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"Come on girl, let's get some drinks at the bar. You have a 3 year old daughter free night for once." Maggie says.

The dance club is full of people packed full. The music is blasting, and Mia just wants to get out of here. Maggie keeps attempting to get Mia a one night hook up with some hot guy. While Mia has told her she rather read a good smut book than deal with some hook up were the guy wants a quick bang.

Mia huffs at her best friend. Mia and Maggie have been friends since middle school. Maggie is typical blonde hair brown eyed beauty. While Mia think she is typical brunette blue eyed basic single mom. She's really not feeling this, Mia would much rather be at home working on her writing and screenplay. She came up with concept of a 37 year old single woman Rebecca who does everything right in life and wants to be married one day but it never happens for her. That is until the Rebecca is giving a job of the life time, working her dream career. It's a rom-com that her agent got her, but after a nasty divorced Mia is having a hard time finding it hard to write about love.

"Mia come on I got some shots for us and a table close to some hotties."

The girls sit at their table, Mia downs her shot and cingings. "What the fuck is this shit?"

Maggie laughs, "For someone only in her 30s you act like an old woman. Mia is a fireball shot, come down another one."

"Maggie I'm not some old woman, I just don" want to end up drunk tonight and do something stupid."

"Mia you need to do something stupid, you and Mark have been divorced for over 3 years. It's ok to live. I mean your not dead yet."

"Maggie, it's not that simple. He's never around for Gracie. How can someone I have known my entire life since diapers basically change that much. He doesn't even call to ask about his own daughter. Sorry but that's why I don't date ok. I have to be her mom and her dad."

"Girl, I love you but you got your stepmom, myself and your sister to help you anytime. You have your whole ahead of you. You deserve someone who loves you and treat you right. For now though you deserve some fun."

"Maggie you're my sister I love you. I just don't know how I would even do this, meet someone, hell even date anyone. The last time I had a first actual date I was like 13."

"Ok look for some hottie, and smile at him. Get his attention by going on the dance floor and showing off those moves of yours. You have to look around till you find one you like."

"I can't believe your talking me into this Maggie. I blaming you and the shots for what happens tonight."

Mia and Maggie down a few more shots. Than Mia spots this tall handsome guy. He sitting with a couple other guys. He's got brown hair slicked back, a trimmed beard. He smiles at Mia.

"Holy shit Mia, that guy smile back at him before a smack you."

Mia smiles at him, she then gets up and heads to the dance floor with Maggie. The dj starts playing the song dirty thoughts. Mia starts shaking her hips and she feeling the alcohol kick in, she lets lose. Suddenly she feels big hands on side of her waist pulling her close to his hips. She turns her head to look up. She see the ocean blue eyes hottie looking down at her like he wants to devour her, she wants him too.

Beep, Beep, Beep.

Mia grouns and rolls over in her bed. She slowly opens her eyes. Only she looks around and realizes it's not her bed she in. She looks around the room realizing she in some t shirt that doesn't belong to her.

"Shit shit shit. What happened what did I do."

She hears the shower in the bathroom going. She looks around the bedroom, realizing she's in some hotel room.

"omg I need to get out of here."

Mia looks for her clothes she finds them hanging over a chair, her purse is there. She dresses fast not even wanting to know who or what she did last night. She races to the room door carrying her heels and leaves the room.

She gets down to the front desk which looks to be in some expensive resort and not a hotel. She rushes to the front asking them to call a cab. She hears the clerk ask for a cab to the four seasons hotel. She thinks to herself shit whoever that man was has money. Not that she cares about someone having money. She's just in shock. When the cab arrives she gives the older white haired female driver her address and calls Maggie.


"Maggie, what happened to me last night?"

"Mia what do you mean you had a good time. Please tell me you let that hot man fuck you into oblivion."

"I, I, I. I don't know."

"What how can a guy that hot and built not be good in bed."

"Maggie stop, I don't remember anything other than dancing with him."

"Oh, well you guys were getting pretty hot on the dance floor than you put your tongue down his throat."

"I fucking what, omg. I don't remember any of this, I don't even know his name."

"Maybe that's a sign to you the sex was that fucking amazing."

"Maggie shut the fuck up. I can't do this I need to get home. Clean up and than pick up Gracie from my moms house."

"Ok love you Mia, just don't worry about it was are the chances you'll ever see that man again in your life."

"ya your right Maggie. My one and only walk of shame a guess. Love you I talk to you tonight. Maybe I can remember what happened by tonight."

"Ok Mia love you ttyl."

Author's Note: The beginning of the this book, is just build up to the actual story. Hope you enjoy this new one. Also anything negative written in the next part is not an attack on anyone at all. It's just how I making Chris's side of the beginning to play out to make the story work.

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