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                                                          I am tired, even though I do not live in Palestine, but my heart breaks. Thousands of children have died because of the bombings that are taking place.

                                                             Doctors are tired every day, receiving thousands of survivors and martyrs, but the bright side of this is that people die as martyrs and the martyrs enter Paradise.

                                                      As for the dirty trash and garbage, it will be wiped from the ground because God Almighty will support Palestine because it is a Muslim country.

                               My blood is Palestinian

                                              Palestine is the state of the prophets and messengers. Palestine is not the dirty land of Israel. Israel is nothing but rats living in the garbage. Very dirty garbage.

                                            I support the Palestinian cause

                                            Every day I witness painful, heart-wrenching video clips of children dying and losing their families, and doctors who are surprised when their family testifies to breastfeeding children and lose their parents.

                                              Every day I watch the scenes and my heart beats. I burst into tears over the condition of my brothers in Palestine. Even though I am Moroccan and live in my beloved country, Morocco, the scenes of terrified children made me cry.

                                            The Jews do not know the meaning of mercy. I hate dirty Israel and we must boycott all companies that support Israel

#Free Palestine

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