The evening

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                                In the evening my cousin  Reda came home, we ate and went out, the children played very well, we went back home, watched TV and then we went to bed

                                The next day the same day as yesterday just a small change is that my cousin's wife went out with her sisters and me and the children stayed with their dad who is my cousin ,when my cousin woke up, the three of us went out on foot, he bought us cotton candy mm yum, the children played on a swing that spins for hours until my head starts to spin .

                                    Finally the special day arrived where we will go to the beach, it was a Saturday, we took the road to another city called Jdida.

                                     A super beautiful beach, we played me and the little one with the sand.

                                     The day was coming to an end, we went back home and everyone was really  tired.

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