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After posting on Instagram and replying to other people's posts I get up and go have breakfast.
"Happy birthday darling" I hear my mum say as she is cooking pancakes
"Thank you mum" I go and hug her then help with the breakfast. Every year for my birthday my mum would always cook pancakes for breakfast and honestly it's amazing her pancakes are the best.

We cook the pancakes and then we eat them.
"So Alissa are you excited for your party tonight" my mum says as she eats her food
"Yeah I'm excited I can't wait" I say as I eat the last piece of my food.
"That's good the party starts at 6 aswell so be ready by then" my mum says as she takes out plates and washes them up
"Yeah I will kiara is coming round to get ready with me" I slightly shout so she can hear me.
"Ok what time is she coming as I still need to put up decorations aswell" she also slightly shouts before walking into the living room where I am sitting.
"Erm I think she's coming around 1-2 as she is going out to get an outfit for tonight" I say as my mum sits next to me
"Ok that's fine"
"Ok well I'm gonna go back to my room and clear up a bit and that" I say as I get up and head to my room.

I go to my room and it's about 12 now as I woke up at 9 and didn't have breakfast till about 11 as I stayed in bed for an hour on my phone.

I just put on some music and clean up my room a bit as there was clothes on the floor and a bunch of rubbish as I was busy a lot and haven't had time to clean it so I did that whilst waiting for kiara to come.

By the time I finish cleaning up it's about 1 so kiara would be arriving very soon hopefully. I'm very very bored and I have no clue what to do so I call the gc.

"Yo guys I'm bored and kiara where are you" I say as they all answered
"I'm on my way now lis I'll be there in about 20 to 30 mins" kiara days as she walks
"Happy birthday alissaaaaa" Leon shouted through the phone.
"Thank you Leonnnnn" I shout down the phone aswell
"Happy birthday lisssss" Thron said through the phone
"Thanks Ty" I say back
"Happy birthday lis" jobe says smiling though the phone to me
"Thanks jobe" I say back as I smile back at him.

We talk for about 20 mins then we start talking about the party again.

"So what time you lot all coming to mine at other than kiara as she's coming earlier than the rest of you"
"I'm coming when the party starts" Leon says laughing
"Same here" both Tyrone and jobe say aswell.
"Fair enough"
"Alissa I'm almost there ok" kiara says.
"Alr bye guys love you all and see you later" I say
"Bye lis love you too" they all said.
I hang up and then scroll through TikTok until kiara gets here.

About 10 mins later kiara gets here.
"Hey birthday girl" kiara says as she walks into my room putting her bag on the floor then jumping on my bed where I was
"Thank you k but I'm not a trampoline" I say as I laugh a little. She laughs aswell.
"Ok so what time we going to start getting ready" kiara asks me as she takes out her phone from her pocket.
"Well it's going to take us both a lot of time to get ready so now" I say as it's already about 1:40 and party starts at 6.

Me and kiara both have showers and by the time we both finish it's already 3:30. I put on a robe and so does kiara and we sit and start to dry our hair. My hair is quite thick so it takes about half an hour to dry but kiaras hair is not so thick so it don't take that long to dry.

By the time we finish out hair it's now gone 4 and it's time to do our makeup. I'm not doing a lot of makeup but I am also not doing a little makeup as I want to look good. Kiara helps a little with it aswell.

We finish out makeup and it's already about 5 so we have an hour left and I still have to find a nice outfit. After looking for what felt like 2 hours I finally found a nice dress I have only wore once and that was to a wedding last year.

Falling in love - jobe Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now