Hes back

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I got a notification and it was Tyrone. What did he want?

Tyrone ✌️
Hey erm i wanted to see if you was in Birmingham?

Yeah I've moved back here why and what happened to you where did you go?

I wanted to see if you wanted to come to my birthday party as i still see you as a friend to me and all the others aswell and i Left coz i had some family stuff and I had to move away for a while as my Nan was sick

Oh ok well yeah I could come is the party tomorrow?? And hope your Nan is okay

Well my Nan passed and yeah it's tomorrow

Oh sorry for your loss and yeah I'll be there tomorrow I'm glad your back

Ok I'm glad I'm back too can you tell the others about it aswell as i want them to come too. It's at 8.

Yeah sure no problem

well I'll see you tomorrow

I was acctually kind of suprised to hear from Tyrone. I did miss Tyrone and I'm glad he's back. I was happy Tyrone had messaged me i was worried we would have seen him. After that I cal jobe to let him know.

"Hey jobe so guess what happened just now" i say as he picks up.
"What" he said.
"Tyrone messaged me"
"Wait really how is he" jobe says
"Hes good he left coz his Nan was sick and he wanted to be with her and eventually she passed"
"Oh wow so he's okay then" jobe said
"Yeah he's invited us to his birthday party tomorrow as he still classes us as his friends"
"Oh ok what time is it" jobe asked me
"At 8 so you can come mine tomorrow if you want and if you want you can come back here tonight and stay but it's up to you really"
"I'll just come tomorrow as I'm kind of tired and want to sleep" he said to me as i get up and head out my room.
"Ok well night jobe I'll see you tomorrow"
"Yeah night lis" he said as he hangs up.

I go to kiaras room and tells her the same thing i told jobe.

"It's at 8 and jobe is coming round tomorrow so we can all go together" i say as i head out of her room and back into mine. I then just go to sleep.


It's about 5 and me and kiara are having showers and getting ready.

By the time I finish in the shower it's about 6.
I go to dry my hair and that takes a long time and to style it aswell so that will be another hour.

It's now about 7 and jobe has just got here I go let him in and then he comes upstairs. He chills in my room whilst I do my makeup.

"Is that what your wearing jobe" i say as I'm doing my lashes.
"Yeah I'm not going to go in a suit am I" he says laughing. He was wearing some jeans and a black t shirt with a jacket over the top.
"What are you wearing" he asked as he got up and went to search in my wardrobe.
"I don't know just a simple outfit to be honest" i say as i get up and shut my wardrobe.
"Get out of there" i say to him as he starts laughing and sits back down on my bed.
"What's wrong with me helping you find something to wear" he says laughing a little
"Nothing I just have a few things in there you don't need to see now sit down and go on your phone or something" I say as i go sit back down at my makeup desk and finish my makeup. The reason I didn't want jobe in my wardrobe is coz i had stuff in there he wouldn't really want to see.

I finish doing my makeup finally and went to get my outfit. I'm wearing a pair of jeans and a nice top as i didn't want to put on a dress.

When I finally got ready it was time to go kiara had came into my room when she finished as i wasn't done and she was bored.

Falling in love - jobe Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now