing me his phone to put the address down
"There you go" I say giving his phone back
As I'm in the car I just sit and listen to the music playing in the car and scroll through my Instagram until I get home as it's not that far it's only about 25 mins.

I'm finally home and I thank jobes dad for dropping me off and say bye to jobe.
As soon as I get in I go to my room as my mum doesn't finish work until 5 so I go and call my bestfriend Aaliyah.

"Hey Aaliyah"
"Hey Alissa how you been"
"I've been good just got back from school"
"Ooo how is the new school"
"It's acctually not bad I've already got a few friends"
"Already what are their names"
"Jobe,Leon,kiara and Tyrone"
"That's good as long as you have people to talk to in school"
"Yeah I've only known them for one day and I'm already close with most of them"
"Who are you close with"
"I'm quite close with kiara and jobe"
"Ohhh alright then how are they"
"They are nice I like them a lot"
"That's good"
"Yeah I'm glad I've met them coz they are very nice and I feel like they will be good friends"
"That's amazing,look Alissa I've got to go but I will call you when I can"
"Ok bye"
She hangs up and I just put my phone on charge and go and get something to eat.

After I eat something I go back upstairs and get into pjs so I can sit and watch Netflix. I watch Netflix for a few hours then I go to sleep ready for tomorrow.


This is part one to the story I will be doing part two tonight then part three will be out tomorrow afternoon or morning.

Hope you enjoyed the first part this part was quite long so the next parts will be a little shorter.

Falling in love - jobe Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now