You like him dont you?

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It's the next morning and I don't really remember what happened last night as I was drunk but I do remember us al coming here to jobes. I woke up at about 8 and I saw that Leon and kiara weren't there no more. They must have went home early this morning.
"Morning Alissa" jobe said as he walks into his room
"Morning jobe" i say rubbing my head as I have a banging headache
"Hey are you ok" jobe said sitting down on his bed
"No I have a massive headache"
"I'll get some paracetamol and some water" he said getting you and leaving his room
"Thank you" I slightly shout so he hears me
When he comes back up he hands me some paracetamol and water.
"Thank you jobe" I say smiling at him
"No problem" he says smiling back

I go and check my phone and see that I have many missed calls from my mum so I call her.

"Hey Alissa where the fuck are you" she says slightly angry
"Hi mum it was quite late and jobe didn't want me going home alone as his dad couldn't get him so I stayed at jobes with Leon and kiara"
"Oh my god thank god you are ok Alissa"
"Yes I'm fine I'm only at jobes, I'll be back soon"
"Ok just make sure you let me know you going to stay at jobes so I know you are ok I was so worried"
"Well I'm fine and you don't need to worry"
"Ok well I'll see you soon"
"Ok my mum love you"
"Love you too"

I hang up and then get up out of jobes bed.
"Hey jobe I'm gonna go back home now"
"Ok that's fine do you want me to walk with you"
"Yeah sure if you want to"
"Yeah cool"

Because I had a dress on jobe lent me some clothes to wear as I didn't want to put the dress on and the shoes so I walked barefoot for a while until jobe picked me up.
"Your not walking all the way to your house barefoot" jobe said as he put his arms around my waist and legs
"Why not" I say laughing
"Because you might hurt your feet"
"Fair enough"
"I'm fine with it anyways I don't have to walk I just get to chill" I say laughing at jobe
"Haha very funny" he says pulling a face

We got my house finally and jobe put me down at my door.
"Bye jobe thank you for letting me stay last night and for carrying me home" I say laughing as I give him a hug
"Yeah no problem" he said hugging me back
"Bye jobe"
I unlock my door and go in. I go straight upstairs and lay down in my bed and just put Netflix on.
      ANSWER                         DECLINE

"Hey kiara what's up"
"Hey Alissa I just wanted to see how you were as you were drunk and I don't really remember what happened"
"Yeah I'm good and neither do I, I just remember jobe taking us all to his i don't even remember how we got there to be honest"
"Well I remember how we got there"
"We walked, well you didn't really walk much because jobe put you over his shoulder until you got him to put you down"
"Haha no way now I remember that was so funny tho"
"It was wasn't it"
"Yeah, what time did we go to sleep because I woke up quite early"
"We went to be at about 12 after messing around for ages apparently"
"Oh wow I'll have to ask jobe or Leon what happened haha"
"Yeah Leon only told me how we got to jobes and that me and you couldn't stop laughing"
"Last night seemed so cool"
"Yeah apparently jobe commented on your insta post and then he replied to Leon's comment saying the opposite of what he said and you started throwing pillows at him, then apparently he tried flinging you over his shoulder and throwing you in the bed but you dragged him down with you then you sat there laughing for about 10 mins" she says to me laughing about it
"No way I can't lie he deserved it tho , I love jobe but he did say he loved me then he didn't like what are you doing bro" I say laughing but I can kind of feel my self blushing I hope kiara doesn't see it.
"Yo Alissa your blushing, you like him dont you?"
"What I'm not blushing it's just very hot in my room and no I don't like jobe I definitely don't like jobe" I say lying to her knowing that I was blushing and it was acctually quite cold in my room and I really don't know if I like jobe.
"Alright if you say so Alissa, you defo like him"
"I dont know"
"So you don't know if you like him"
"No I dont"
"Wow you guys will defo be together by the time the summer ends"
"Lol but seriously I don't know if I like him or not"
"Well just have to wait some time and you will know"
"Yeah maybe"
We talk for a little while longer then she hangs up as she's got to go do something for her mum.


It has been a few days since that party and I haven't really done much my mum was planning on taking me and a few people on holiday to the Maldives tomorrow so I have to pack. I'm taking jobe,Leon,kiara and Tyrone as they are all my friends and my only friends and they all agreed to come as their parents said they could. But Tyrone's parents are coming as my mum started to become good friends with them.

Because we were all going on the holiday tomorrow my mum said they can all stay over at ours so it's easier to go from one place to the next. So then lot have all packed and came to mine already at about 3pm. I still have to pack a few clothes and then I'm done.

I've finished packing and it's now 5 as it took me forever to pack and find clothes that I wanna bring.

"Yo Alissa are you done now" Leon said to me
"Yes I'm finally done" I say getting up from the floor
"Finally you took forever" Tyrone said
"Ok so what are we going to do now that you have finished" kiara asked me
" I actually don't know" I say as I start laughing
"How about we go outside and play football and see which team wins" jobe said
"Jobe you always want to play football" I say looking at him
"Yeah but maybe you lots can learn how to play"
"Fine we will play football"
"Thank you Alissa for letting us play football" jobe says laughing at me

We play football for about 2 hours and it's now about 7. So we all go in as my mum cooked us all food well my mum and someone else cooked it but I don't know who
"This food looks nice mum"  I say as I sit down at the table
"Thank you Aaliyah helped me" wait did she just say Aaliyah it bought Tyrone's mum was here. Oh yeah Tyrone's mum is coming here at 8.
"Oh Aaliyah why is she here I didn't know she was gonna be here" I say looking at my mum confused
"Yeah well I invited her on holiday with us" she said smiling
"Oh ok" I say as me and Aaliyah haven't spoke in so long.

We all eat and then me and the others go upstairs.
"Hey Alissa can I speak to you" jobe says to me standing up from my bed. I just follow him.
"What's up jobe"
"You know that Aaliyah girl, she keeps flirting with me and it is getting annoying"
"Oh just ignore her stay with me" I say as we walk back into my room.
"Do you guys want to watch a movie" Aaliyah asked.
We all said yes as we were all bored. Jobe is sitting Ik my bed next to me until Aaliyah sits right next to him. Kiara was sitting with Leon in front of my bed and Tyrone was sitting next to them. Because jobe thought Aaliyah was annoying he made sure to stay close to me.
"Let's watch a horror" Aaliyah says and I know she don't like horrors and she only wants to watch one so she could cuddle up with jobe which is not happening. But jobe doesn't like horrors either and ik he's gonna cuddle up to me.
"Alissa I don't like horrors you know this" jobe whispers in my ear
"I know but she's only watching one so she can cuddle up with you and no way that's happening" I whisper back to him
"Ok just know I am staying right where I am and I ain't moving" jobe says as he lays his head on my shoulder.

A few minutes into the movie jobe kept on getting real close to me and Aaliyah was trying to get close to jobe but I wasn't having it so I traded spots with jobe but he was still cuddling up to me.
"Hey Alissa why did you swap spaces with jobe" Aaliyah whispered to me
"Because I wanted to sit in the middle" I whisper back
"Oh" she says
Yeah oh trying to cuddle up with jobe I ain't having that no way.

The movie was finished and jobe had fell asleep with his head on me and Aaliyah fell asleep facing my door and the three on the floor also fell asleep. I wasn't really tired so I'd just went ok my phone for a bit then went to sleep.

I hope you all enjoy this part I'll be putting the next part to both stories up soon

Is something going on with jobe and Alissa? We never know we have to wait and see.

Will anything happen when they are on holiday?

Hope you have enjoyed this story so far!

Falling in love - jobe Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now