My affectionate cousin

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                                              Wednesday, April 10, 2024

                              Today my sister and her husband had lunch with us on the first day of Eid al-Fitr, and in the evening my uncles and maternal aunts and their children came and we laughed and talked.

                                 My mother made it a habit to gather her brothers, sisters, and their children on the first day of Eid al-Fitr, but I was a little tired on this day.

Thursday, April 11, 2024

                                    We went in the evening to my mother's uncle's wife, and there were his children, and the first of them. I am with my mother's family. I don't talk. I sit like a bride because I don't know them well, and people I don't know I don't talk to in case they ask me or talk to me.

Friday, April 12, 2024

                                            We went to my aunt Laila's house, and her son Reda was there. He is my brother. I consider him my brother. He is very good and I love him very much.

                                            He used to do everything to make me happy when I was still young. He would come to us and go to take a nap. I would follow him and I would sleep in his lap.

                                               I mean, our relationship is very strong, and because I love him like a brother, of course, when Yanis, his youngest son, who is six years old, asks me to play with them, I always answer him yes, let's play.

                                   I remember Reda did not reject my request

                                             I was helping his mother prepare coffee and sweets. He came to carry the tray and stroked my chest. I felt a brother's tenderness.

                                      I am not used to this in our house because my brothers do not like hugging and kissing, and glory be to God, I do not like to leave him.

                                               I only see him twice a year

                                               His children love me very much, just as I love Reda very much, and I will love them until the last breath of my life

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