Family is very important

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                                                You know my cousin is too nice he's the only real friend I have, when I want to talk to him about a subject he gives me his time or when I want to call him I call him on phone and we talk and when I talk to him I feel so happy, if only my parents understood that. During my childhood they told me that I would disturb them by calling them. But what I've learned is to call what you love before it's too late .

                                           The family is a precious thing, if it disappears there will be no other. Why did I give up leaving my country? Because my family is more important in my life than my dreams. One day if a member of my family has died and I am far away I will be very sad.

                                         The family is a precious thing, if it disappears there will be no other. Why did I give up leaving my country? Because my family is more important in my life than my dreams. One day if a member of my family has died and I am far away I will be very sad. The person I love the most apart from my parents and my brothers and my sister is my cousin. Yes because when he comes home from work and he buys candies for his children, even if I don't eat them he buys me too, I really like him .   Well we must not forget his beautiful wife and his wonderful children. The smallest says to me in a small voice (amina, come and play with me)

fire girlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora