Telling the truth

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Jobe was coming back home today and I've been with kiara,Leon and Tyrone most of the time so I can not think about jobe. They have been such a good help but sometimes I still think about jobe as I really don't know how he would do that to me. I really hope he doesn't come here as I don't want to see him and I know I have to see him for a week in school before we finish for good but he can't help that as it's school but outside of school he can.

I'm on call with with the group as they are all with families for a few days before school starts.
"So he's coming back today" Leon with his phone standing up on his desk as he's playing Xbox right now.
"Yeah I know I just hope he doesn't come here or try talk to me as I don't want to see him" I say as I sit down on my bed.
"If he does go to yours and tries ti talk to you just let us all know" Tyrone said with his phone real close to his face. Tyrone was always like that his phone was always close to his face on call.
"Yeah I will do but I just don't know why he would do that tho" I say as I put my phone down on my bed.
"His ex was always a beg after they broke up she kept begging him to get back together and he never wanted to because she cheated on him with some rando she met" Leon said to me as he was looking at his screen.
"Innit she was always a beg and if he never wanted to get with her ages ago why now when he had Alissa what changed him" kiara said to me as she was putting a little makeup on as she was acctually going out with her family for dinner this evening.
"I don't know coz I know jobe so well and he would never do anything like that to any girl he was always that person who would never want to hurt someone so I don't know how that happened I feel like Mia is lying about it as she was always a bitch and didn't like the fact jobe had any other girls other than her" Tyron said
"But he did though like if you say he would never hurt anyone then why did he hurt me"
"I don't know but I get the feeling that maybe jobe was right and that he isn't with her and that he didn't do anything" Tyrone said.
"Ok guys I've got to go and get dressed I'll talk to you lot later and I miss you all" kiara said
"We all miss you too k" I say as she hangs up.
Just as she hangs up mark (jobes dad) calls me.
"Ive got to go someone is calling me I miss you all see u soon" I say as I hang up and answer his call.

"Hey mark what's up"
"It's jobe hes really bad right now he wants to talk to you and tell you the truth but you won't let him"
"Yeah well I won't let him coz he practically cheated on me with his ex"
"What he would never who told you that"
"His ex herself she told me"
"Well she's lying coz Mia coz sent home not even a whole week into it she only came with me as she was visiting someone and she went home right after"
Maybe Tyrone was right and that jobe really hadn't done anything. Maybe he really didn't cheat on me. Maybe I was being too dramatic and should have let him talk to me.
"Oh well I will talk to him when I'm ready"
"Well we are already on our way to yours"
"Wait what"
"Please talk to jobe" he said as he hung up.
Why was jobes dad dropping him off here im not ready to talk to him. I haven't spoke to him for two whole weeks and we were technically not together anymore. What the hell im not ready. I was panicking in my room until I heard a knock on my bedroom door.
"Come in" I say hoping it's not jobe.
"Hi I need to talk to you" and it was jobe oh god im not ready for this.
"Go on talk" I say as I sit down on my bed. Jobe sits next to me.
"Look im so sorry about what happened I never cheated on on you and why the hell she was in the room and said what she said I would never hurt you like that. I don't know what she was doing I was downstairs with my brother and I never knew she was in the room. And I never would get back with her she was only there coz she had to get some stuff she left there when she came there with me ages ago them I promise she left. She wasn't even staying with us" jobe said looking at me hoping I would say something good
"It's ok jobe I believe you, your dad called me as he said you was bad and wanted to talk to me and then he told me the same thing you said so it's okay" I say turning to look at him.
"Thank you so much Alissa that's means so much"
"Ok so is your dad outside waiting for you"
"Yeah he said he would wait"
"Well will it be ok if I come hang out with you at yours" I ask as I really do want to hang out with him and everything really was ok with us I was just too dramatic.
"And I'm sorry I didn't want to talk to you and believed her I was just being dramatic" I say as I stand up and stand in front of jobe.
"It's ok it's my fault" jobe says as he looks up at me. As im standing there I think about what ik doing here right now and why we are just looking at eachother. I put my hands on his shoulders.
"Look jobe i still love you and I always will just know that ok" I say now moving my hands so they are around his neck.
"I love you too and always will lis" he says just before I lean in and kiss him. To be honest I missed us together. I missed our cuddles. I missed kissing him I just missed him in general.
"I missed you so much Alissa" jobe says as he pulls away from the kiss.
"I missed you too jobe I'm glad to be with you again"
"Me too"

Falling in love - jobe Bellingham Where stories live. Discover now