Are we back to normal?

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The next morning I woke up and I saw that jobe was next to me. Why was he here for?
Oh I asked him to stay didnt I. I'm so silly. Anyways when I woke up I went to get water as I was so thirsty and I really needed a drink.

I come upstairs with my water and see that jobe had woke up.
"Hey" I say as I put my water on my bedside table and sit on my bed next to jobe.
"Morning" he replies with a morning voice. I missed his morning voice hadn't heard it in a year I forgot what it sounded like.
"How are you doing" jobe asks me as I pick up my phone.
"I'm better than I was last night how about you" I say back as I go into my socials kne by one to check them.
"I'm good" he replies as he just puts his phone down on his chest.

Jobe just lays there for about 5 mins with his eyes closed. I'm assuming he's trying to sleep again as he didn't have anything to do today and he still looked very tired. Until he breaks the silence.
"I missed you" he says as he still remains laying there but he opens his eyes and turns his head to me.
I didn't know what to say so I just said what I feel.
"I missed you too" I say back as I turn to look at him. I really did miss him so I wasn't lying.
We were just making eye contact until jobe says something.
"Can I kiss you" he asks very nicely as he slightly sits up.
"Yeah" I say as I put my hand on one side of his face as my phone was in the other and leant in and then our lips touched. It felt so good. I missed him so much although I had a boyfriend I still had jobe in my heart. I have never lost my love for him ever and I never will.
"I've missed you jobe you know that" I say as I pull away and look him in the eyes.
"No I didn't know that and I've missed you too lis" he says as he leans his head on me and wraps his arms around my waist.
"I've missed us aswell" he says to me as he gets comfortable.
"Me too" I say back as I rub his back.

Me and jobe just chill there and talk a bit for about an hour and a half then it's about 10 in the morning.
"So what are we now" I ask jobe as I really have no idea what we are.
"I don't know whatever you want us to be" he says as he just remains laying on me.
"What I want is for you to be mine forever that's all I want" I say as I put my phone down.
"Ok then I'm yours forever" he says as he takes his head off me and sits up so he's at level with me.
I turn and look at him then I lean in and kiss him. I had too. His lips just look so perfect and I couldn't help myself.
"Jobe just know I still loved you even when I was gone nobody was going to take my love for you away no matter what" I say as I pull away.
"I know you did I knew you did and i still loved you too and I still do I never lost my love for you even when you was in the relationship my love was still there. I missed us so much and I'm glad we are back again" jobe says as he puts his hands on my face.
"I still do too and even though I was in a relationship when I was gone it was still you, it was always you since I don't even know when, I've always loved you jobe I always will nothing will ever change that, I know we are still young but I know and hope it will be you forever" I reply with tears coming out my eyes. I'm an emotional person tbh I get emotional so easily. I will cry when saying something so true that isn't sad.
"Hey why you crying for" jobe says as he pulls me to his chest.
"I don't know I just missed you so much and I'm still pissed about this dickhead and I don't even know I'm just glad to be here with you, with the only boy I love" I say to him as I pull away from his chest.
"Aw Alissa, that dickhead didn't deserve you, nobody deserves you but me, your mine and I'm yours and I love you so much" he says as he wipes the tears away.
"I love you too jobe" I say as I go to hug him.
"Jobe can you stay again tonight" I ask as I pull away from our hug.
"Yeah sure I'll just let my dad know" he says as he kissed my forehead and gets his phone.


I missed us so much. When she left I knew I wouldn't get into another relationship as I wouldn't have loved anyone other than Alissa. She was the only girl I wanted. I love her and I always will she will always be my girl no matter what. I knew nothing would change my feelings for her. Anyways I went to go call my dad to let him know I'm fine and I'll be with lis as I can't say no to my girl.
I get my phone and ring my dad.

"Hey dad"
"Hey where are you"
"I'm at alissas right now and was going to say" before I could finish my dad cut me off.
"Glad your with her why didn't you let me know"
"Oh yeah last night Alissa got quite drunk and I had to drive her car back and she wanted me to stay so I did and that brings me to what I wanted to say"
"Oh alright then that's fine and what is it"
"I'm staying Alissas again so I will be back tomorrow"
"Ok have fun and what's happening with you two now"
"Oh yeah well we are kind of together again"
"That's good I'm glad to know that you are with her again she's amazing don't break her heart son"
"Dad you know I would never do that escpevially to the girl I love so much"
"Yeah I know but just in case of anything anyways I've got to go I'll see you tomorrow"
"Ok see you tomorrow"

I hang up then put my phone back down.

"So what do you wanna do?" I say to lis with a slight smirk on my face. She either knew what she wanted to do or she was thinking the same thing as me.

I know it's been a few days but I haven't been feeling too well so I've been sleeping or just not using my phone but I'm back again for the daily updates and all of that.

There's always a what if

Hope you all enjoy this part.

Also hope you all had an amazing Christmas I know I did. Hope you all got what you wanted and hope you enjoyed it.

Next part up tomorrow most likely
Love you all so much!!

Falling in love - jobe Bellingham Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora