The second year of the first baccalaureate

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                                      After traveling, we went back to the city of Fez. My aunt and I were on the train. Honestly, I love riding trains, but we got tired on the way a lot. The important thing is that when we arrived, we found my father waiting for us. I ran to hug him because I missed him so much.

                                         I hugged my mother and my older brother, and then I went out with my mother and aunts at night. I slept deeply because of my fatigue . 

                                             Days passed, and school entrance approached, and I was excited to go back and buy school supplies

                                            On the second day of school, I entered the Islamic Education Hall and greeted Professor Marwan, who hugged me and told me, I really miss you so much. He is the best teacher the planet has ever known

                                           Dear teacher, I have never felt that you are someone very far from me, on the contrary, I consider you as my father, I know that all the students love you very much because you are so kind and you treat us like your children.

                                         Usually in Arabic I sit in front but one day I decided to sit in rear, the Arabic teacher asked me why I'm sitting there, I told her that you shout too loudly when you explain and it's true I can't stand the noise. After a few days, I don't know why, I went to the main security, she told me that I told my teacher that I said disrespectful words to her in front of the class, and I didn't say anything. and besides she has no right to decide where I go to sit and she has no right to say things that I have not said . 

                            We went to the cinema with the teachers, a very pleasant feeling. How to say ? We took beautiful photos with hundreds of students. It was a scary movie, but it was a very exciting film.

                              I forgot to write a sad event that shocked me. It was the death of my friend Suhail. He had knee cancer and underwent several operations. He came to class twice and repeated the year with me because he did not get a good mark in the regional exam.

                            Months have passed and I am waiting for his recovery and his return to class safely and in the French language class. My teacher will announce the shocking news that Suhail has passed away. I cried the most for him. We went to have mercy on him.

His mother hugged me with intense burning and said a sentence, and these two things made me cry. She said to me, "Suhail is gone."


                                His mother hugged me with intense burning and said a sentence, and these two things made me cry. She said to me, "Suhail is gone."

                                       I will never forget that day, may God have mercy on him

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