Why Islam?

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                         Many people believe that Muslims are terrorists and that Islam is incomplete. After many people saw what was happening in Gaza and the number of dead and wounded in Palestine, they became angry and saw the bright side of Islam.

                              400 French people convert to Islam every day

                             Regarding this, Mansour mentioned: "Abdullah bin Mansour told me about legislation issued in France that criminalized everything related to Palestine, from raising the flag, to uttering the name of the Hamas movement, and in light of the crimes of the occupation, everything changed in a short time."

                              The head of the Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe explained, according to Ahmed Mansour's account: "For 40 years, France has not witnessed such a demand to convert to Islam as happened after the Gaza War, when the official numbers of new Muslims rose from 80 a day to 400 in some cases now."

                                He continued: "The number of people who convert to Islam on a daily basis is no less than three hundred new French Muslims," which means that the number of those who converted to Islam in France alone, at the very least, since the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa Flood and in nearly two months, is about 20 thousand people, most of whom are young people, according to Ahmed's analysis. victorious.

                                         Gaza reflects a bright, bright image of Islam

                                     Mansour attributed this to what the people of Gaza did in showing a bright, bright image of Islam through videos translated into many languages ​​around the world, and they "reckon with patience, certainty, and satisfaction with God for what happened to them."

                               In addition, the struggle of the people of Gaza showed a bright picture that the world had never seen before in dealing with Israeli prisoners, which also impressed the world.

                                This prompted many Westerners to research Islam and read the Qur'an, and then people entered the religion of God in droves.

                                   According to Ahmed Mansour's article, those who convert to the Islamic religion say that the reason they took the step to search for the religion and enter it is because they witnessed patience, contentment, certainty, and a sense of reassurance, security, and peace from the people of Gaza despite the severity of their affliction and the loss of their families, loved ones, homes, and money.

                                            All of this made the French and other Europeans ask about the secret behind this, and they found it in Islam and the Qur'an.

                                        He continued: "We said, 'What is this great religion that fills people's hearts and lives with this certainty, security, and peace that we lack in our lives?'" So we read about Islam, were convinced by the Qur'an, and decided to embrace this religion."

                                       Mansour described what happened in Gaza as "tremendous global changes, and this intense pain and this great ordeal to which the people of Gaza and the West Bank are exposed will lead to human awareness and vigilance that will change many negative stereotypical ideas about Islam and Muslims."

                                          He continued: "And to God belongs the dirham of the people of Gaza who are patient and seek reward, who are content with God's decree and who believe in His decree. By God, O people of Gaza, your precious, intelligent blood, your pure souls, and your intelligent souls have not and will not go in vain. The sanctity of the believer's blood is the greatest in the sight of God."

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