Back together again

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"So what do you wanna do" jobe said with a smirk on his face. He defo knew what I was gonna say.
"Let's watch a movie" I said with no hesitation. Jobe knew that I loved watching movies with him. He knew that I just loved being with him. He knew that I loved him.
"I knew u was gonna say that" he said letting a little laugh.

I grabbed the remote and put on Moana as that's one of my favourite movies especially  out  of the Disney movies aswell.

As I put it on I cuddle up to jobe as that's what I had always done when watching movies or it would be jobe cuddling up to me coz jobe like a big baby he loves when he cuddled up to me he always falls asleep as soon as his head hits me.

We finish the movie then I change it after and we start watching all the avengers movies. i get hungry so I order some McDonald's as you can't go wrong with some McDonald's.

I order just a Big Mac some fries and a coke and jobe also gets the same as me and I also get a mcflurry aswell but jobe doesnt.

As we wait for the food we just talk as we don't want to watch the movie till we have our food.

About 15 mins later our food comes. I go get the food and go back to jobe.

We get our food and start eating it.

There's about 20 mins left until the last movies finished and jobe has fell asleep in my arms.
He's such a baby he's so cute. He is just laying on top of me with his arms wrapped around my waist and my arms are just playing with his hair. I love his hair it's so soft. His head is quite close to mine so my chin is resting on his head aswell with my hands playing with his hair. It is about 9pm and the movies were so good but they were all like 2 hours long.

When the movie finishes I turn the tv off and go on my phone for a little bit and reply to people as I haven't used my phone all day as I've had jobe to keep me company.

After about 30 mins I turn my phone off and try sleep. I move my chin off jobes head and kiss his head and then I I lay my head on jobes and close my eyes. My hands are still playing with jobes hair. I eventually fall asleep after a while.


I wake up the next morning and jobe is still laying on me. It's about 10 in the morning. I don't move as I don't wanna wake jobe up. I carefully grab my phone and check everything.

About 20 mins later I feel something. It was jobe waking up.

"Morning sleepy head" I say as he barely moves his body from me.
"Morning" he says back with his very sexy sleepy voice. That voice does things to me brooo.
"We're you comfy last night" I say letting out a giggle.
"Yup your very comfortable" he says as he lifts his head so that his eyes are looking into mine.
"I can tell you love sleeping on me" I say as I laugh a little.
"When I have the chance I will and yes I do love sleeping on you" he says laughing a little too

We just chill there for a bit jobe checks his phone and I just go on my phone too.

"So lis would you like to come to my house tonight" jobe says to me as he sits up.
"Yeah sure I don't mind" I say back
"Good coz my brother and mum are here for a few days as my brother had an injury and can't play for 2 weeks"
"Oh hope he's okay and that's nice"
"Ok cool we will get ready to go whenever your ready"
"Well we can get ready now I'm bored and want something to do" I say to him as I get out of bed.
"Ok cool" he said back to me as he also gets up.

We get ready and I let him drive as he knows where he's going and I can't be bothered either. I'm wearing jeans and a jumper and jobe is wearing a tracksuit that he had left at my old house which I kept as I wasn't getting rid of it ofc.

Falling in love - jobe Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now