the regional exam part 2

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                                                            So I was saying that with the regional exam approaching I was becoming more and more stressed and happy because I'm finally going to rest for three months of summer. A week after 3id lfitr we went back to high school to finish our exams continue , I felt at that moment that I was carrying on my back a backpack which is very heavy. Every time I finish a subject I sigh as if this bag becomes lighter.

                                                          The high school has helped us a lot with overtime in regional subjects (Arabic, French, history and geography and Islamic education).

                                                             The days of the regional are approaching and the fear is increasing. The day came and that day I woke up at three in the morning and I couldn't sleep. I took two regional exams, the first of which was French, two hours later, we had 10 minutes of rest. The third hour was the examination of Islamic education.

                                                               The first day ended with the Arabic language, I was super tired, mom asked me to go out with her so as not to leave her alone and she insisted, as I love my mother very much, I couldn't. tell my mother no .

                                                                   Finally finish the two days

                                                                   The holidays are coming but I was not happy as I thought. Why in your opinion?

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