What is this provocation?

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                                       I have come to hate the science teacher a lot. I mean, in my life, I have never hated a teacher like this, and I will never forgive her for what she did until the Day of Judgment.

                                   Because she hurt me so much, she made me cry from the severity of the insult and contempt. Frankly, I now know that this woman is very despicable and very nervous.

                                   I hated life sciences and earth sciences class because of my teacher

                                   The story began on January 30, 2024. I was supposed to take a test in this subject, and I did not travel with my parents that evening to review, but they surprised me the next day that the teacher had not prepared my exam and told me, "I did not prepare your test," while she was smiling and pretending that she was fine with me. She left

                                   On February 3, 2024, which is Saturday, I did not go to high school because I was sick and had a cold so I could not go.

                                  On February 6, 2024, my father came with me to give me an entry paper. Here it was a very funny scene, as I found the sulking director, the general guards, and the principal, all looking at me and they were shocked.

                                The important thing is that they allowed me to enter. When I went to my classroom, this respectable woman came, so we entered the classroom and she saw one of the students holding his phone in the classroom.

                         And she shouted at him, and I came and told her to take the exam, please, so she shouted at me and said to me, "You did not come, so you will not pass the test, and you must bring me a medical certificate." And when she shouted at me and said to me in all rudeness, "Go and sit, I will not give it to you." The test: I felt wronged and despised, and that my dignity had been erased from the ground. I was not satisfied, and I will not be satisfied with my dignity being erased.

                                      All people must respect my dignity, whether they are old or young, my teachers or one of my relatives.

                                      And when I started crying, she saw me and said, while shouting loudly in my face, "Why are you crying now?" I answered her, "My temperature has risen." She replied, "And the temperature did not know when to go up, just now." She said it in a provocative and despicable way, and she also said with a scream, "Go in and rest in the laboratory."

                                    Those two hours have passed and I hate the teacher. May God not allow her. If she does not follow suit in this world, she will follow suit in the afterlife.

                                   Tomorrow, Thursday, February 7, I will go to the principal and tell him everything that happened, and if he cannot take my right, that's okay. God will take my right. Patience is beautiful.

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