the beginning of college and the suffering first part

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                    So listen, Moroccan private schools are not what you imagine, they are not all of course.

                     That's what happened. After primary school, I had to go to another school because the last school stopped until primary school.

                          I went to the old school, the first day in this terrible school and I went to find out why.

6 years).

                                Three weeks passed and without warning I was kicked out of school because they told my parents they couldn't accept people with special needs, and I spent days and days of crying. My father and I went from one school to another, but none of the schools accepted to register me with them because of my case or because of my low level.

                                                One day while I was in a garden near our house, I met my friend Doha, a big hello to you. I told her what happened with me and she offered me to come and study with her at the Almounjid school.

                                                   The director lahlou was an awful, rude woman, she doesn't even know how to speak French, mine was better than yours.

                                                  And her daughter wow rude and nasty more than her tempts the best lahlou.

                                                     She called me all the time to make fun of me because of my low grades, allow me monster to tell you that it's not reasonable to treat students like that, now the world will know your dirty career.

                                                    I'm not going to be silent for so long, it's not my fault if I'm disabled, it's Allah who wanted to see me like that and lhamdoulah . 

                                                      Haha director and her wild and cruel assistants who only think about having money . 

                                                 Well there was a good side, my computer teacher Mr. Zakaria, he was always nice to me, he helped me. The day I started school, as I was going up the stairs two children were going up one way and I almost fell and suddenly he grabbed me in his arms to stop me from falling. did not let me down, he helped me in my studies, my exams. My message for this teacher (sir, thank you for your help, thank you for helping me reach this level).

                                             One day this nice teacher organized a golf outing and we went, at some point someone touched me with the ball and I fell screaming and crying very loudly, the nice teacher Mr. Zakaria came running to save me, he helped me to get up and to calm me down he took a picture with me . 

                                               Once at a party at school I was sitting with a girl, and the teacher came down to the contine and he went to see the children who was in front and a little girl gave him a hug, after he went upstairs, after some time he came back down and I went to say hello to him and suddenly he gave me a hug  .

                                                One day we did a mountain expedition and I remember I had slipped from the mountain and my friend younes came to save me but he slipped with me and another gas came to save us both and he also slipped and the teacher came and saved the three of us

                                        I mean, that director used to hear me bad words that I am not superior and that I will never have a baby

                                          On the day she requested me, I went to her office and stood outside waiting for her to give me permission to enter. I remember this as if it happened yesterday, and her clerk came and found me standing waiting.

                                 She yelled at me and told me what are you waiting for to enter? I answered him while I was terrified that I was waiting.

                            She said to the director, I found her standing outside, and she screamed at me and said, "Why didn't you enter?" I answered her that I was waiting for her permission to enter. She screamed in my face and made me cry.

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