Am i stupid for not doing anything sooner?

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I woke up the next morning with jobe. Did I fall asleep. My mum is gonna be worried as to where I am. But she should know nothing would happen with me if I'm with jobe.
Jobe was still sleeping so I just went on my phone as I don't want to get up as jobe was laying his head on me and practically hugging me.

About 20 mins later jobe woke up.
"Morning Sunshine" i say as he looks up at me with a massive smile on his face.
"Morning" he said with a sleeping voice.
We just lay in bed and talk for a bit as we don't wanna get up but I do have to go home today as I was planning on spending time with my mum. I hadn't really spent lots of time with my mum after I started talking to the others. I spent most of my time with them as they really made me happy after what happened.

"Jobe im going to have to go home now as im going to hang out with my mum" I say as I try get up but jobe is practically not letting me go.
"Noo don't leave me" he says as his arms are around me.
"I have to go jobe you will see me again in a few days, it won't be that bad"
"Fineee you can go but call me when you get home" he says as he gets up and goes to get some clothes as I kind of fell asleep with these clothes on.
"Thank you I'll change them I'll go" I hat as I walk into his bathroom.
"You can leave those clothes here we will wash them then I'll bring them back to you when I see you next"
"Ok thank you jobe I'm going to go now"
"Ok bye lis" he says as he grabs me and hugs me
"I'll see you soon jobe" I say as I give him a kiss before walking downstairs and leave to get the bus back.

When I get home I go to sit with my mum in the living room.
"Hey mum" I say as I sit down next to her
"Didnt know you was going to stay at jobes" she says as she turns to me
"I didn't either I fell asleep"
"That's fine I'm not mad or anything you didn't tell me I knew you would have ended up staying there" she says as she lets out a little laugh.
I laugh aswell then me and my mum decide to go out shopping as we both deserved it.

We also go and get lunch at a local shop where you can eat in or take out. We decide to eat in as we was too hungry to wait to eat it until we get home.

We give the lady who came to get our orders what we want to eat then we wait to get our food.
Our food comes about 15 mins later as we both just got something small.

TW: MENTION OF CHILD ABUSE (only one part tho)

Once we finish eating we pay the lady then head back home.
When we get home we both just put the tv and watch tv and talk a little until we hear a knock on the door. My mum goes and gets the door and I just look at the door to see her ex boyfriend. I get up and go straight to my mum.
"What the fuck are you doing here" I say standing next to my mum making sure nothing happens to her.
"I'm here for your mum" he says trying to grab her hand.
"You not fucking here for anything fuck off" I start shouting at that moment.
"No im not going anywhere until your mum agrees to get back with me" he says still reaching his hand out.
"Your not getting back with her so fuck off" I say closing the door in his face but he puts his foot there to stop me from closing it.
"I'm not going nowhere" he shouts as he slaps me across the face.
I look up and I see he has hold of my mother and she looks scared.
"Are you fucking kidding me" I shout as I go up to him and punch his face. I used to do boxing lessons from when I was about 9 till I turned 14 when I quit. So I knew what I was doing.

After that I take my mum and we make our way to jobes as his was closest my mum was to shaky to drive so we made sure to call a taxi and we waited round the corner for it. My mums ex was unconscious lying on the floor but not for long so we were lucky the taxi came quick.

We just got to jobes and I payed the driver and me and my mum got out the car. My mum had tears in her eyes and my face was red from where he slapped me.
I knocked on the door and jobes dad answered.
"Hey Alissa and ally"
"Can we come in"
"Yes come what happened"
"Don't really want to talk about it but is it alright if we stay here for a few nights" I ask as we know her ex won't come here as he don't know where we are.
"Yeah sure but I only have one spare bedroom"
"Yeah that's fine I'll crash with jobe"
"Actually is it alright if you take me back to mine so I can go and pick up some clothes and stuff we need"
"Yeah sure when"
"When my mum calms down a little as she's in shock right now from what happened"
"Yeah sure no problem" he says as we look over to my mum who's sitting on the sofa in shock.
"I won't be here for a few nights as I have to go do something I was going to my mums but jobe don't want to go" he says to me
"Ok that's fine we will be ok as long as my mum isn't at home then she's fine here" I say
"Thank you so much" I say before getting up to go to my mum.
"your jobes girl and it's what he would have wanted"
"Thank you" I say across the room.

I stay with my mum for a while then jobe and his dad come with me and my mum back to the house so we can get stuff but I'm going to go in as I don't want my mum to just in case.

"I'm gonna go and get the stuff ok and I'll be out in a bit" I say to the others in the car.
"What if he's still there" my mum says looking at me worried
"He won't be it's been about two hours I will be fine you saw me punch him earlier if I see him I will gladly do it again" I say to my mum holding her hand.
"Wait you punched him" jobe said looking at me
"Yeah I did boxing lessons for about 4 years" I sat as I turned to look at him
"Wow that's good" he says before I get out the car. Me and my mum didn't lock the door or anything so he might be in the house.


I go into my house and so far it's all good I don't see him. But there it is him he's standing there. I try talk but he puts his hand over my mouth with full force so I can't take it off I try punch him again but that doesn't work. He then pins my hands to the wall and uses the other hand and starts touching me at that moment my heart stops and I couldn't think straight and went weak. As he was touching me he was kissing my neck. He was a 28 year old man and was doing this I don't know what to think right now. I then had tears in my eyes and just wanted to scream but nothing came out I felt silent. I then said to myself 'your a strong girl don't be weak' and then that's when it happens I kick him where it hurts most then I punch him round the face and quickly run upstairs and get the least amount of clothes and shove them in the first bag I see. I still had tears in my eyes aswell and as I went downstairs I had saw he was gone but the front door wasn't open. He must have went out the back. I go lock the back door then I make sure to lock the front door so he can't get in again.

I got to the car and got in so quickly still with the tears in my eyes. I then looked at jobe and started bawling my eyes out. Jobe took me in his arms and I didn't move I didn't know what to do. I felt insecure after what happened.
"Alissa what happened in there" my mum asked.
"I don't want to talk about it can we just go please" I say lifting my head up from jobes chest then putting my head back.

As soon as I got back to jobes i had a shower and changed as I felt disgusting and it felt like I could still feel him there. After I shower and change I go and lay next to jobe who was laying there on his phone.
"Hey lis are you okay" he says as he puts his arms up so I can lay my head on his chest.
"I'm good I just want to sleep" I lied as I put my head on jobes chest and closed my eyes. And just before you know it I was sleeping. I wasn't okay I felt insecure I felt like I didn't wanna think about it but all I could think about was what happened at that moment.
Am I stupid for not doing anything sooner?

This part was quite good in my opinion the best one I wrote. Next part will be when they go back to school for a week for their last exams.

There's always going to be a what if.

Hope you enjoyed this part baes!!!

Falling in love - jobe Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now