again !!!

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                                      When my parents returned from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from the Hajj rituals, i hugged my mother and father warmly. I missed them very much.

                                    One day before they arrived in Morocco, my sister and her husband came and took us to the mall in Casablanca, and we had dinner there and watched fireworks at night.

                                     When we returned and went to sleep, I woke up early because I was excited to meet my parents, so the train headed to Rabat.

                                         I hugged my mother and father warmly, and I was very happy for their return. I was afraid that they would not return, but thank God.

                                             Two weeks after their return, they held a night with family and friends. It was a very special night

                                               A week later, we traveled to a distant village called Jabha. We rode a boat and it was fun, as it was the first time I rode it and we swam.

                                                 I was hoping to see a dolphin, but unfortunately I didn't see one, but the road there was tiring and I was feeling bored, and the internet was weak there.

                                                  After that, we returned, but we returned again to Casablanca to my aunt's place. She did not have the Internet and was extremely bored. For three days, my cousin and I did not go out because my mother and her sister went out to buy coffins.

                                                   We went out to Marina one day, but is this travel?

                                                   I am a very spontaneous type and I tell everything that is in my heart

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