Messages of thanks to everyone who helped me overcome my pain

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                                                  I talk about this person a lot because he is a person who influenced my life in a very positive way, and he is one of the reasons that made me heal from my old wounds. He contributed to this matter in a very large way.

                                           Mr. Marwan Al-Baroudi is a great and kind man, along with all the students and professors. I could not comprehend that after this year I would not see him every day and I would not greet him.

                                           A very ugly feeling, and I promised him that I would do everything in my power to pass the national exam with a very good point, and I will keep my promise.

                                                I will sacrifice my sleep, my comfort, my phone, and everything else as a distraction, in order to study hard and pass with an honorable mark, and to make teacher Marwan Al-Baroudi proud of me.

                                                    I would like to send him a simple message.

                                                    * Thank you very much, Mr. Marwan. You helped me a lot, and perhaps you will not know how you helped me, but because of your kindness and love for me, I was able to relieve the pain I was suffering from.

                                                         You were a father and a close friend to me, and I will never forget you. I will always remember you, and I will always be proud that I was your student.

                                                              You were a wonderful father to me during my time studying with you, and I appreciate everything you did for me. It is true that I will leave high school, but that does not mean that we will not meet.

                                                                      We will meet again and I will never forget you. You will remain in my memory as long as I live *

                                 There are many people who contributed to me getting rid of depression. I now feel that I have become stronger. I now feel that I have defeated my enemies.

                                          I would like to thank two people because thanks to them, I became stronger. Mrs. Director Lahlou, thank you very much because you dried the ground for me. Thank you, thanks to you, I have reached this level.

                                           One day I will be the one who will control you, but I will not treat you like you treated me because I am an educated girl. My parents knew how to raise me well.

                                             Thank you for expelling me because of my average grades. In the first session, I got a 14.66/20, and I am proud of myself.

                                             I also thank the director of Al-Hakim School for contributing to strengthening my personality after I was defeated and their reputation fell. I mean, they expelled me as if they were the ones controlling the creation of humans. I ask forgiveness from God Almighty.

                                                  I mean, it's as if I was the one who made me feel like this, but thank God I'm satisfied. I've learned that not everyone who smiles in your face loves you.

                                                             I learned not to trust anyone, and I learned to love myself as I am, to trust myself, and not to show others my weakness.

                                                          When you thank God, He increases your sustenance and gives you victory

                                                 You see how kind God is

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