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Today Zion was coming to my parents to stay and Alissa was dropping him off. I know Alissa don't like my friends but my friends are my friends and it shouldn't matter to her and I'm an adult so I am allowed to do whatever I want.

"Morning jobe" Jude says to me as I'm walking out my bedroom.
"Morning" I say back as i Walk downstairs to get some food. Jude doesn't like them either.

"Jobe alissa is here with Zion" I hear my mum shout from the door. I walk out to the door and see them all standing there.
"Daddyyyy" Zion says as he runs up to me.
"Hey buddy" I say as I pick him up. I walk into the living room with him.

I sit down with Zion and play with him.

"Zionnn" Jude says quite loud so he can hear him as he enters the room.
"Uncle judeeee" Zion says to him as he gets up and runs over to him.
I look over to them and see them hugging.
"I'm taking Zion upstairs with me by the way we gonna spend some time together" Jude says as he starts walking.
"Okay Jude don't stay up there too long" I hear our mum shout to him.
"We won't mum" he shouts back.


I take Zion up to my room as we gotta spend some uncle and nephew time together and I never spend alone time with him. And anyways he's my nephew I love him lots.
"I wanna play ball uncle Jude" Zion says to me. I know both jobe and Alissa are getting him into football at a young age as they want him to grow up to be like jobe and me and it's really nice.
"Okay let's go" I say as I get up and I pick him up.

I run down the stairs and I head out into the garden.
"Where you going with my son Jude" I hear a voice say and I know it is only jobe.
"Erm taking him outside we gonna play football" I say as I carry on walking. He doesn't say anything he just watches us walk out in the garden.


Now that I have dropped Zion off at jobes parents I get the whole afternoon to myself. So I decide to call a friend.

"Heyyy" I say through the phone.
"Hey girl long time how you been" kiara says from the other line. Yes me and kiara are still friends ive never said anything bout it but we are still quite close and acctually she is still with Leon ever since the last time he cheated in school they have always been together. He hadn't done anything since then. But we are very close. I talk to Leon kiara and Tyrone apt they are my bestfriends and will always be.
"Yeah I know I've been busy dealing with jobe and Zion" I say to her as I turn into my driveway.
"What's happened with jobe and when can I see my little man againnnn" kiara says emphasising the n.
"Jobes met these friends and he's been out drinking a lot and it's really annoying he never does anything and he's just never there and you can come see him whenever you want" I say as I disconnect my phone from the car and go inside.
"So I called coz I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today for a bit Zion is round Jones parents and im alone all day" I say to her as I sit down on my sofa.
"I cant i am busy today" she says to me.
"Okay that's okay I'll let you get on bye" I say and Hang up.

This Part is Short but that is because I have no idea what to do with this story now I might to a time skip again next as I have nothing to write. And the story will be coming to an end soon just a few parts I think.

There's no what if today sorry.

Hope you enjoyed this Part and next part up tomorrow love you all and thank you for over 10k reads. Appreciate you all a lot!!!

Falling in love - jobe Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now