Baby shower

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Its about 2 months since I found out I was pregnant and I was having a baby shower tonight I got the doctor to give the gender to Denise as she had been helping me whenever she was here and mark would help when jobe was away. Jobe had been staying with me at mine and when jobe was away i would stay at his. After I have the baby jobe would move in with me. He had already started moving stuff from his to mine.

Jude and Denise were back in Birmingham as they wanted to be here for the baby shower and Denise also had the gender and she had made sure to get all of the stuff.

The baby shower was being held at jobes as my house was a mess with all of jobes stuff everywhere and mine.

The baby shower will just be a few friends and my cousins aunts and uncles that are close and jobes family aswell his cousins a few of his aunts and uncles and his grandparents my grandparents can't make it as they are in Ireland. I had given the adress to the family who were coming so they know where to go and the shower starts in about 30 mins it was 2:30 and the shower starts at 3. Denise had made the food and then mark and Jude decorated around the house.

I was wearing a simple dress. Jobe was wearing some jeans and a top.

It was now time where the quests would arrive me and jobe were standing by the door greeting every body. Everybody had said congratulations and gave us both gifts which are all on a table in the living room.

After everyone arrived we chilled for a bit ate food now it was time for the moment I have been waiting for. The gender reveal. I've been so excited. Jobe has to kick a football and I have a small balloon on a table outside to pop.

"So you guys are going to go at the same time ready" i hear Denise say. I got Jude to video it on my phone and take pictures as me and jobe can't and Jude was closest to me.
"Ready 3 2 1 go" Denise shouts so jobe can hear her. Jobe kicks the ball and I pop the balloon. In the balloon were small balloons which were blue and inside the football was blue smoke.
"It's a boy" everyone shouts.

I have tears coming out I slightly bend down so that my knees were bent and my elbows were touching my knees.
Jobe runs up to me and gives me a massive hug.
"It's a boy baby" jobe says as he gives me a kiss.
Jude comes over and gives me a hug aswell.
So do all of my friends and family members.
Denise then comes up to me.
"Congratulations sweetheart can't believe how far you have come. Im so proud of both of you and I'm glad jobe has you" Denise says as she gives me a hug.
"Aw thank you Denise ik glad to be in jobes life and I'm happy I have him" i say back to Denise pulling away from the hug.

After we do that we do the cake which also has blue inside which is so cool.

I open presents shortly after we do cake. I've got some amazing things from everyone.
Everyone was now going home.

Today was amazing im so glad I have jobe and his family.

"Today was so amazing thank you so much guys" i say to everyone.
"No problem Alissa your family now" Denise says as she gives me a hug.
"Of course your our family too" mark says giving me a hug.
"Your my little sister lis and you may or may not be better than jobe" Jude says to me laughing. Jobe just hits him and I just laugh. Jude them gives me a hug.



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