My dear cousin Reda

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                                                 You do not realize the difficulty of separation and distance from the family. I will tell you now how I spent three weeks without my family because they went to Saudi Arabia.   One day we went to the city of Dhar Al-Bayda to take my parents to the airport, and when we arrived, I said goodbye to my mother and father crying and outrageous sadness, but it was going to be the best vacation I have ever spent.

                                                    The next day, my sister returned to Rabat because of her work, and my brother returned to Fez. I stayed with my aunt for three weeks, and we went out for a whole day to a large mall, and we spent Eid al-Adha. Frankly, I love my aunt very much, although she loves to control someone's life, but she still has a big heart and tenderness like a mother.

                                                    My aunt, although she got married, divorced, and remarried, but she did not have children, so her nephews and brothers consider them exactly like her own. Frankly, I spent the most beautiful weeks with her, although we argued a lot.

                                                   On the second day of my arrival, I called my aunt's son, whom I love very much. He and I have a long and beautiful story. My heart starts beating when I mention his name.

                                                  When he came the next day to take me to spend time with him and his family, what can I say, he kissed me on the cheek and was about to hold me back.

                                                  I really love him very much. He was always my first best friend, and I didn't realize this until last year. Honestly, every time my love for him increased because he did very nice things to me. He was always a kind, compassionate and caring person.

Do not imagine the value of love between us, and this is since I was born. It is not my fault that I love him so much and that I find my comfort with him.

                                         O ALLAH, never deprive me of it, O ALLAH, Amen

                                         Although he is twenty-nine years older than me, our relationship is very strong. Whenever I mention his name and remember him, I smile.

                                          You will never see him sad, always smiling, his voice is very affectionate, many things in him are beautiful, it makes one fall in love with him, and since I am a sensitive girl, his interest in me affects me.

                                                The important thing is that the day he took me to his house, we went to the bus station to take his mother, who is my aunt, and his sister with us to his house.

                                                 My cousin's wife is very kind and because my cousin loves her so much of course she is his wife because he loves her I love her too you will say why simply because she cares about me their love for me is the most precious thing in the world family never replaces

                                    And you will not feel the bitterness of separation unless you go through it yourself

                                         The most precious thing for me in this life is my mother, my father, my brothers, my sister, my aunt and her son. I do not mean by this that I hate the rest of my family. I do not mean this at all. What I mean is that these people are the closest people to me.

                                        Not only the reason I love my cousin's wife is because he loves her only, no, but because she doesn't let me need anything, not like some families, when a man goes to work, women show you her hard face

                                         My sister, the wife of my cousin, used to ask me from time to time, "Do I feel hungry?" I tell her, "No," and I thank her.

                                             Their two little children are like my younger brothers. I love them very much, because I see in their faces their father, whom I love

                                            You will be surprised and ask why I love him so much, and the reasons for my love for him are many

                                                 First, when I am with him on the street, he always protects me when he sees danger close to me. He is always keen to take good care of me, even if he doesn't have time, even if he gets tired, even if he has work in the early morning, and even if it means waking up early at seven in the morning.

                                            My aunt and her daughter returned to Meknes, and I stayed with my beloved cousin. On Monday, I took a bath, and what I didn't know was that I was sitting by the open window.

                                                  When he came back and we were preparing for lunch, I felt dizzy and felt suffocated. My cousin asked me if I was okay

                                               I said yes, and his wife said that she took a hot bath, and when she went out, she sat in front of the window, and then we went out, and when we were there, we were preparing for sleep, and before bed, my cousin gave me medicine, and I tried to sleep, but I could not, and I seemed to be breathing hotly, and I did not feel myself calling my cousin, and Unfortunately, he heard me and came to see what was wrong with me. He sat with me for a few moments and went to sleep. It was the second hour in the night

                                                    He couldn't sleep. Tonight, he came to take my temperature. His hands were so warm, I didn't want him to take his hands off

I sighed with his tenderness and started crying because he cared about me and because I had never seen him cry or angry in my life. He smiled at me and when he made sure that I slept he went back to sleep.

And now what will happen in the morning, I felt that he opens the door to go to his work, and I woke up, and when he saw me, he sent me a kiss from the door, this scene I will not forget . 

                                We took pictures and made beautiful memories and now let me send a message to this special person

                                    I love you very much, the age difference between us does not matter. What is important is understanding and love. I love you very much, my beloved cousin, and I hope that God will not deprive me of you, and we will remain the best of friends until death. I love you so much, and every day my love for you increases.

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