Back to school exams

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It was now time to go back to school for a week for our final exams and we are all going in together but we are all getting bus as everyone's parents are at work or just busy so they can't drop us off. And me and my mum went back to our house as ever since he disappeared after that night he never returned since. Everyday I went to go see if he was there but everyday nobody was there and the house looked untouched.
It is about 7:30 and I had a shower and did my hair and did my makeup and put on my outfit. I am now just clearing my room a bit then we are all meeting at the bus stop.

We all meet at the bus stop and wait for the next bus.
"Yooo" Leon said approaching me with kiara.
"Hey love birds" i say back as i hug them both.
"Yo yo guys" Tyrone said as he walked up to us hugging us all.
We were all waiting for jobe. Usually he's always early as he likes to be placed at the right time. This was not normal for him so I decide to message him.

Lis ❤️- hey where are you?
Jobe 🤭- hey i woke up late I'll be there in a bit
Lie ❤️- want us to wait at the bus stop for you
Jobe 🤭- no it's fine I'll meet you at school
Lis ❤️- ok I'll see you soon 
Jobe 🤭- see u in a bit
Lis ❤️- love you
Jobe 🤭- love u too

"Jobe woke up late and said he will meet us at school" i say to the others as the bus stops.
"Ok cool" they all said as we get on the bus.

We arrive at school.

"Yo guys what lesson have you guys got" Tyrone asked us as we was walking into the school.
"I've got history and jobe still isn't here so I'll be alone most of the lesson" i say as i look around the corridors.
"I've got maths" kiara said
"Me too" Tyrone said after
"I've got chem" Leon said
The bell rang and we all went to class.

Most of the lesson went by and jobe still hasn't come in yet so I message him.

Lis ❤️- hey jobe first period is almost finished where are you at I was kind of alone in history
Jobe 🤭- something came up this morning so I don't know when I will be in or if I am coming in
Lis ❤️- was it anything bad
Jobe 🤭- no but I'm fine don't worry about me I'll see you later
Lis ❤️- ok love you
Opened 10:07

Jobe left me on opened without saying anything else. Something was up with him he would always be in school as he wanted to get good grades and he would never have a day off. Something was wrong.

It was now about 20 mins into lunch and the first 4 periods went quite quick.

"Hey guys do you know what's up with jobe" i asked
"No why something happen" kiara asked me concerned kind of
"No just that he won't be in today and he never misses a day of school as he wants to make sure he has good enough grades" i say looking around seeing if jobe would come in and sit down with us but no sign of him.
"I know that's odd he always comes in even if none of us are in" kiara said to me also looking around.
"Yeah I don't know I can try talk to him and see why he ain't coming in I can talk to him after school" Leon said as Leon and jobe are very close and jobe basically tells him everything.
"I could call you after as I'm going straight home as I have something to do" Leon said as he looked around the table at all of us.
"Ok well after school you talk to jobe and then call me" kiara said as the bell rung

It was now the end of the school day and Leon was going over to jobes to talk to him and see why he wasn't in school.


It was the end of the day and I was walking to jobes house to see why he wasn't in as he will never miss a day of school ever.

I knock on the door and jobes dad answers it.
"Hey Leon what are you doing here" he says letting me in the house
"I'm here to talk to jobe is that ok" i say to him walking close to the stairs
"Yeah sure go ahead" he says to me

I go into jobes room and see him on his phone.
"Yo bro you good you wasn't in today" I asked him as I walk over to sit down on his chair.
"Yeah I'm good I was out all day I was trying to get alissas birthday present as it's her birthday soon" he said turning his phone off.
"Oh ok so that's why u didn't come in"
"Yeah but don't tell her anything she doesn't know that I'm getting her anything or anything like that"
"Oh so what should I tell her then"
"Just tell her it was a Family problem and I had to be off all day or something"
"Ok well I'll see you in school tomorrow then"
"Yeah see you tomorrow bro"

I get up and go over to alissas where kiara is.


Leon had just came to mine after talking to jobe.

"So it was just a family issue and he will be back in school tomorrow" Leon said walking into my room
"Ok then we'll what are you two doing are you going to chill here or go home" I ask as Leon sat down at my desk and kiara next to me in my bed.
"I don't mind chilling here for a bit I have nothing else to do" both Leon and kiara said.
"Ok cool"

We just chill for about two hours then Leon and kiara go home as it is about 5-6.

When they go I don't really do much I have dinner then I just call jobe as I was bored and just wanted to talk to him.

"Hey jobe how are you" I say as I sit up in my bed.
"Hey lis I'm good just kind of tired" he said as he's laying down in his bed.
"I'm tired kind of but I can't sleep at all"
"I know im trying to sleep but can't"
"I knowwww"
"So how was the exams today"
"Shit absolutely shit I was alone most of my lessons as you were in most of them but you didn't come in"
"Yeah it was a family issue but I will be in the rest of the days"
"That's good I kind of got worried as you never miss a day of school"
"Yeah well im fine you don't need to worry"
We spoke for a bit then we got tired.
"Im gonna go bed now jobe" I say as I yawn
"Yeah me too"
"Goodnight jobe"
"Goodnight lis love you"
"Love you too"
I hang up then I go to sleep.

I woke up late this morning and I had woke up at 9 but I only have 3 more hours in school as we finish early today so I just stay home as there is technically no point I also wasn't feeling too well this morning either I had a massive headache and my stomach hurts. I think I'm on my period. Not nowwww I dont want to be on right now.

I get up and go toilet then go get paracetamol and water. And I'm on my period ffs I hate life right now. I go get my paracetamol and water then get my hot water bottle and then go and lay in my bed and watch Netflix.

It's been about 3-4 hours since I got up and I've just got a call from kiara.

"Alissa why weren't you in today"
"I woke up late and I didn't feel too good I'm on my period so I stayed home"
"Ok cool coz we are all coming yours okay"
"Wait what"
Then there's a knock on the door.
"We're here let us in" kiara says then hangs up.

I go open the door and let them in.
"Hey Alissa" they all say giving me a hug.
"Hey lis" jobe says as he hugs me then give me a kiss on my forehead.
"So why are you guys here exactly"
"Coz why not what do you not want us here or something" kiara says as she goes into the kitchen to get a drink from the fridge.
"No no it's just that I wasn't expecting you lot all to come" I say back going to sit on the sofa next to jobe
"Well we are here and we ain't going until later so you have us for a few hours now" kiara said back as she also comes to sit on the sofa.

We all chill out most of the night Tyrone left early as his mum needed his help with something and then a while after Leon and k left. So it was just me and jobe but I was fine with that.

"Are you ok lis" jobe asked as he lifted his head off of my thighs.
"Yeah just got cramps but I'm fine" I say to him as he lays his head back down.
We just chilled for a bit until about 5 and jobe went home.
"Bye lis I'll see you later" he says bringing me into a hug.
"Bye jobe I love you" I say as I kiss him.
"I love you too" jobe says pulling away from the kiss and walking out the door.

I just go and lay in bed and go sleep as I was kind of tired and needed the rest.

This part was kind of boring personally but next part will be better I promise

There's always a what ifffff

Anyways hope you enjoyed this part next part up soon baes!!!!

Falling in love - jobe Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now